Zarzuela is great fun… I could say it is Spanish Operetta, but that would do Zarzuela an injustice (as I detest Operetta!)
You've got some great friends!
Yes, this is a rather good friend.
My latest parcel to him hasn't yet arrived in the corner of Scandinavia where he dwells - despite having been sent by registered post last Friday - but, yes, we have had a lot of fun preparing CDs - that old school way of not simply 'ripping' and 'burning' but actually preparing and planning playlists.
Last week, I sent him a CD I had put together of Sixties Psychedelia from several CDs, (Simon Dupree, Locomotives, The Gods, The Aerovons, Parking Lot, etc), two CDs by Alfredo Rolando Ortiz, and one - recommended to me by @mobilehaathi which I think superb - called "Rome".
Os Mutantes and some Renaissance stuff will comprise the next parcel.
Most of his zarzuelas are in the form of vinyl, - he is looking into some way to convert them to CD - but he mentioned that he has two in CD form. (An aside: We both loathe the Cloud, and the horrid rentier model of musical acquisition).