Your problem should be simply that your MacBook Pro 13 has not yet finished it's first time machine ?
In general, just after a SSD change battery drain is high because of Spotlight (process=mdworker) having to reindex everything, and Time Machine to restart the backup from 0
Yes, here it is, note that this is a draft... I have some measures to verify, and I've in the process of testing every SSD power consumption. At the present I only measured full idle power consumption of a 2013 retina 13", with the BootRom patch applied... I've a lot of work to do further tests :
- measure the NVMe SSD consumptions without BootRom patch
- measure precisely the consumptions of the SSD in idle, full write, full read (iStat menus doesn't provide accurate data, I think I need to make hardware measures)
- because a lot of SSDs have TLC with SLC cache, I will re-test write speeds in shot tests (1 GB) where we measure SLC cache speed, and long >100GB test where some SSDs are terribly slow (eg. the 660p which downs to 50 MB/sec !) and other ones behave well (of course, all MLC SSDs).
View attachment 795796
Will wait a couple of days more and see if the issue goes away.
[doublepost=1539803799][/doublepost]BTW, this is the only I see in the pmset logs:
18-10-17 18:05:07 +0200 Assertions PID 67(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "com.apple.powermanagement.darkwakelinger" 00:00:15 id:0x0xd000093b7 [System: DeclUser SRPrevSleep kCPU kDisp]
2018-10-17 18:05:07 +0200 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=inactive Using Batt (Charge:100%) 10755 secs
2018-10-17 18:05:10 +0200 Wake Requests [*proc=powerd request=TCPKATurnOff inDelta=43257]
2018-10-17 18:05:10 +0200 PM Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [com.apple.apsd is slow(3004 ms)]
2018-10-17 21:04:17 +0200 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Sleep notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(442 ms)] [powerd is slow(3007 ms)] [AppleThunderboltNHIType2 driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(363 ms)] [RP03 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 0)(1105 ms)]
2018-10-17 21:04:17 +0200 Assertions Kernel Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler
2018-10-17 21:04:17 +0200 Notification Display is turned on
2018-10-17 21:04:17 +0200 Assertions PID 169(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd000093da [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2018-10-17 21:04:17 +0200 Assertions PID 169(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd000093da [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2018-10-17 21:04:22 +0200 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] due to EC.LidOpen/UserActivity Assertion: Using BATT (Charge:93%)
2018-10-17 21:04:22 +0200 HibernateStats hibmode=3 standbydelay=10800 rd=297 ms
2018-10-17 21:04:22 +0200 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: [AppleIntelFramebuffer driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(415 ms)] [AirPort_BrcmNIC driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(302 ms)] [com_apple_driver_AppleUSBCardReaderDriverNub driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(2152 ms)] [com_apple_driver_AppleUSBCardReaderSBC driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(3219 ms)]
2018-10-17 21:13:05 +0200 : Showing all currently held IOKit power assertions
Assertion status system-wide:
BackgroundTask 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
UserIsActive 1
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 1
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 1
NetworkClientActive 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 67(powerd): [0x0000000500088002] 47:40:31 ExternalMedia named: "com.apple.powermanagement.externalmediamounted"
pid 255(mds_stores): [0x00012946000b94c6] 00:01:39 BackgroundTask named: "com.apple.metadata.mds_stores.power"
pid 349(sharingd): [0x0001284f0001949c] 00:05:46 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Handoff"
pid 7849(backupd): [0x000127b900019377] 00:08:16 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Time Machine backup"
pid 7849(backupd): [0x000127b9000b9376] 00:08:16 BackgroundTask named: "Time Machine backup"
pid 109(hidd): [0x0000ad2f0009a7c6] 00:00:00 UserIsActive named: "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle.4294969606.3"
Timeout will fire in 3599 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease
Kernel Assertions: 0x108=BT-HID,MAGICWAKE
id=502 level=255 0x100=MAGICWAKE mod=17/10/2018, 21:06 description=en0 owner=en0
id=513 level=255 0x8=BT-HID mod=01/01/1970, 01:00 description=com.apple.driver.IOBluetoothHIDDriver owner=AppleHSBluetoothDevice
Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler
Nothing really happened in the meantime, but the battery drain was 7% in just 4 hours