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Congrats guys! Looks like Hamilton is a good place to be! And yes, please post some pics if you have a camera :D it'll help tide me over till my iMac comes...

Harpy - I am more and more suspecting the so-called gov't check delay wasn't a security delay but a delay on UPS's part. I don't wanna be a conspiracy theorist but look at the facts:

Everyone with Hamilton shipments were on the plane that left around 7pm AKST and got departure scans immediately or soon after.

You and I, as far as I know, didn't have departure scans listed on our UPS profiles until around several HOURS later (I know mine hadn't shown up when I went to bed last night), and all of a sudden this morning, I had a departure scan and arrival scan pop up that claimed our packages left on the same plane (around 7pm AKST) as the Hamilton ones and arrived at the same time as theirs (3am-ish EST) in Louisville.

If that was the case, I imagine we should have been in the same group and got into Canada at the same time. But we have a delay listed at 6:10am, conveniently right about the time a mysterious 2nd flight listed on the UPS81 tracker was due in Louisville that left several hours after the first one. When I woke up this morning, that flight had mysteriously vanished from the UPS81 tracker.

Also, when c6rvette called, he was told that his shipment would arrive today. When I called, I was told mine would arrive Monday and that there was some "confusion in the timelines". It's interesting that the UPS people proved to be right on both ends. I find it fascinating then that they would foresee a gov't check delay for my package while predicting a speedy import for the Hamilton group.

My guess? We were on the second flight that conveniently is no longer listed and UPS wants to blame the delay on gov't checks.

I probably sound crazy paranoid right now but this adds up a hell of a lot more to me than these gov't checks causing our delay. I find it amusing that UPS has an additional comment "BEYOND UPS CONTROL" just to make it clear to us that it is not their fault.

It doesn't make a lick of difference; I'm resigned to the fact that we're getting our iMacs on Monday morning but I do find it suspicious. I've also found numerous posts online about UPS having a common excuse of a "TRAIN DERAILMENT" for delays ( among other threads).
I couldn't have said it better myself. I was told by a lot of people to avoid UPS since they seem to have a lot of «unexpected delays out of their control».

Did you get express shipping with your order? I did and on another thread, someone told me he also lives in Montreal and that UPS would deliver his Mac on Saturday because he has Express. When I called, I told the rep that someone in the same city, with the same package would get delivery on Saturday and all he told me was «your package is not signed for Saturday delivery. You'll get it Monday no problem».

I can't wait to get my mac, I've been waiting for a new computer for months now!
Yup, I paid for EXPRESS shipping and got the same answer as you Harpy - no dice on Saturday delivery.

I wish I had taken a screenshot of the flightaware page when the 2nd flight was listed last night. Honestly, if I hadn't been checking the flightaware page last night and noticed the 2nd flight listed, I wouldn't have put this together at all. It's pretty easy for UPS to fake certain delays if they're worried about having to pay people for not getting deliveries out on time - most people wouldn't even be on a thread like this where they can track things more thoroughly and would never notice the problem.
Exactly! We, as the customer, have no power against them. If they say Monday, we have to wait. Someone suggested that I called tomorrow and try to arrange a pick up at their location but I highly doubt this is going to work. I will call UPS this afternoon and I'll report back.
Exactly! We, as the customer, have no power against them. If they say Monday, we have to wait. Someone suggested that I called tomorrow and try to arrange a pick up at their location but I highly doubt this is going to work. I will call UPS this afternoon and I'll report back.

Let me know if you get anywhere. I called last night and the woman said UPS hubs are only open Mon-Fri!!! Which is absolutely ridiculous because if you're picking up a package, it's probably cause you have work Mon-Fri and can't be home to sign for one. At least FedEx seems to allow Saturday pickups from what I'm hearing...
Eagle has landed.....too good

Eagle has landed.....too good...but like I'm going to let the wife ruin it for me and dig into the box before I do! Not a chance!

I think I'm getting swine flu...cough cough....
I'm off today... Just waiting for the blacberry message. from work to say it has arrived. ... Sitting here in my car waiting for my wife to come out of the chiriopracter. Reading the forum on my blackberry... Waiting :)
I couldn't have said it better myself. I was told by a lot of people to avoid UPS since they seem to have a lot of «unexpected delays out of their control».

Did you get express shipping with your order? I did and on another thread, someone told me he also lives in Montreal and that UPS would deliver his Mac on Saturday because he has Express. When I called, I told the rep that someone in the same city, with the same package would get delivery on Saturday and all he told me was «your package is not signed for Saturday delivery. You'll get it Monday no problem».

I can't wait to get my mac, I've been waiting for a new computer for months now!

I just called ups about the ***** delay security check! This time i spoke to a woman and she told me my package cant be delivered on sturday. Seems like the guy was mistaken ****. i wonder what is express shipping for ups ? Tired of waiting!
Anyone from Ottawa getting theirs today? Mine is supposedly stuck in a locked truck until Monday morning :(
I just called ups about the ***** delay security check! This time i spoke to a woman and she told me my package cant be delivered on sturday. Seems like the guy was mistaken ****. i wonder what is express shipping for ups ? Tired of waiting!

So can we confirm that anyone in Canada who's not near Hamilton got a security check delay? Maybe that's the way they use to protect themselves if the package is not delivered on the day promised

Me - Where's the product I was first promised would get here today?
UPS - Hey it's not UPS's fault, it's a security check by the... hum... customs
Me - Mmm then how come people near Hamilton who were on the same plan from China got theirs today?
UPS - Let me check with my supervisor (hangs up)

Well at least I'm not the only one who has to wait until Monday! Oh and for those who got them today, where's our pics :)
Me - Where's the product I was first promised would get here today?
UPS - Hey it's not UPS's fault, it's a security check by the... hum... customs
Me - Mmm then how come people near Hamilton who were on the same plan from China got theirs today?
UPS - Let me check with my supervisor (hangs up)

That's #@$% terrible! I encourage everyone to write to beg Apple to provide an option to have their purchases shipped with Fedex or someone else.
Looks like UPS81 is again in flight from Shanghai on its way to Anchorage.

My iMac (heading to the Ottawa area) should be on this plane given the departure status earlier today.

SHANGHAI, CN 13/11/2009 23:23 EXPORT SCAN
SHANGHAI, CN 11/11/2009 12:28 ORIGIN SCAN

Is anyone else's on this flight or is mine the only one? :)
hey jcphoenix and harpy007 i think my imac is in the same shipment as yours. Have you guys heard any news on it yet? also how did you guys check your expected delivery date on UPS? I've never had an expected delivery date since the day it's been shipped. I only have the date from Apple which is Nov 18. I have Express shipping as well!
Well just for an update.. UPS has no idea where my imac is. I was told on the phone this am it was out for delivery. Then I was told were checking into it. Now I'm sitting in the hamilton depot as mt hope airport searchs for my missing imac. Its been 15 minutes now as I wait with the nice ups lady waiting on hold with the airport ups as they never sent it out to the depot but they don't know where it is..... More to come on location @ the local ups depot :(
hey jcphoenix and harpy007 i think my imac is in the same shipment as yours. Have you guys heard any news on it yet? also how did you guys check your expected delivery date on UPS? I've never had an expected delivery date since the day it's been shipped. I only have the date from Apple which is Nov 18. I have Express shipping as well!

I remember having an expected delivery date of November 13 as soon as I got the shipping notification email from Apple. This morning, the date just disapeared. When I called yesterday I told the lady at UPS that the website showed Nov 13 as expected delivery but she said on her computer it was showing Monday before 12PM and she seemed 100% sure that Monday was the good delivery date.

Well just for an update.. UPS has no idea where my imac is. I was told on the phone this am it was out for delivery. Then I was told were checking into it. Now I'm sitting in the hamilton depot as mt hope airport searchs for my missing imac. Its been 15 minutes now as I wait with the nice ups lady waiting on hold with the airport ups as they never sent it out to the depot but they don't know where it is..... More to come on location @ the local ups depot :(

Oh my, wish they find it soon! Maybe the custom thing is true after all ;)
Keep us posted
Well just for an update.. UPS has no idea where my imac is. I was told on the phone this am it was out for delivery. Then I was told were checking into it. Now I'm sitting in the hamilton depot as mt hope airport searchs for my missing imac. Its been 15 minutes now as I wait with the nice ups lady waiting on hold with the airport ups as they never sent it out to the depot but they don't know where it is..... More to come on location @ the local ups depot :(
That blows! I hope they track it down soon. *Ugh* UPS!!!!! :mad:
Looks like UPS81 is again in flight from Shanghai on its way to Anchorage.

My iMac (heading to the Ottawa area) should be on this plane given the departure status earlier today.

SHANGHAI, CN 13/11/2009 23:23 EXPORT SCAN
SHANGHAI, CN 11/11/2009 12:28 ORIGIN SCAN

Is anyone else's on this flight or is mine the only one? :)

My i7 is on that flight! (en route to Toronto). UPS was showing an estimated delivery date of Tuesday yesterday, but now it's not showing any date. Does yours? I'm assuming given the weekend it should have no trouble clearing customs on Monday and then getting delivered on Tuesday.
Well I'm back home again :mad: I'm now waiting on a call from UPS Mt Hope Airport. They think my imac is in a locked "Belly Can" which no one can open to check. It was scanned as it came off the airplane in a "logical Scan ?" and was never shipped to the delivery depot. They cant find it at the airport so they think it was put into this belly can and will be opened and taken out next business day :eek: They say they will try to get into the cans to check tonight and will call me to go pick it up IF they find it. There not really sure
It was about 1/2 an hour for them to come back on the phone with this theory. UPS=FAIL
Just so you guys know, I called back this afternoon and the lovely lady told me the package is still in the US and that the sender DID check Saturday delivery so if it comes to Canada tonight, I'll get it tomorrow morning! Conflicting information but I sure hope she's right! :D
More updates... Just got a call from the Airport and they can't look for it because Apple has a different secure sort personel than regular. It is locked up until monday. They dont know if it is even in there. Apple ships in bulk and the bulk container was scanned but not my imac. They say they will look for it tonight but cant promise anything. All he kept saying is Apple has a secure sort so there is nothing we can do. I told him ones from the flight were delivered in Hamilton. So did they lose it or everyone went home at 8 am and figured they wil do the rest monday ... no answers :mad: I told him if this is there idea of express I would hate to see regular :rolleyes:
Just so you guys know, I called back this afternoon and the lovely lady told me the package is still in the US and that the sender DID check Saturday delivery so if it comes to Canada tonight, I'll get it tomorrow morning! Conflicting information but I sure hope she's right! :D

We seem to be on the same shipment, or at least we have the same shipping data so far. I just called UPS and was told that it is set for delivery from Bluegrass Country to Hamilton today. The pallet will be imported today. Agent advised it will be delivered Monday before noon. I inquired about Saturday delivery or even Saturday pick-up and response was unequivocal no. Hope lady you spoke with is more accurate than the one I did! :rolleyes:
hey i just got off the phone with a UPS lady too. She said my packaged was originally scheduled for delivery on Thursday :eek:. But due to this customs issue she's saying it looks more like Monday and there won't be a Saturday delivery. However, she did say that my package is moving again and is on its way to my nearest sorting location for delivery? So it sounds like we're in Transit again, just the delay pushed it out to Monday. Anyone got a similiar story?
Not to sound negative but don't believe ***** that they tell you. I had 2 people tell me mine was "out for delivery" Now they dont even know for sure it is at the airport witth the last scan arrival at mt hope.
Is there anyone else that was just scanned arrival at 6:16 in Mt Hope. This was a logical scan which means the bulk container was scanned but not the individual package.
Am I alone on this one or did they miss a entire container? :confused::mad:
I remember having an expected delivery date of November 13 as soon as I got the shipping notification email from Apple. This morning, the date just disapeared. When I called yesterday I told the lady at UPS that the website showed Nov 13 as expected delivery but she said on her computer it was showing Monday before 12PM and she seemed 100% sure that Monday was the good delivery date.

I got the exact same information from two different UPS people I called - the last woman I called said it's "guaranteed for delivery by noon on Monday" so if it's not here by noon, I'm going to throw a **** fit at UPS. Especially cause I will be taking the day off to receive it. Shstylo - I imagine you can probably expect the same estimated delivery time and day.

By the way, the lady I just called 5 minutes ago said my package had left Kentucky, cleared customs, and was currently in transit. Interesting considering a woman I called this MORNING at 9-10am claimed it was already at PEARSON AIRPORT but would be locked in a truck over the weekend and then delivered on Monday. Sounds like more UPS cover-up to me...I somehow buy the second woman's claim more (that it's in transit), especially since I don't have a single scan still since Louisville, Kentucky and it seemed to make it to Pearson rather quickly after the so-called delay in Kentucky. Here's hoping it gets here by the end of the weekend...

Now I'm worried we're going to run into some kind of similar situation to c6rvette :S - speaking of which, good luck, man. That's such a downer :/. I think what we can all get out of this situation is UPS blows.
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