ohhh great...that's just great.
Coming back with bad news. I've just recieved my i5, after a full month of nail biting and ripping hair, there she was the most beautiful machine.
And after reading countless threads about yellow tinge and flickering, the fear was high but in the end, a big NO to all.
The problem i'm having is this mind grinding buzzing / static or electric kind of sound in the top bottom.
When does it disappear? when it's full bright, although there might be a slight remaining buzzing. Would i be ok with this? Maybe, if it wasn't for the fact that i can't stand this much bright in this or other monitor.
Resolution: i reduce the brightness, BUT the buzzing / static / electric kind of sound starts right away.
I guess the only thing to do is send it back, isn't it?

what a bad, bad luck
PS: it fades away every time i scroll up/down