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I've discovered different issues.

7 dead pixels on my iSight camera, warped aluminum on the top of the case, blown left speaker, and yellow tinge, albeit more subtle than many who have have posted pictures.
Week 50 27-inch and zero problems, other than a screwey gaming mouse.

No yellow, no bars, no dead pixels (a small sliver of black fuzz stuck on the inside of the glass had me worried, but a suction cup + canned air minute later and I was good).

Windows 7 screams, as do all my games. Not a single crash, and I've raided ICC in WoW (full resolution, maxed settings, 60+ fps), quested in LotRO, hacked and slashed til my hand hurt in Torchlight and spent about 20 hours surfing, making movies and watching DVDs. (Christmas break for academics is a joy.)

Crossing my fingers nothing crops up. This is a beautiful machine.
Can you guys let us know if you have any of the issues that people have complained about?
1) Screen Flickering and blackouts
2) Yellowing
3) Uneven backlight with spotlighting

Just received a week 50 C2D 27" a couple hours ago.

So far,
1) No
2) No
3) No

I had to go into System Preferences and set the startup disk to Macintosh HD to get it to boot faster.
Can you guys let us know if you have any of the issues that people have complained about?

1) Screen Flickering and blackouts
2) Yellowing
3) Uneven backlight with spotlighting

Those are the big ones.

I have a week 50:

1) Nope
2) Yes, yellow banding down the whole center and right of the screen, pretty bad
3) Not sure how to diagnosis that...

Also have loud vibration/hum that is constant the entire time machine is awake..
Mine has the yellow tint also. This is my second unit. It is a week 50.

I really think that they all have it to some degree. Mine is like the photos someone posted from before.

I think I am going to keep it because it does not have any other issues.

I will wait it out to see what apple does about this and just enjoy the machine fir what it is.

Then I'll go the repair route once they sort this out.

Second is better than the first.
I have a week 50 i7 BTO. I have the yellowing, though I never would have known it had I not done the test. I will go so far as to say that if you have not run the test on your iMac and you think you don't have the yellowing problem, you don't really know. I kind of wish I hadn't done it. I don't think I'll try to return due to yellowing because I have no dead pixels and it's not worth it to me (and I am skeptical that any 27" iMacs produced to date do not have it).

Everything else is tip top, though I have not tested for dead pixels in the camera. No flickering, no spotting, no HD grumbling (or at least, not that I can notice after using a noisy PC for 20 years).
I have a week 50 stock i5. Got it last night. Yellowing on the bottom third of the screen was noticeable straight away.
Mine seems fine.

Just opened it (27" Core i5) this afternoon at work and don't see any issues. Haven't done much yet, will update this tomorrow when I have.
I got my replacement week 50 I7 this morning and am happy to report no problems. Bottom of the screen leans toward yellow in the gray bar test, but it's not apparent in normal use. This is a non-issue, so far.

Seagate drive is quiet, as is everything else. YouTube HD vids are incredibly smooth, even at full screen. I never knew it could be this good.
slight yellowing

I have a week 50 core i7 imac with slight yellowing on the lower third of the screen. I'm thinking of exchanging (I have 30 days) but the yellow is so slight nobody but me notices and I'm learning to ignore it. I only see it when looking for it.

Is anybody else starting to feel crazy about the yellowing, like its all in the head?
I've decided that I won't test for yellowing. If it is screaming obvious- that is one thing, but if it is barely noticeable, I will let it go until it gets worse. I agree with what others have said and let Apple get a solid fix on the situation and then go from there.
test & pictures

Here's how you test your iMac for dead pixels & yellow screen:

(WARNING: You will most likely see some imperfection and may go insane :D)

If you find yellow tinge please post a picture.


Note: Taken with iPhone and un-edited.
My week 50 iMac 27" i7 arrived today. Have had it on for about 3-4 hours so far. Did all the tests I've seen or read about. No issues so far. It's amazingly quiet as well (tried to stress the GPU using the visualizer in iTunes, which is an OpenGL beast). Hard drive is silent. I did do a complete reinstall of the OS (as usual... do I really need support for 20 languages? Nope). Oh, and I have to give props to Expercom for getting this to me in about two weeks (it made it from Shanghai to Utah to California in two days).

I've been on the computer for 3 hours straight and for the last hour have started to experience flickering. As I write this post the screen went completely blank for about half a second. This sucks.
I think I'm going to cancel my order because I could not stand that much yellow.

Honestly, I'm starting to not fixate on it and only notice if I look for it. But whats really killing me now is the flickering I get after a few hours of being on it. 27" of flickering is not a pleasant experience. If you can wait till spring I would advise you buy then.
Apart from some slight yellow tinge, my week 46 i5 is perfect: quiet, no flickering, no dead pixels, no problems. Because it is so perfect for the rest, I'm still in doubt if I should swap it. I think I wait a while until Apple has sorted things out and then decide what to do.
Week 50 I7 iMac received yesterday. I can see a VERY SLIGHTLY yellow tinge
No dead pixel on the screen and on the camera.

Here's some pictures of the screen :




Looks fine for me !
Week 40. Got it two days ago. Was going to keep it until I saw how many dead pixels my iSight has.






Week 40. Got it two days ago. Was going to keep it until I saw how many dead pixels my iSight has.


I just checked my iSight camera by opening Photo Booth and covering the lens to produce a dark picture. My iSight camera has just as many dead pixels. I wouldn't return an iMac for that alone but for me at least thats the third issue so far.
Exactly the same case for me, week 49, very slight yellowish tint but everything else is rock solid. I will be keeping mine as well.

My original flickered. This replacement is a week 50, tiny bit of yellowing but it's completely unnoticable in daily use.

Definitely the best machine I've ever owned. I'm in love :)
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