I got a midnight. It’s got a slight blue to itAnyone order the midnight color of bands or phone case? Curious of what it looks like.
Definitely side by side from the 12 version is has a bluer tint.I also see the slightest hint of blue in my Midnight 13 Pro Max case.View attachment 1834209
Maybe they’ll arrive early 😂 KIDDINGAnd now we wait a week...
Not sure, probably not yet. And tbh I wouldn't now in case it screws something up and messes up the order.Thank you. I already got my new loan number. Can I change it now or is it too soon/would it cause issues?
What??? You aren’t going to obsessively track planes with us??? 😳and just like that, I hope everyone loves their new phones! I will more than likely see you all next year for the shenanigans
View attachment 1834232
can you use an apple balance if its less than the phone price and pay the rest with a credit card ?
Wait! I thought he was kidding. Why did he cancel it? What is going on here?What??? You aren’t going to obsessively track planes with us??? 😳
Wait! I thought he was kidding. Why did he cancel it? What is going on here?
I have a big trip planned coming up so I’m trying to be better with $ and tbh I love my 12 Pro Max. Lol at the end of the day most of my remorse came from the fact that just to upgrade it was going to cost me $230 plus first month payment plus activation fee at VZW. So about $350.Wait! I thought he was kidding. Why did he cancel it? What is going on here?
I checked and found it buyers remorse. I would have Atleast kept it for 14 days to test it out first. Atleast, wait for the reviews!
I paid mine last week. I was not charged again.For those who made their 12th payment earlier this week with Citizens Loan, were you charged the Early Upgrade Payment for your iPhone 13? I just noticed I was still charged $57 for that. I'm currently on the phone with Apple to see what's going on?
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She's checking to see if the Early Upgrade Payment is for the iPhone 13 Pro loan...
Enjoy the trip.I have a big trip planned coming up so I’m trying to be better with $ and tbh I love my 12 Pro Max. Lol at the end of the day most of my remorse came from the fact that just to upgrade it was going to cost me $230 plus first month payment plus activation fee at VZW. So about $350.
.. or I cancel and just pay off my 12PM, enjoy it another year, get a good sale or trade in next year for some apple goodie if I want. Maybe I’ll check in on the fun and see what you guys are up to.
The convos here have already covered underwear choice, so that’s a good start lmao
and just like that, I hope everyone loves their new phones! I will more than likely see you all next year for the shenanigans
View attachment 1834232
I honestly thought I was too late and that this was my excuse to skip this year lolShow off!!! LOL!!! Glad to see you're back with us on the wait!
Yes.can you use an apple balance if its less than the phone price and pay the rest with a credit card ?
Paying off this phone that I actually enjoy having, mainly. I’ll get a good chunk of change for it next year somewhere I’m sure.Out of curiosity, what's the point in cancelling when on the IUP? Won't monthly payments stay relatively the same? Does skipping a generation give you a "credit" for the next iteration when the time comes and your effective monthly will lower?