It's a shame that you have let your enjoyment of the delivery of your new iMac be ruined by a forum.
A strangely pejorative way of phrasing it. Actually, I lay the blame with Apple for shipping a proportion of their products with ongoing faults. And having bought a MBP which came pre-dented I have first-hand knowledge of disappointing Apple deliveries.
Remember, user forums are a great resource but do not necessarily reflect a true representative proportion of customer experience. Believe it or not there is probably a vast majority of happy customers whose iMacs are not inflicted with "real, well documented" problems (some would actually refer to it as anecdotal evidence). I also don't think they are so ignorant that they wouldn't spot real issues.
Yes the real and well documented issues are from largely anecdotal sources - the two terms are not mutually exclusive.
Obviously there are always going to be some issues but us forum members tend to be far more vocal on the negative and relatively silent on the positive. We often repeatedly post "updates" in the "relevant" threads and jump on anything as gospel if it supports our claims - an issue can soon appear more prevalent than perhaps it really is. Combine this with Apples very effective marketing which sets unrealistic expectations and mix that with Apple aficionados slightly anal tendencies then it's quite a firestorm that gets created. I know these things as I can be as guilty as the next person.
One final point, I love Apple products but I'm a realist - in the immortal words of Public Enemy "Don't Believe The Hype" - it is all about the bottom line. You're not paying a premium price for some amazingly super high specced components system, far from it (just look at the GPU) - you're paying for marketing, lifestyle, image and aesthetic design. The actual components Apple use are not any better than many mid range PC manufacturers which you would be charged far less for.
I know.
Not sure what your point was at the end there? I'd have thought you'd want to address the guys on the forum wearing foil on their heads, talking about all the people spreading lies about perfectly made iMacs.