Why is this even a story? Apple should not be held responsible for any bad thing that happens to your iPhone if you installed a non-genuine Apple component. It's a risk you take if you went to a third party who uses third party parts.
That's correct Macedonia belongs to Greece.There is no such country, Macedonia. It's called FYROM.
They probably do but it also shows that Google has no concern for security.
I understand the paranoia, but I think the emphasis here is misplaced. If someone wanted to inject malicious firmware-level code into your phone, they would do so through one of those public USB charging stations, or a cheap USB AC-adapter. A lot more can be done though USB. I don't mean to deflect just for the sake of deflecting, the idea of a compromised touch-id unit is just so silly - it's like worrying about the possibility of someone pushing in poison gas through your dryer-vent while you leave the front door wide open for anyone to talk in.
I can't imagine anyone selling compromised touch-id sensors for this purpose for a number of reasons. First, the touch-id assembly is tiny, there is really not much room on there for additional ICs. Second, the interface is totally proprietary and unknown.
If you're worried about security, I would suggest being paranoid about USB chargers and public charging stations, where it has already been demonstrated that those can inject malicious code into iOS devices.
Maybe you should try and understand how the touch ID technology works before you make asinine comments like this... The Touch ID sensor is paired with the main board in the phone. It's all about security. I am glad knowing that my home button cannot be replaced by a 3rd party component, That home button is tied to my Apple Pay account, used to verify when I purchase apps, books, music, etc. Imagine a 3rd party touch sensor that "skims" your ID and gives a malicious user full access to credit cards, etc. Apple, as of right now is one of the only consumer technology companies that gives a **** about privacy and security.
For starters I have NEVER had the home button of any iPhone fail. 3G, 4S and now 6S Plus
Doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
I would NEVER think of having my Apple home button be repaired by anybody but Apple (genius bar or mail it in)
You are barking up the wrong tree with this assumption.
Apple is doing exactly what it should do here. Protecting the iPhones security feature.
And a replacement key for a car like that is extremely expensive and will not function properly unless it's replace with an OEM part from that particular manufacturer.
I was thinking along the line of the government(who currently wants apple to add a back door) having a system where they could have someones fingerprint digitally, plugging in a computer and sending the finger print signal to the phone through the existing fingerprint scanner port. It is currently possible to make a fake fingerprint made. but it takes a while and the system locks out after 24 hours. The government could make a system that would allow them to plug in their system, send the emulated signal. and unlock it quickly. I know this sound like paranoia, and its not something I would worry about, but it is something that Apple should worry about, and stay ahead of the curve.
They probably do but it also shows that Google has no concern for security.
Oh, great. Let's get the government involved in the fix. That always works out well and doesn't add any bureaucracy to the mix. What could possibly go wrong.![]()
No you shouldn't. Some bozo from who knows where should not be able to tamper with a security feature on my phone that involves my fingerprint and lots of personal data. If I wanted open access I would have bought an android or other type of phone where the maker could care less about security.Why?
If my iPhone is out of warranty, then I should be able to have it repaired by who ever I want.
I can see why it might be a good thing to avoid circumventing the security on stolen phones, but from a user standpoint who wants a repair, apple repairs aren't exactly the cheapest, or in the UK and other countries where apple stores are only in big cities, its a pain in the rear not being able to take it to a local phone shop.
The timing of events does not matter. Once you do an unauthorized repair, you are risking this. Period.Apparently not. His phone was working after the repair. Apple chose to brick it after an update. Was the owner made aware of those consequences prior to the repair?
Exactly.Just disable all touch id within the software if it detects an unauthorised repair. Not the whole phone.
Slippery slope and reality aren't necessarily the same thing.To anyone siding with Apple on this:
Have you considered that Apple could just lock the phone to your iCloud account (like when it gets stolen) or automatically boot it to DFU mode so the phone only works if you restore it? That way all your data is kept safe.
Clearly Apple is tired of people not shelling out money for AppleCare.
I am sure if I replace figureprint sensor on Nexus 6P, I will not brick that phone.
Admit it, Apple just want your money
So stick with your Android if you're going to be emotional and irrational with the vitriol. Apple doesn't disable devices with third party screen repairs. Modifying the phone's security is completely unacceptable. If they followed your indifferent ways, what would stop malicious companies and governments from just swapping out the touchid to allow access to the phone? Exactly. Get lost.I don't give a crap about how Apple think about security. It is my phone and if the home button gives, I will choose who fix my phone. I ain't let Apple rip me off by charging 100 or more for a crappy home button.
Second, there is no reason to assume that third party will put hacked home button to my phone. And I don't need Apple to baby my security. There is no reason for brick the entire freaking phone just because I replaced the crappy home button. Fine, if you think TouchID is important for security issue, then just disable the stupid TouchID and Apple Pay. As least let user do most basic things.
If Apple can brick my phone by software updates because I replaced the home button by myself. Apple can brick my phone if I change the battery by myself. If I changed the screen by myself. Apple can have 1000 reasons to do that and Apple has the incentive to do so.
I am avoid get into Apple's ecosystem too deeply and I ain't paying any apps if I do not need, just because I ain't going to lock myself into Apple's ecosystem and play along with Apple's rule.
You don't have home button broken on you does not mean it won't happen. I had iPhone 4S and iPad 3 home button fails. It is physical button, it will break sometime. When it happens, Apple will charge you crap load of money.
I ain't paying Apple for that. This is why I am using Android, if something break, I will fix myself or let someone else fix. Not paying Apple single dime.
You can store all your banking information in a car, I seen someones banking info in their car about 30 minutes ago.
You can store as much info in a car as in a phone. This is just getting really silly now. lol
It is my phone ...
... and if the home button gives, I will choose who fix my phone.
I am sure if I replace figureprint sensor on Nexus 6P, I will not brick that phone.
Admit it, Apple just want your money