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Nevada - I was just about to go searching for calibration threads on this. Mind sharing some settings?

Which 24" did you have? Maybe something is up with my 27" that I don't find it brighter than my 3 year old.

My 24" was (is) Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz. Check your Display icon in Settings and make sure you have the slider set all the way to the right for max brightness. Also double check your Energy savings settings... the screen will dim before going to sleep. I am no techie so am just reaching to help at this point.

If you get stumped call Apple Care... they are really helpful and will guide you to identify a problem if there is one. I had a problem with SL loading (system crashed) and they spent 2 hours with me on the phone working it out.

You can increase or decrease the size of the font in Mail by hitting Command and + for larger and - for smaller. I can't find a way to increase the size for the listing of incoming mail yet but am hunting.
Pie - what method did you use to haul over your stuff from the old machine?

I used the Migration assistant during the install when it prompts you if you want to transfer from your old mac. I was going to just re-install everything bit by bit but decided to just migrate everything instead-faster and easier and so far, so good!
NevadaJack;8815032]Yes, a few external HD's, card readers and some hubs. I found that my FW Hub was 400 and the plug would not work with the 800 on the iMac. Ordered a converter which should be here early next week. My RAW files from my Canon 7D are about 25MB or so and the UBS reader take forever to download.

The Printer is a new Canon MP560 Wireless. Found it on Amazon for $99. Works really well, quiet and pretty fast. Setup was a snap...just plug it in and it hunts for your network. If is fine for what I do printwise... never bigger than 8x10.

Here is a shot but I have a dust rag over it... but you can see the size. The compartment to the far left is my Airport and Modem which covers my hi-speed and phone service. The black HD to the right is now on a small table to the right of my main desk and is my Time Machine and Quicken Backup drive.

Thanks for the information Nevada.

On the firewire converter. I did buy one for my 24" imac which fits on the 400 and plugs into the 800 on the iMac. I have been looking for a small converter hub that would allow me to plug in more than one firewire connection. Is that what you ordered? Ideally it would have both 400 and 800 connections.

Do you use Quicken for the MAC or the Windows version? I use the Windows version as it is much better than the MAC version. I have looked at the new Beta of the MAC version, but after almost 2 years...... Hopefully that will be more in line with the Windows version. I cannot believe they did not initially consider the conversion routine. Intuit has good products, but they always seem to mess something up.

I did not do a reinstall as some others have. I wound up with a corrupted Mail application. Finally had to go to Apple for some help. I basically reinstalled Mail and it seems to be working now. I did not know you could reinstall some applications without doing a system reinstall. I installed VMWare Fusion 3 and Windows 7 last night so I am hoping I will not have any more problems. Will make another clone of the system now just in case I have to do a reinstall of OS X.

Good luck with the photography.
Thanks for the information Nevada.

On the firewire converter. I did buy one for my 24" imac which fits on the 400 and plugs into the 800 on the iMac. I have been looking for a small converter hub that would allow me to plug in more than one firewire connection. Is that what you ordered? Ideally it would have both 400 and 800 connections.

Do you use Quicken for the MAC or the Windows version? I use the Windows version as it is much better than the MAC version. I have looked at the new Beta of the MAC version, but after almost 2 years...... Hopefully that will be more in line with the Windows version. I cannot believe they did not initially consider the conversion routine. Intuit has good products, but they always seem to mess something up.

I did not do a reinstall as some others have. I wound up with a corrupted Mail application. Finally had to go to Apple for some help. I basically reinstalled Mail and it seems to be working now. I did not know you could reinstall some applications without doing a system reinstall. I installed VMWare Fusion 3 and Windows 7 last night so I am hoping I will not have any more problems. Will make another clone of the system now just in case I have to do a reinstall of OS X.

Good luck with the photography.

I just bought a small converter plug that will allow me to plug the 400 hub I have into the 800 slot on the iMac. Belkin has all kind of combos of 400/800 hubs and I may look into later on. I just wanted something to allow me to use my Lexar reader and two HD's.

I use Quicken for Mac. I noted after the transfer of data and opened Quicken it indicated it only ran in Rosetta so I had to download that to run it. I did not remember if I did that with the 24 but I guess I did. I see the new version for Mac is due out early in 2010. I have been into Macs now for over 6 years and had used Quicken since the very early 90's on PC's... good program.

I just did a fresh TM on the 24" before I did the transfer to the 27" and it worked the best I have any transfer work. The only file messed up was iTunes and a redownload of that fixed that. No problems with anything else except a few 3rd party programs which required the registration info. I had to reinstall Aperture 2 and insert the registration # but it still does not support Canon 7D RAW files. I use Photoshop primarily but like Aperture for some of it's features.

When the FedEx driver delivered the 27" I related some of the story about Flight 84 and she really laughed. Said the customers now know more than the FedEx staffers about where their packages are and how they got delivered. Fun time last week fo all I think...

I was up till the wee hours loading up gorgeous screensavers. The new Marine Aquarium 3.0 is stunning on this.

I had issues with time machine (Time Capsule) and also direct to my external via FW 800. Ended up hauling things in manually for the most part which is fine because I learned from it.

While I'd like the ability to make the screen brighter, so far this is flawless and it sounds like no one is having issues. I'm so happy!
I was up till the wee hours loading up gorgeous screensavers. The new Marine Aquarium 3.0 is stunning on this.

I had issues with time machine (Time Capsule) and also direct to my external via FW 800. Ended up hauling things in manually for the most part which is fine because I learned from it.

While I'd like the ability to make the screen brighter, so far this is flawless and it sounds like no one is having issues. I'm so happy!

Sounds like you have not had much sleep in the last few days. I had found the greatest aquarium screensaver but it was only for Windows. I forgot the name but am wondering if this is it as I see they now have a MAC version. I had an old copy on my PC years ago but somehow it wound up missing after acquiring equipment. I will have to check the junk pile in my cellar to see if it is there. May be able to get an upgrade...

I am still using FW 400 but continue to look for a new HD that has 800. Prices keep dropping and they are almost giving them away. I remember back when we first purchased a hard drive to upgrade a Compact 286... Cost over 5K....
I was up till the wee hours loading up gorgeous screensavers. The new Marine Aquarium 3.0 is stunning on this.

I had issues with time machine (Time Capsule) and also direct to my external via FW 800. Ended up hauling things in manually for the most part which is fine because I learned from it.

While I'd like the ability to make the screen brighter, so far this is flawless and it sounds like no one is having issues. I'm so happy!

What is the URL for that Marine Aquarium screen saver... I need some soothing from time to time and that may do it.

I only have one concern at this point and I notice that the bottom of my screen has a "warmer gradient tint" going upward and along the bottom of the display there is like a "stage lighting" effect. I will keep my eye on it and if it persists I will probably call AppleCare and check into it.

My screen is extremely bright meagain and my 24" was the same... I take some drugs that make my eyes more senstive to sunlight so maybe that is why. However, I have seen threads asking about lowering the brightness levels? If you sense a problem call Apple...

Unfortunately, it's $20. Then of course there's Pirate bay if so inclined.

I don't think there's a flaw in my machine, I think it's designed this way re brightness? I wish there was a hack where I can tweak the settings. 1/2 way up is lowest on my White 24". I'm running the 27" full brightness and can't see ever needing to turn it down at all.

My 1st Gen LED Air is blinding and can light up a whole room.

This screen is also calibrated differently. I've tried playing around and there's a cooler/blue vibe that I can't seem to tweak. My 24" is more accurate. I'm hoping there'll be calibration threads soon.
Been using this beast since Friday evening, here are my 2 cents : )

1) Migration assistant didn't work from my iBook G4 (running Leopard) so I just set up file sharing, hooked up an ethernet cord between the two, and copied over everything I needed. All set on that.

2) Screen size is just ridiculous. I have this Safari window opened on half the screen, and even that is plenty.

3) My Geekbench score was 8276. i7 2.8 GHz.

4) Mouse does take some getting used to. Sadly I can't use it on my glass table.. need a mouse pad. But I love the effortless vertical scrolling. Makes a wheel mouse seem archaic.

5) Just loving how blazing fast this thing is.

Consider me one very satisfied customer!

Unfortunately, it's $20. Then of course there's Pirate bay if so inclined.

I don't think there's a flaw in my machine, I think it's designed this way re brightness? I wish there was a hack where I can tweak the settings. 1/2 way up is lowest on my White 24". I'm running the 27" full brightness and can't see ever needing to turn it down at all.

My 1st Gen LED Air is blinding and can light up a whole room.

This screen is also calibrated differently. I've tried playing around and there's a cooler/blue vibe that I can't seem to tweak. My 24" is more accurate. I'm hoping there'll be calibration threads soon.

I'll check it out... the $20 doesn't bother me. I have not "pirated" anything since I build my last PC... :D

Try fooling with the Display calibration to warm up the overall color temp. As far as brightness level it should not be a problem... I would call Apple and just discuss it with a tech.
Been using this beast since Friday evening, here are my 2 cents : )

1) Migration assistant didn't work from my iBook G4 (running Leopard) so I just set up file sharing, hooked up an ethernet cord between the two, and copied over everything I needed. All set on that.

2) Screen size is just ridiculous. I have this Safari window opened on half the screen, and even that is plenty.

3) My Geekbench score was 8276. i7 2.8 GHz.

4) Mouse does take some getting used to. Sadly I can't use it on my glass table.. need a mouse pad. But I love the effortless vertical scrolling. Makes a wheel mouse seem archaic.

5) Just loving how blazing fast this thing is.

Consider me one very satisfied customer!

Glad to here the benchmarks are good. I am also pleased except for the display on the bottom which I have not yet concluded is a problem.
4) Mouse does take some getting used to. Sadly I can't use it on my glass table.. need a mouse pad. But I love the effortless vertical scrolling. Makes a wheel mouse seem archaic.
Consider me one very satisfied customer!

Astroot - I have glass also and have a very thin pad. If you find any paper thin good quality pads that look cool - give a holler?

God I love this mouse. The low height I'm not used to and I question possible fatigue but so far so good.

Nevada - Do you think you might want to swap when these become more avail? I assume it doesn't go away with tilting the screen, etc? Given what we all went through and paid - IDK - Might want to swap?
Astroot - I have glass also and have a very thin pad. If you find any paper thin good quality pads that look cool - give a holler?

Check out Wowpads. I have a couple and they're great...I'm using this one with my new iMac!
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I picked up some basic black mouse pad at Target for $3. Was getting tired of using the piece of paper for a pad. :) I had some Dell pad laying around but couldn't bring myself to use it. Kind of like how I just can't bring myself to installing Windows on it. One of these days maybe, if I really have to.

Also thought I'd share this awesome plugin I've been using for a while, just in case you guys don't know about it. It's a Safari plugin that blocks Flash. It's called ClickToFlash, which does just that, you can load Flash when and where you want to. URL is
Check out Wowpads. I have a couple and they're great...I'm using this one with my new iMac!

I have not used a pad in many years. All my "mice" have worked fine on this wood desk top and the Magic Mouse is fine on it also.I guess I have worn off the grain and have a very smooth surface.
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Nevada - Do you think you might want to swap when these become more avail? I assume it doesn't go away with tilting the screen, etc? Given what we all went through and paid - IDK - Might want to swap?

I am going to give it some time and see if any threads develop on this subject. It is not really bad but as you say for this kind of money it should be evenly lit and no color variance. I recalibrated and warmed the screen up some and the yellow is not as visible now...
Well, after waiting for 3 weeks and tracking from Shanghai, my iMac arrived on Friday and within minutes I saw the dreaded screen flicker. So instead of having fun and transferring files over all weekend, I spent my time on the phone with Apple Care and subsequently visiting the Apple Store.

I hoped that the screen issues were limited to the Core 2 duo processors but I can say for sure that it is widespread as I had the 2.8 Quad Core. Bottom line is they credited me $100 and are sending me a new machine and I will have to ship this one back. However, current estimated ship date is Dec 1. Oh well, the 30 min. I spent with it was awesome and that display is sweet! Just wished they had tested it at the factory before shipping it out.

I hope that no one else on flight 84 has been cursed with the screen flicker and you have been enjoying them so far!
Well, after waiting for 3 weeks and tracking from Shanghai, my iMac arrived on Friday and within minutes I saw the dreaded screen flicker. So instead of having fun and transferring files over all weekend, I spent my time on the phone with Apple Care and subsequently visiting the Apple Store.

I hoped that the screen issues were limited to the Core 2 duo processors but I can say for sure that it is widespread as I had the 2.8 Quad Core. Bottom line is they credited me $100 and are sending me a new machine and I will have to ship this one back. However, current estimated ship date is Dec 1. Oh well, the 30 min. I spent with it was awesome and that display is sweet! Just wished they had tested it at the factory before shipping it out.

I hope that no one else on flight 84 has been cursed with the screen flicker and you have been enjoying them so far!

That really sucks. My first C2D was returned b/c of this. Over three days, my new i7 has been perfect. It seems hit or miss with the flicker issue.
thankfully I haven't seen a screen flicker issue. I'll have to read more about it though.

As far as the brightness goes, I have to turn mine down to between 50-75% depending on the lighting in the room. 100% is BLINDING! It's SO freaking bright, I've never seen anything like it.

I need to migrate crap from my Windows machine to turn it off/donate it, but it's a pain to do :)

My question is this :
Do I keep syncing my iphone on my HP laptop, or do I move it to my imac?
thankfully I haven't seen a screen flicker issue. I'll have to read more about it though.

As far as the brightness goes, I have to turn mine down to between 50-75% depending on the lighting in the room. 100% is BLINDING! It's SO freaking bright, I've never seen anything like it.

I need to migrate crap from my Windows machine to turn it off/donate it, but it's a pain to do :)

My question is this :
Do I keep syncing my iphone on my HP laptop, or do I move it to my imac?

No flicker here either.... so far.

I had no problem when I synced it with the 27" the first time except I had to redownload iTunes because is was corrupt in the transfer from my 24". Try it and see what errror messages (if any) you get...

Brightness I agree with... I am running about 75% brightness and will probably back it off some more but have to keep my eye on print levels and calibration levels to ensure I get the same result.
Mine's going to the applestore on Friday. Have a crack in the glass. Remember how I said about the 'peeling back' when I pulled off the film? Yeah. I think it cracked the glass. I haven't used it during the day light until today. Just noticed.. 3 inches up on the edge in the black, down to the silver about a half inch in.. sucks
jm - I would think they can just swap out the glass at the store for you.
Fingers crossed.
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