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No MacPro!?

Well i guess patience is a virtue, soon enough i hope soon enough they will release the new mac pro now that the new iPad has be revealed...:rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for the new mac pro, my imac isnt just as quick as I need it to be and 4 cores is really marginal for the stuff i have to do.


Ahhhhhhh it sure is, I have been patient so far :)

The iPad doesn't make that much of a difference for me, already have an iPad2.

MacPro will really help me with my work, compare it to the HP Z series and Dell's, the MacPro's aren't that bad of a price, specially the dual Xeon's. (would like them cheaper though)
thunderbolt for a mac pro is not quite as much of an issue as the imac and portables - as it has real pci-e slots which are faster than thunderbolt anyway (thunderbolt is essentially a slow spec of PCI-E on a cable).

which means you can perhaps in future pick up a thunderbolt card, or if you need peripherals that need thunderbolt speed - get fibre channel or a PCI-E card today?

thunderbolt is a big thing for machines with no PCI-E slots (i.e., portables). for desktops with slots.... no gain?

Thunderbolt is PCI-E x4, Mac Pro PCI-E slots are x16.
The release of the iPad was cool, although I dont own one (yet :p) it doesnt really make a difference.

I take all the iOS devices as auxiliary complements to my home workstation set up. iPhone, iPod Nano and an iPad I am thinking of getting sometime, they all complement my iMac and Macbook Pro, but without the Macs those iOS devices arent all that productive.

With such a good OS as OS X, Apple shouldnt drop the pro products or have any lesser emphasis then the iOS devices.

I am being patient and I don't mind the price, I think its quite suitable seeming the OS is great, the machines are beasts and these beasts last long, and continue to perform well with age.

Hopefully something new Apple, please? :rolleyes:

The release of the iPad was cool, although I dont own one (yet :p) it doesnt really make a difference.

I take all the iOS devices as auxiliary complements to my home workstation set up. iPhone, iPod Nano and an iPad I am thinking of getting sometime, they all complement my iMac and Macbook Pro, but without the Macs those iOS devices arent all that productive.

With such a good OS as OS X, Apple shouldnt drop the pro products or have any lesser emphasis then the iOS devices.

I am being patient and I don't mind the price, I think its quite suitable seeming the OS is great, the machines are beasts and these beasts last long, and continue to perform well with age.

Hopefully something new Apple, please? :rolleyes:


I think Tim Cook summed it up yesterday. All he kept say is the "Post PC Age". I think that sadly the writings on the wall. Apple intends to shift it's entire product line to mobile devices pure and simple. I guess when that happens, it's off to Windows for me.
But not bigger than 30"ACD, which is 2560x1600. :p

that monitor is no more on sale in apple store, so it does not count.

i really need to know if apple making a 4k monitor soon. where is mac pro upgrade? the chips from intel is out.
I think Tim Cook summed it up yesterday. All he kept say is the "Post PC Age". I think that sadly the writings on the wall. Apple intends to shift it's entire product line to mobile devices pure and simple. I guess when that happens, it's off to Windows for me.

Tim also closed the event saying something to the effect of, "There's lots more to come in 2012, stay tuned."

Patience, grasshoppah.

Actually, new iPad: 2048x1538 vs. current ACD 2560x1440.

But that is 9.7" vs. 27"

oops you are correct if you look at it this way. the way i look at it, the new mac pro will come out with a bigger screen and higher resolution.
Tim also closed the event saying something to the effect of, "There's lots more to come in 2012, stay tuned."

Patience, grasshoppah.


Don't kid yourself. The only thing on his mind was probably the new TV and Iphone.
I think Tim Cook summed it up yesterday. All he kept say is the "Post PC Age". I think that sadly the writings on the wall. Apple intends to shift it's entire product line to mobile devices pure and simple. I guess when that happens, it's off to Windows for me.

I've got my pennies saved for either a new iMac or an old Mac Pro.

Don't kid yourself. The only thing on his mind was probably the new TV and Iphone.

And the iPad 4
I think Tim Cook summed it up yesterday. All he kept say is the "Post PC Age". I think that sadly the writings on the wall. Apple intends to shift it's entire product line to mobile devices pure and simple. I guess when that happens, it's off to Windows for me.

Don't lose hope until the day apple introduces an xcode type product for the iPad; to develop iOS apps right on iOS devices (ack can you imagine, no mouse and all). I mean, doesn't the final process in iOS app development require a Mac?
Don't kid yourself. The only thing on his mind was probably the new TV and Iphone.

Errrrr, being that it was the AppleTV and iPad dog-and-pony-show introduction what else should have been on his mind??? Staying on this specific message is the point. Strictly sticking to the message of the day is a hallmark of Apple "event" presentations.

" .... The meeting was structured and conducted very much like an Apple product announcement event ...
... A presentation that started with the day’s focus (“We wanted you here today to talk about OS X”) and a review of the Mac’s success over the past few years (5.2 million Macs sold last quarter; 23 (soon to be 24) consecutive quarters of sales growth exceeding the overall PC industry; ....
... There are many new features, I’m told, but today they’re going to focus on telling me about ten of them. This is just like an Apple event, I keep thinking. ... "

Apple's presentations are formulaic in the extreme. The first section is always about Apple the company (i.e., "buy our stock, we know what we are doing.". ) Next comes the subset of the company's endeavors they want to talk about that day.

The folks kidding themselves is this crowd. "Boo hoo , Apple didn't do a Mac focused dog-and-pony show... I want a Mac dog-and-pony show too". Dog-and-pony shows are not what is important. It is what they do that is important.

Folks are also more than a bit delusional when Apple ran around for a week flying to remote locations doing these one-on-one presentations about OS X to various folks in the media, only to draw the conclusion that OS X is dead.

In contrast, Apple made the media fly to them so they could do one show about the new iPad & AppleTV stuff. Was it a bigger (wider audience) show? Yes. It Apple put more effort into the iPad show than the OS X show? That's highly debatable.

More people are interested in an iPad because more people can buy an iPad (than a Mac Pro). That doesn't mean Apple isn't going to put those two products on equal footing when it comes to dog-and-pony shows. There scopes are entirely different so there is no need to use the same mechanisms.

The Mac Pro is so late that even a sniff of a rumor causes 800-900 post threads on the front page of Mac rumors. Apple doesn't need a dog-and-pony show to get the word out once they drop a press release. Even a "silent" release's news will spread like wildfire without a circus show.
The Mac Pro is so late that even a sniff of a rumor causes 800-900 post threads on the front page of Mac rumors. Apple doesn't need a dog-and-pony show to get the word out once they drop a press release. Even a "silent" release's news will spread like wildfire without a circus show.

I don't think the Mac Pro will ever get much more than a new page on the apple store. They don't really need to. Anyone that is in the market for one is already more or less sold. The loads of threads and posts on sites like this don't bother me in the least. It's one of the only ways to get the message out that there is still people who will buy "updated" Pro's. It can't hurt. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.
Regardless, computing as we know it has a life span that is beginning to thinks about retirement homes.

Bad idea there. We are the consumers and we CAN keep that from happening. I don't see much creativity in the new iOS landscape. In fact it is a walled castle devoid of creativity. We made computing a viable business because of the freedom and tools to create (WE made all these ass-clown rich). These tools are going away and being replaced by single button clickers and IP and propriety and copywrite etc...
The internet is one big times square and coming soon to your computer is the same experience. These bozos will ruin anything to get their monies.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

derbothaus said:
Regardless, computing as we know it has a life span that is beginning to thinks about retirement homes.

Bad idea there. We are the consumers and we CAN keep that from happening. I don't see much creativity in the new iOS landscape. In fact it is a walled castle devoid of creativity. We made computing a viable business because of the freedom and tools to create (WE made all these ass-clown rich). These tools are going away and being replaced by single button clickers and IP and propriety and copywrite etc...
The internet is one big times square and coming soon to your computer is the same experience. These bozos will ruin anything to get their monies.

Fully agree!
Hey gang.. just a quick question.

Do you believe it's worthwhile waiting to buy a 2010 Mac Pro refurb until after the new ones are announced/released? Do those refurbs come down in price at all with the introduction of newer models? Or should I try to find one through other channels (Ebay, etc...)?

I have never purchased a refurb from Apple before, but I'm figuring I might try for a 2010 Mac Pro (quad-core) model. I've wanted one for so many years, but couldn't justify the purchase (I'm not a video or music editor by any stretch). However, the Mac fanatic in me is screaming to buy one (and it does help that it's tax refund time). I love the case design and the fact that I could put in several HDD's is nice as well. And yes, that I could say I own a Mac Pro would be very nice. :D
Hey gang.. just a quick question.

Do you believe it's worthwhile waiting to buy a 2010 Mac Pro refurb until after the new ones are announced/released? Do those refurbs come down in price at all with the introduction of newer models?

Just look at the refurb store on Apple's website. In the US version right now there are 2009 and 2010 models up for sale. The 2009 models are about 18% off and 2010 models are about 15% off. It will drop, but it isn't going to tank and become 10% cheaper.

The only problem with the refurb store is that you only get a selection of what folks are turning in. The selection might widen a bit as Apple tries to dump excess inventory of 2010 Mac Pros. The major problem with that bet is that there probably isn't a major amount of 2010 inventory out there. Everyone, including the 3rd party sellers, are expecting something to happen with the Mac Pro and nobody is even remotely trying to hold any more inventory of the things than absolutely necessary. [ except maybe for some speculators who think the "anti-Lion" crowd has long term legs. They'll try to hock them later as high priced "still can install Snow Leopard" boxes. ]

Or should I try to find one through other channels (Ebay, etc...)?

The upsdie with refurb is that you get an Apple warrantee. With Ebay and used resellers ... you don't. If it is a lemon you can get another one ( if it is a serious lemon might even get a brand new Mac Pro out it).
Tim also closed the event saying something to the effect of, "There's lots more to come in 2012, stay tuned."

Patience, grasshoppah.


Indeed patience, I think with all the ipad and iphone and Apple TV stuff out of the way for the first quarter of the year, He's gonna focus on Macs.

I can't (or maybe dont want to :rolleyes: ) see Apple moving away from computers, iMac, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, they all revolutionised the computer industry and only Apple can continue to do so with form and function in perfect unison.

patience indeed is a virtue, Apple will blow us away with whatever is to come this year. :cool:

Just look at the refurb store on Apple's website. In the US version right now there are 2009 and 2010 models up for sale. The 2009 models are about 18% off and 2010 models are about 15% off. It will drop, but it isn't going to tank and become 10% cheaper.

The upsdie with refurb is that you get an Apple warrantee. With Ebay and used resellers ... you don't. If it is a lemon you can get another one ( if it is a serious lemon might even get a brand new Mac Pro out it).

Thanks, deconstruct60! I appreciate your input. Yeah, wasn't sure just how much (if at all) the refurbs would come down. I may just pull the trigger on the one I see up there now and use one of those "get a discount" cards by shopping through the bank sites... get a few more percentage points to work in my favor.
Bad idea there. We are the consumers and we CAN keep that from happening. I don't see much creativity in the new iOS landscape. In fact it is a walled castle devoid of creativity. We made computing a viable business because of the freedom and tools to create (WE made all these ass-clown rich). These tools are going away and being replaced by single button clickers and IP and propriety and copywrite etc...
The internet is one big times square and coming soon to your computer is the same experience. These bozos will ruin anything to get their monies.

I hope your right, but the media and all else seem to be pushing the death of the desktop pc form factor. :(

In view of increasing popularity, global demand for tablet PCs of all types will rise to 130 million units in 2013, possibly exceeding that for desktops, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers.
In view of increasing popularity, global demand for tablet PCs of all types will rise to 130 million units in 2013, possibly exceeding that for desktops, according to Taiwan-based supply chain makers.

So what if the tablet market does eclipse the PC one? That doesn't mean the PC market suddenly goes away. The tablet is a NEW market, not a replacement. And apparently more people want new tablets than they do new PCs. But that doesn't mean people don't want new PCs.

Try not to think in absolutes.

Just look at the refurb store on Apple's website. In the US version right now there are 2009 and 2010 models up for sale. The 2009 models are about 18% off and 2010 models are about 15% off. It will drop, but it isn't going to tank and become 10% cheaper.

The issue right now for people looking to buy refurb's is that those prices are insane for 2-3 year old models. Sure it's 18% off of 2009 retail but it's also 180% more than it's actually worth.
So what if the tablet market does eclipse the PC one? That doesn't mean the PC market suddenly goes away. The tablet is a NEW market, not a replacement. And apparently more people want new tablets than they do new PCs. But that doesn't mean people don't want new PCs.

Try not to think in absolutes.


Not now, but at the point where processing power eclipses what we see today, all bets are off. I just wish Apple would make some sort of statement of intent and get it on or over with. Then I'll shut up for a while.
Not now, but at the point where processing power eclipses what we see today, all bets are off. I just wish Apple would make some sort of statement of intent and get it on or over with. Then I'll shut up for a while.

People will still want a larger screen, a keyboard and a mouse. Doing just about anything more than light web browsing, taking lecture notes or playing simple games is not going be very possible on something 7-9" big on the diagonal. No amount of processing power will change how we need to interface with that power.

The only way I can see it as a reasonable replacement is if the tablet essentially docks to a monitor/HD/keyboard/etc. But even then, you'd be able to get more power for cheaper in the PC box. So, it might suck off some of the PC market, but no matter how fast tablets get, I don't see them out right replacing PCs for a very long time.
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