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Correction: You are being a bigot. To call anyone who is willing to purchase something as a status symbol "dumb" is just as ridiculous as believing you have the omnipotence to decide such things.

I get it now! Calling people stupid is ridiculous and inconsiderate, but calling them bigots is fine. Thanks for waking us from our sleep of ignorance.

Sarcasm aside, you might want to look at this from a wider angle. Every story about this app has a disproportionately huge number of comments. The vast majority of these comments view the app in an unfavorable light. Why? This app is plainly worthless and spending a huge amount of money on it pushes a little too hard on one of those unspoken but universally understood social boundaries.

That said, this app still works a lot better when viewed as a confidence trick rather than an art project. But, the idea could be usefully applied in a different way! Use the same concept of a no-op app, but instead of some random guy, it is sold by a charity. Different donation levels get you apps of different colors or pictures (or something). There can even be a $999.99 price level. The jealously rich can still validate their lifestyle and maybe even feel good about (perish the thought) helping those icky poor/starving/homeless people. :D
That said, this app still works a lot better when viewed as a confidence trick rather than an art project. But, the idea could be usefully applied in a different way! Use the same concept of a no-op app, but instead of some random guy, it is sold by a charity. Different donation levels get you apps of different colors or pictures (or something). There can even be a $999.99 price level. The jealously rich can still validate their lifestyle and maybe even feel good about (perish the thought) helping those icky poor/starving/homeless people. :D

I like that idea! Some Dev needs to get in touch with some charities!
I don't know if these have been posted yet, but I got ahold of a copy of the app bundle and decoded/uploaded the images from it.








I'm currently at work and not able to read through all these threads, so I don't know if it's been posted already.....

I just read in the LA Times (business section) that 8 (EIGHT) people bought this app within the first 24 hrs of the apps' introduction into the app store...

I get it now! Calling people stupid is ridiculous and inconsiderate, but calling them bigots is fine. Thanks for waking us from our sleep of ignorance.

bigoted |ˈbigətid|
obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions

Calling someone dumb is an insult. Calling someone a bigot because they judge people based on a life-style which is only "dumb" because they wouldn't live it themselves is pointing out a truth. If he doesn't want to buy things that are status-showers, great for him, but what he is doing is claiming that because he doesn't like things that are just for show, that everyone who buys them is of lesser intelligence. That, sir, is bigotry, as the definition above shows, and there is a huge difference between calling someone stupid because you think so, and pointing out bigotry. (Stupidity is something we should not point out and make fun of, whereas bigotry is something we should be trying to get rid of. THAT's the difference).

verb |inˈsəlt| [ trans. ]
speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.
But, the idea could be usefully applied in a different way! Use the same concept of a no-op app, but instead of some random guy, it is sold by a charity. Different donation levels get you apps of different colors or pictures (or something). There can even be a $999.99 price level. The jealously rich can still validate their lifestyle and maybe even feel good about (perish the thought) helping those icky poor/starving/homeless people. :D

You have hit on a great idea. Instead of paying a premium on the iPod, as some did for that "red" campaign, to diminish their materialistic guilt, people can buy the charity logo for their iPhone.

Also the cost to the charity would be very low, probably even lower than a raffle, or bingo, or a bake-sale. ;)

Great idea.
Calling someone dumb is an insult. Calling someone a bigot because they judge people based on a life-style which is only "dumb" because they wouldn't live it themselves is pointing out a truth.

But how is pointing out stupidity any more or less subjective than pointing out bigotry? There is a good argument to be made that the purchase of this app is an act of stupidity. Let's start as you did with a definition (this time from wikipedia) of stupidity:

Stupidity (also called fatuity) is the property a person, action or belief instantiates by virtue of having or being indicative of low intelligence or poor learning abilities. Stupidity is distinct from irrationality because stupidity denotes an incapability or unwillingness to properly consider the relevant information.

What is some of the relevant information?
  1. This app has exactly 3 "modes": icon, image, and mantra. These don't change and have no other function. You will have seen everything the app has to offer within seconds. Can the relative "thrill" of these few seconds be logically justified by the cost? That's $200/second if you finish reading the mantra in 5 seconds.
  2. If you want something that has functionality: iPhones/Apple TVs/iPods/MacBooks/Nintendo Wii's, BlendTec blenders all provide a much higher function-to-dollar ratio, many of these things are way under a grand.
  3. If art is your thing: there are many actual paintings, drawings, sculptures, audio recordings, books, jewelry or even installation pieces that will provide a more rich artistic experience to the owner.
  4. If you're looking for thrills: sky diving, whitewater rafting, scuba diving, attending a running of the bulls, spending an hour with a mid-to-high priced ********* (or guy), racecar driving, rock climbing, etc all provide cheaper and more thrilling experiences than this app unless you are a caveman or something, in which case I think dizzy bee or monkey ball would fascinate you more than a static picture.
  5. If you're into throwing away your money: buying any of the above and randomly giving it out to a stranger gives you an extra bonus: you are deprived of your money and you have someone's appreciation/shock/amazement/admiration.
  6. If you are into immediately improving your life: hire a self-help guru, or a personal trainer, or a personal chef, or a nanny, or a maid or a butler. The per-day cost will be lower than the cost of this app and you'll likely enjoy a more substantial benefit.
  7. If you are into long-term improvements to your life and the life of your offspring: For $1000 you can save at least 3,000 lives in areas where contaminated water causes terminal dissentary (see ). Or you could just reduce starvation, disease, and homelessness through various charities. You could promote economic development in impoverished areas by donating to or investing in infrastructure development... building roads in Africa for example allows markets to develop there, allows sick people to get to doctors, etc. It's hard to argue that a global reduction of disease and poverty will do anything but improve the global quality of life. It's also been argued that reducing poverty and disease reduces the recruiting power of radical and militant groups. Islamism (note the "ism") is growing most rapidly not in the middle-east, but in Africa.
  8. For the younger generations, Hip-Hop's pop side has helped to change this with the nonsense of bling... but older Westerners still consider ostentatious displays of frivolity to be tasteless and something for the Nouveau riche... so you're not going to look good to your blueblood friends... and your warren buffet types who aren't bigtime spenders aren't going to think much of your buying decisions either.
So that's my argument. Faced with all that information, and all the stuff I left out, I think that someone who buys this app is not just a person with different tastes, or someone who is a little irrational, but rather a person who is fully stupid.
Faced with all that information, and all the stuff I left out, I think that someone who buys this app is not just a person with different tastes, or someone who is a little irrational, but rather a person who is fully stupid.
Okay, so if I were to have purchased that app, I would be a person who is fully stupid.

And you don't even know me. :p
Okay, so if I were to have purchased that app, I would be a person who is fully stupid.

And you don't even know me. :p

This says it pretty well. He doesn't get that, though.

But how is pointing out stupidity any more or less subjective than pointing out bigotry? There is a good argument to be made that the purchase of this app is an act of stupidity. Let's start as you did with a definition (this time from wikipedia) of stupidity:

What is some of the relevant information?
  1. This app has exactly 3 "modes": icon, image, and mantra. These don't change and have no other function. You will have seen everything the app has to offer within seconds. Can the relative "thrill" of these few seconds be logically justified by the cost? That's $200/second if you finish reading the mantra in 5 seconds.
  2. If you want something that has functionality: iPhones/Apple TVs/iPods/MacBooks/Nintendo Wii's, BlendTec blenders all provide a much higher function-to-dollar ratio, many of these things are way under a grand.
  3. If art is your thing: there are many actual paintings, drawings, sculptures, audio recordings, books, jewelry or even installation pieces that will provide a more rich artistic experience to the owner.
  4. If you're looking for thrills: sky diving, whitewater rafting, scuba diving, attending a running of the bulls, spending an hour with a mid-to-high priced ********* (or guy), racecar driving, rock climbing, etc all provide cheaper and more thrilling experiences than this app unless you are a caveman or something, in which case I think dizzy bee or monkey ball would fascinate you more than a static picture.
  5. If you're into throwing away your money: buying any of the above and randomly giving it out to a stranger gives you an extra bonus: you are deprived of your money and you have someone's appreciation/shock/amazement/admiration.
  6. If you are into immediately improving your life: hire a self-help guru, or a personal trainer, or a personal chef, or a nanny, or a maid or a butler. The per-day cost will be lower than the cost of this app and you'll likely enjoy a more substantial benefit.
  7. If you are into long-term improvements to your life and the life of your offspring: For $1000 you can save at least 3,000 lives in areas where contaminated water causes terminal dissentary (see ). Or you could just reduce starvation, disease, and homelessness through various charities. You could promote economic development in impoverished areas by donating to or investing in infrastructure development... building roads in Africa for example allows markets to develop there, allows sick people to get to doctors, etc. It's hard to argue that a global reduction of disease and poverty will do anything but improve the global quality of life. It's also been argued that reducing poverty and disease reduces the recruiting power of radical and militant groups. Islamism (note the "ism") is growing most rapidly not in the middle-east, but in Africa.
  8. For the younger generations, Hip-Hop's pop side has helped to change this with the nonsense of bling... but older Westerners still consider ostentatious displays of frivolity to be tasteless and something for the Nouveau riche... so you're not going to look good to your blueblood friends... and your warren buffet types who aren't bigtime spenders aren't going to think much of your buying decisions either.
So that's my argument. Faced with all that information, and all the stuff I left out, I think that someone who buys this app is not just a person with different tastes, or someone who is a little irrational, but rather a person who is fully stupid.

Here's where you are wrong: First, in your own quoted definition of stupid, it contrasts itself with "irrational," which would have been a more appropriate word, actually. Secondly, you didn't say "I think buying this App is pretty dumb because..." or "I think one would have to be thinking pretty irrationally to buy this because..." You said "Anyone who buys this Application is dumb." This is a personal attack, man. You can't get around that. You are claiming that those six people that did want this Application that bought it are of low intelligence. You are personally insulting those six people personally, as well as anyone else who would have bought the app if it stayed up.

I understand you don't believe them to be irrational, and actually stupid, but even if I brought one of them to you personally, and it was Albert Einstein, you'd still make the same claim. So what's the point?

I already explained why this contrasts with me saying you were being a bigot, but I'll do it again:

Where calling someone dumb points out a flaw in their character (or this case, intelligence), and attacks them because of their supposed low intelligence, saying someone is being a bigot is saying that someone is "obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions," which you plainly were from what you said in your post. In other words, it's not demeaning in the same way. If you can't see the difference between the two, then I'm sorry, but I can't say any more to help you understand.

If you'd like, I can say that bigots are dumb, and you can actually have an argument? Nah. I don't think you're dumb, I just think you need to take care not to judge people you don't know like that. Just trying to help, man! :eek:
I have to fully aggree with Ziggy here.. saying some is dumb is a personal attack.. Saying it is stupid to decide to spend $1000 on something like that is different.. calling names is what you were doing, NOT commenting on what you felt about the decision to purchase that app..

here;s the thing. I agree with you in some sense that $1000 is better spent elsewhere.. but that is why (at least I ) live in america. The freedom to spend your money how you please. I have said this before. This app is no different than those spending ridiculous amounts of money on shoes, pocket books, and art..

And the art comment you made holds no water because art CAN be ANYTHING. not just a drawing or painting or something tangable.
I have to fully aggree with Ziggy here.. saying some is dumb is a personal attack.. Saying it is stupid to decide to spend $1000 on something like that is different.. calling names is what you were doing, NOT commenting on what you felt about the decision to purchase that app..

here;s the thing. I agree with you in some sense that $1000 is better spent elsewhere.. but that is why (at least I ) live in america. The freedom to spend your money how you please. I have said this before. This app is no different than those spending ridiculous amounts of money on shoes, pocket books, and art..

And the art comment you made holds no water because art CAN be ANYTHING. not just a drawing or painting or something tangable.

You understand, but I just want to make it very clear that when I said he was being a bigot, I was pointing out that he was acting as if his non-desire to buy that App made everyone who did buy it of lesser intelligence than him. I knew calling someone a bigot is less personally insulting than calling someone dumb, and I was just hoping he'd change his wording a little bit...However, instead, he went further by making sure we knew that he actually thought all those people were stupid.

I think that someone who buys this app is not just a person with different tastes, or someone who is a little irrational, but rather a person who is fully stupid.
And the art comment you made holds no water because art CAN be ANYTHING. not just a drawing or painting or something tangable.
That much is true. Art value is in the eye of the beholder.

I once paid a fair amount for a pencil sketch. I asked the artist to frame it for me. I paid a premium for the service. But in the end, I saw the true meaning of her sketch as the frame really brought out the drawing.

Who knows, someday the artist may become famous and the sketch may increase in value. However, it doesn't matter to me. I did not buy the sketch as an investment. Rather, the drawing spoke to me and I wanted it. I doubt that I will ever sell it, regardless of how much I was offered. Many years later I study the sketch and it always creates a smile on my face. It simply means too much to me to part with it.
This says it pretty well. He doesn't get that, though. [...] You said "Anyone who buys this Application is dumb."

Oh I get it, I just disagree. Be careful with your quotation marks chief, that's not what I wrote (but it is what I think).

even if I brought one of them to you personally, and it was Albert Einstein, you'd still make the same claim.

At this point I'd have some questions for Einstein and I'd probably change my mind. Then (since we're apparently discussing a ridiculous hypothetical fantasy land) I'd teleport back to my space ship where Heidi Klum would be waiting to seduce me.

Where calling someone dumb points out a flaw in their character [...], saying someone is being a bigot is saying that someone is [...] In other words, it's not demeaning in the same way.

You keep trying and failing to re-cast your words to avoid looking like a hypocrite. You attacked Darkroom for name calling by calling him a name. Everyone makes mistakes.

I just think you need to take care not to judge people you don't know like that. Just trying to help, man!

Not everything is relative. We can agree that serial killers are bad. At least I hope you're not going to say that I shouldn't be bigoted against murderers. I hope we can agree that someone who drinks pure chlorine bleach in order to kill bad breath is stupid. I'm just trying to HELP YOU come to the realization that someone who buys this app is indeed stupid. I listed a number of reasons. If you can't get there then, as you say, "I can't say any more to help you understand."

You understand, but I just want to make it very clear that when I said he was being a bigot, I was pointing out that he was acting as if his non-desire to buy that App made everyone who did buy it of lesser intelligence than him.

You're getting me confused with the user Darkroom. See your post... it's number 324 in this thread (I've kind of taken up the argument though). You're also getting my position confused.

I knew calling someone a bigot is less personally insulting than calling someone dumb

News to me. Do you have anything to back that up?
I have to fully aggree with Ziggy here.. saying some is dumb is a personal attack.. Saying it is stupid to decide to spend $1000 on something like that is different.. calling names is what you were doing, NOT commenting on what you felt about the decision to purchase that app..

So how many times does a person have to do stupid things in order to be legitimately called stupid?

here;s the thing. I agree with you in some sense that $1000 is better spent elsewhere.. but that is why (at least I ) live in america. The freedom to spend your money how you please.

Don't get into a straw-man argument. I'm not calling for arrest or any government intervention at all. I'm not even calling for civil action. I simply said that I'm glad Apple made their "judgement call" and pulled this app. I don't think that their part in selling the app was good for Apple, the app store, or thier customers. BTW, I'm enjoying my freedom to call these six people stupid.

This app is no different than those spending ridiculous amounts of money on shoes, pocket books, and art..

I disagree with you. Maybe we'd be on the same page if someone was selling an "invisible purse."

And the art comment you made holds no water because art CAN be ANYTHING. not just a drawing or painting or something tangable.

Another straw man? I believe I what I said was that this app works better as a con than a work of art. The result of one minute with photoshop's filters menu sold for an exorbident sum doesn't really do much to convince me otherwise. But since you brought it up, I believe art is about the activity of two parties, the creator and the audience. I don't call it art when the audience is mostly driving the experience... when it's entirely up to their imagination without significant shaping from the creator. I believe you can't take something entirely created in my imagination and call it your work of art. In this context, yeah you can call every iphone app "art". I like "Flashlight," which reminds us of the stark realities of the post industrial world at the exact moment of armageddon and gives us hope for the reborn world to follow.
Why is there still all this arguing about this damn app!

It was just a marketing ploy by the developer to get publicity, and judging by how its been reported on almost every tech/Apple rumor site, and by how much people are talking about it, it has worked.

However, the damn thing is now REMOVED... Its GONE! (Until the developer releases the jailbreak version...).

So... If you dont like the app, you dont install it, if you have a grand to spare, you can buy it, whatever, people can do what the hell they want with their own cash, but point is the app has been removed, so there is NO POINT arguing about it now.
Why is there still all this arguing about this damn app!

Because it's still an interesting topic! Much (most?) of the posting has taken place after the app was pulled. The question of whether this app is A Good Thing is still something people want to weigh in on. And then there's the whole question of whether Apple should have pulled it, a topic which naturally has to be discussed after the app is already gone.

This app lets people debate questions of morality, responsibility, creativity, personal freedoms, the meaning of art, etc. You don't always get that talking about iPods and MacBooks.
Because it's still an interesting topic! Much (most?) of the posting has taken place after the app was pulled. The question of whether this app is A Good Thing is still something people want to weigh in on. And then there's the whole question of whether Apple should have pulled it, a topic which naturally has to be discussed after the app is already gone.

This app lets people debate questions of morality, responsibility, creativity, personal freedoms, the meaning of art, etc. You don't always get that talking about iPods and MacBooks.

Ehh... Good point!

I think they should have kept it up and not refunded anyone, if you click that tiny "Buy App" button then thats exactly what you do, buy the app.

Leave it on there, if people wanna show off then let them!
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