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macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2017
That’s insane...I’m averaging around 45 down on my phone but my iPad Pro is getting 3-4 down, tops, when tethered to my phone. What am I doing wrong?
Honestly not sure man. I just have my note 4 rooted (thanks to all the XDA contributions and zero Max's vids, you are all awesome) and gave the setup I described. I have a second line dedicated as a hotspot with a Netgear wireless Ethernet adapter to a router in my home. It may just be your tower demand. I live in the country so the benefit I get is string Verizon service / speeds with no fear of hot spot phone prioritization. There just isn't enough people out here to put the stress on the tower. So my other devices such as my daily phone are always on wifi when at home so I don't get screwed over and prioritized when I drive to Minneapolis. Best part about this set up is that everyone who is connected to my home wifi gets a VPN built in due to the way it's set up.


macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2017
Those speeds are awesome

Work around on Android? Can you share? I also live in the middle of nowhere.
I posted it in XDA somewhere. Search tether provision.

In a nutshell tho

Get paid FoxFi. Has to be below Droid 7.0 from what I understand 7 don't work.

Get a VPN.

Get app called VPN tether.

Start FoxFi.
Start your VPN
Start VPN tether.



macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2017
Honestly not sure man. I just have my note 4 rooted (thanks to all the XDA contributions and zero Max's vids, you are all awesome) and gave the setup I described. I have a second line dedicated as a hotspot with a Netgear wireless Ethernet adapter to a router in my home. It may just be your tower demand. I live in the country so the benefit I get is string Verizon service / speeds with no fear of hot spot phone prioritization. There just isn't enough people out here to put the stress on the tower. So my other devices such as my daily phone are always on wifi when at home so I don't get screwed over and prioritized when I drive to Minneapolis. Best part about this set up is that everyone who is connected to my home wifi gets a VPN built in due to the way it's set up.
*zedo Max, not zero lol from high on Android. Just want to make sure credit is given to the right folks.
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