So I just spoke with a THIRD UPS representative, a guy named Tim and I basically told him that I was getting conflicting information from UPS and told him about the lady telling me it was at Pearson this morning and the lady who told me it was in transit.
He seemed like a cool enough dude on the phone and he apologized for the misinformation and explained that BOTH OF THE REPRESENTATIVES that I spoke to previously gave me wrong information - the claim that my package was at Pearson (the first lady) - is a flat out lie and so is the claim from the second lady that the package had cleared customs.
Apparently, my iMac is still in transit IN THE UNITED STATES. As I suspected. He laid out very clearly for me what will happen over the next few days - he said Saturdays there won't normally be any movement on the package. On Sunday night, it should clear customs, move through Pearson, and by the morning be ready to go out for delivery. So really, even though we're guaranteed for delivery by noon, it's not as certain as UPS is trying to make it sound like, especially since it hasn't cleared customs yet. Like I said, I'll let UPS deal with it but if it's not here Monday morning, I'm gonna have to call UPS and yell at someone.
Also, on another note - the second lady I spoke with mentioned that we may see some scans over the weekend but most likely there would be a flood of updates Monday morning-ish. She gave no reason why, but I think I know why. BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING TO THROW ON ALL SORTS OF LUDICROUS DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL SCANS that didn't happen to try to fool us into believing it was in Canada all along or was moving along during the weekend. We'll see Monday morning...
And thank you Tim from UPS for giving me some actual true(sounding) information.
Oh and I saw in the other thread someone from Ottawa getting the exact same (crap) information as me about their iMac being here, but locked in a truck, ready to go for Monday. So clearly they are told to give some kind of consistent excuse to people and that, to me, shows some hardcore covering up.
He seemed like a cool enough dude on the phone and he apologized for the misinformation and explained that BOTH OF THE REPRESENTATIVES that I spoke to previously gave me wrong information - the claim that my package was at Pearson (the first lady) - is a flat out lie and so is the claim from the second lady that the package had cleared customs.
Apparently, my iMac is still in transit IN THE UNITED STATES. As I suspected. He laid out very clearly for me what will happen over the next few days - he said Saturdays there won't normally be any movement on the package. On Sunday night, it should clear customs, move through Pearson, and by the morning be ready to go out for delivery. So really, even though we're guaranteed for delivery by noon, it's not as certain as UPS is trying to make it sound like, especially since it hasn't cleared customs yet. Like I said, I'll let UPS deal with it but if it's not here Monday morning, I'm gonna have to call UPS and yell at someone.
Also, on another note - the second lady I spoke with mentioned that we may see some scans over the weekend but most likely there would be a flood of updates Monday morning-ish. She gave no reason why, but I think I know why. BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING TO THROW ON ALL SORTS OF LUDICROUS DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL SCANS that didn't happen to try to fool us into believing it was in Canada all along or was moving along during the weekend. We'll see Monday morning...
And thank you Tim from UPS for giving me some actual true(sounding) information.
Oh and I saw in the other thread someone from Ottawa getting the exact same (crap) information as me about their iMac being here, but locked in a truck, ready to go for Monday. So clearly they are told to give some kind of consistent excuse to people and that, to me, shows some hardcore covering up.