Yes a Mac is running better with macOS but some people want to use windows for several specific things but this is the wrong thread to discuss about this

I would like to know if someone is aware of what combination of nvme ssd and adapter must be done in order to install windows on a MacBook Pro 15 mid 2014.
I had done a lot of tests with Bootcamp recently, on a late 2013 MBPr with either an AHCI original Apple SSD, a NVMe Apple SSD, and a Toshiba XG5 with the Sintech adapter (both green and long black one).
To resume my test, so far, Bootcamp installs and work reliabely in every case.
In every tests I did install Windows 8.1 Pro or Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709).
I did try both install methods :
- install first macOS, and then use the Bootcamp Assistant to make the partition, build the usb install key and install windows with this specific USB key.
- create a "regular" windows usb install key on a windows computer (or VM) with the windows usb media tool.
Then manually install windows on the SSD (erasing it all) like a regular PC. Then manually install the Bootcamp drivers v.7.
Every time, it did work, and I tested the computer for hours. I even tried deep sleep which works the way it works with windows : the hibernation shuts completely the computer (keyboard is inactivated) and I have to power it on with power button to wake it, it chimes and restore properly from the hibernation file.
So I haven't yet been able yet to find what combinaison doesn't work.
I remember having tested bootcamp with Sintech adapters and NVMe drives a few months ago and having problems (bsod) a while after the installation. It was with a 960 Evo.
I also have read a lot of comments of people having BSOD with Bootcamp on mac with regular Apple AHCI ssd..
So, at this point, I can strongly say that windows 10 1709 with BootCamp, properly installed with the Bootcamp drivers v7, work perfectly on a mac
with Sintech adapter and NVMe toshiba ssd.
I have yet some work to do to try other combinaisons and find which combinaison doesn't work. I believe it could be one of those :
- windows 10 with Bootcamp drivers v5 or v6
- maybe bootcamp with samsung SSDs
Samsung has a specific nvme driver that I should give a try, I'll especially will try to install Win 10 with or without the samsung driver.
I'll you know...
Again thanks a lot for your input Gilles !
I wonder if this new long black adapter has the same problems in Windows as the old large green one. Have you (or anyone else) tried ?
Hi Arnaud,
the long black Sintech adapter is exactly the same as the green one... Please check my results with BootCamp just below !