Hmm...just noticed something brand new. Normally, when driving home, when I turn onto my block, my final instruction shown on the screen would be "800 ft --- Arrive at XXXX Something Street". But tonight, literally a few minutes ago, it showed "800 ft --- Arrive at Home".
So rather than show my address, it used the name of my saved POI.
Now, that's also sort of wrong, and I wonder if I did something to glitch it out. As I've mentioned before, I have some issues with where Apple Maps displays my "home". I also have my "home" address saved as "Garage". Typically, when I get into my car somewhere, Apple Maps will always suggest to go to "Garage", or wherever home is. But if I'm only a few blocks from home, Maps will never suggest to go home, as I guess they figure I'm already nearby. I can get directions anyway by asking Siri for directions home. Oddly, this usually causes the icon representing my destination to be a red POI pin, rather than the usual blue house icon. It also would send me to the "wrong" position for my garage entrance.
But if I go into the CarPlay keyboard and type in "Home", it'll send me to the correct garage position, with the blue house icon, except it lists the destination as "Home", instead of the usual "Garage". Except tonight, when it sent me to the wrong position.
So I don't know if the funkiness of trying to navigate home caused Maps to behave differently, or if this was a legitimate change. I guess I'll find out when I drive to work in a little while. I'll see if it says "Work" in the directions box, or if it lists my work address as it always did.
Either way, it seems things are continuing to change, even without the official Northeast update.