I think there are a few things being conflated. All the TB3 ports will be video enabled, but like most TB3 Macs, there is a limit to how many displays cam be connected at once. With the Solo card, that’s two displays.
I just meant that all the TB3 ports will have active video, but I also said I didn’t know the max display count.
That is more so all TB3 possibly might have access to active video. If there are four ports to feed and only have two feeds then two of them isn't going to be active. That is just arithmetic.
I suppose Apple could feed just one minimal DP feed to each of the two default host TBv3 controllers. So there would be at least one stream on each pair. It is a bit odd, but then feeding zero to one of the controllers is also a bit odd. But if pick randomly pick one of the four host TB3 sockets to connect one monitor to ... it could be expected to work. ( so probably is a better "just works" set up.... at least until get to the second monitor).
With one on each controller then would be pushing folks to use the top sockets to get to two displays. If feed just the back edge controllers then monitor connection could go where it normally goes. The top is a bit closer to the desktop if the system is placed beside/under a desk though.