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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 6, 2009
Can you guys let us know if you have any of the issues that people have complained about?

1) Screen Flickering and blackouts
2) Yellowing
3) Uneven backlight with spotlighting

Those are the big ones.
I'd love to know too (I have a 3rd replacement on the way..)

If you want to, please add the information to my website (see sig).
My Mac is on it's way and it will be here Friday. I'll make sure to update everyone on my future flawless Mac. (Praying):apple:
It is easy. Look at your serial number

For example: W8733xxxxxx was built in 2007, week 33
I received my week number 49 last week.

There is a SLIGHT yellow tinge on the bottom half, but it's really not that noticeable unless you actually look for it, and it doesn't bother me. Honestly, if I never read about the problem on here, I wouldn't have even noticed. I have had no other issues whatsoever, so I'll deal with the very slight tinge, in order to keep an otherwise perfect machine.

Well, looks like FedEx may be moving more quickly than Apple originally said! My iMac has left Shanghai already, and FedEx's website says it'll be here in DC by 10:30AM on Friday! Woot!
I received my week number 49 last week.

There is a SLIGHT yellow tinge on the bottom half, but it's really not that noticeable unless you actually look for it, and it doesn't bother me. Honestly, if I never read about the problem on here, I wouldn't have even noticed. I have had no other issues whatsoever, so I'll deal with the very slight tinge, in order to keep an otherwise perfect machine.

Exactly the same case for me, week 49, very slight yellowish tint but everything else is rock solid. I will be keeping mine as well.
Well, looks like FedEx may be moving more quickly than Apple originally said! My iMac has left Shanghai already, and FedEx's website says it'll be here in DC by 10:30AM on Friday! Woot!

Exactly the same change for me with the same arrival date and time... mmmm
Day 16 and my week 47 i7 is still perfect. Has no symptoms of any problems. Guess I'm fortunate or there are not as many problems compared to the total number produced as some would infer. No matter, if something arises Apple will fix it with no hassles unlike personal experiences with 1 other PC company who wanted "me" to ship a new out of the box PC with problems when I had paid for 24 hour in home service:mad:.
My week 49 i7 have the yellow tinge problem but a part of that is really i can't decide if send it back or no...yellow tinge in only visible on white and grey color!
Is week 50 the latest week that is available in stores right now? They get shipments on a daily basis, so I was curious.
Is week 50 the latest week that is available in stores right now? They get shipments on a daily basis, so I was curious.

Depending on how busy your local store is and how many of the quad they are selling, they could have models that go back to week 48/49. I wouldn't assume just because week 50's are shipping online that you will get on in the store; you might but it isn't guarenteed.
Well, mine isn't perfect.

It has some flaws, but they're not so bad. I'm going to give it a little time and then decide. I'm too "wowed" by the 27" display, pretty aluminum enclosure, and black chrome Apple logos.

details can be found in the yellow tinge test thread.
I ordered an i5 nov 27. Shipped dec 10. It's a week 48 machine. You'd think that since people have recieved their week 49 iMacs several days ago that I'd either have a newer unit, or would have gotten it a long time ago. Something weird is going on with that....
I ordered an i5 nov 27. Shipped dec 10. It's a week 48 machine. You'd think that since people have recieved their week 49 iMacs several days ago that I'd either have a newer unit, or would have gotten it a long time ago. Something weird is going on with that....

Maybe they are testing your machine before they ship it out?
Received my week 50 I7 six days earlier than originally scheduled. I've only been using it 2 hours and every thing working perfectly so far. Hope others awaiting theirs will be as pleased.
Got my week 50 model yesterday, Maaannn this machine is impressive. It is dead silent and very quick, and it is HUUGGEEEE. I immediately checked for the yellow tinge and at first I saw nothing, but then I realized one of the grey boxes did seem a fraction of a smidget lighter than the top. It is so faint that I would have never of known it was there if it hadn't of been for this site informing me to check for it. I also had a brief viewing of the flickering screen issue until I was instructed to update my software. i haven't seen the flickering since the update. As of right now I am glad I purchased this computer and I definitely feel it was worth the investment.
Now that the week 50s are being delivered, Can everyone post their results

I would like to get a feel if the QC issues are being addressed.
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