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I agree with a comment a few pages back that this was a marketing ploy by the creator, and I think, judging by all the fuss everyone is making about it, that it worked! ;)

And if anyone actually bought it (unlike me, who put the screenshot on my iPod touch :D), the guy would have a pile of cash, too! :p
The only reason this was pulled was because of the price. Apple didn't want to deal with some idiot buyer wanting a refund. If it had been a 99¢ app nobody at Apple would have thought twice about leaving it up. Just leave the app store be for a while and the bad stuff will eventually sink to the bottom. Still, this guy's a genius.
I tried buying it, but my CC company decline it. They called me ask why iTunes was charging $999.

Why? Would you have been happier if they let the charge go through? :confused: This doesn't make any sense to some people just have an extra $1000 sitting around that they need to get rid of?
I tried buying it, but my CC company decline it. They called me ask why iTunes was charging $999.

They removed it to make room for another new swiss army knife app that combines a bad to do list, with a flash light and a tip calculator all in one.
Ha ha! Good one.

Why? Would you have been happier if they let the charge go through? :confused:
Uh, he was joking.

This doesn't make any sense to some people just have an extra $1000 sitting around that they need to get rid of?
Yes, some folks do have $1,000 laying around.
WOW.. so YOU click BUY NOW and its the app makers FAULT that your the idiot who clicked the BUY NOW button?? Seriously.. I amSOO sick of people whining. Its your mistake, OWN UP!
Any download stats on this?

Just curious how many bought this app.

All said and done, it does exactly what it says on the tin and that idiot who clicked on but it just for a laugh should know better.
Maybe I'll go to a car showroom and just for a laugh give them my card and enter my pin number....oh wait it was only a joke, give me my money back. I don't ACTUALLY want the car. Wally.
I wonder why they pulled the app

I think the app itself was a comment on why many people buy things. Maybe even why people buy iPhones. Simply because they are expensive. (iPhones can cost $2,600. They don't give you the phone until after you sign up to pay a four digit price.)

My guess is that Apple wants to censor this kind of comment. The artist (yes I call him that rather then "software engineer") was as artists do making a comment. Apple simply did not like it. Bad marketing.
I think the app itself was a comment on why many people buy things. Maybe even why people buy iPhones. Simply because they are expensive. (iPhones can cost $2,600. They don't give you the phone until after you sign up to pay a four digit price.)

My guess is that Apple wants to censor this kind of comment. The artist (yes I call him that rather then "software engineer") was as artists do making a comment. Apple simply did not like it. Bad marketing.

Sounds sensible enough.
As much...

As Much as I hate to say it... this would probably work.

Not a fan however. Even though I'm rich, I'd never ever ever buy something like this. :mad:
Ah, but it has just appeared for free on Cydia! If you jailbroke your iPhone or iPod Touch, you can go check it out there!
Not that anyone will read this (300+ comments in) but the "secret" mantra on the back of reads:

"I am rich
I deserv it

I am good,
healthy &

So yeah. Also P.E.O. stands for "Protect Each Other"
correction: dumb people spend money on status symbols. fact.

Correction: You are being a bigot. To call anyone who is willing to purchase something as a status symbol "dumb" is just as ridiculous as believing you have the omnipotence to decide such things. If I have my money, whether I worked for it or not, it's MY money. You wouldn't spend your money on a status symbol (I wouldn't either, but this hypothetical rich person I am calling "me" would), but then again, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shmoe wouldn't spend their money on an Apple computer, either. It's one thing to have legitimate reasons to berate the app, whether they're over-the-top or not, but to insult someone's intelligence because they have a different sense of style, and a different set of priorities than you is ridiculous. In other words, someone can say "I don't like Apple's computers because I only need a word-processor, and can get that in a typewriter, or even a cheap cheap computer," but once they stand in your face and say "anyone who buys an Apple computer is dumb," they've crossed the line. Please be more considerate.
It could always get worse

Imagine what our "friends" from Nigeria could do with more junkware like IamRich...



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