Here's something an android phone can do that an iphone can't do.
WOW! That is amazing! I'm going to repost this if you don't mind.
Here's something an android phone can do that an iphone can't do.
Here's something an android phone can do that an iphone can't do.
WOW! That is amazing! I'm going to repost this if you don't mind.
-Use the phone as a gaming system complete with roms and pairing playstation controller to phone, with ability to output it via hdmi out.
Ya... Women who appreciate material things are all airheads... No woman worth knowing would ever notice a guy in a nice suit, or watch a Fly Yellow Ferrari drive by and notice. They'd just be an "airhead".
What world do you live in? If you can show me ANY, attractive (by normal standards) woman who doesn't value material things in some way shape or form, I'll eat my iPhone.
We all do. Stop pretending like it doesn't matter. It's SUCH a lie.
I'd bet money right now that if we took two people of equal looks, intelligence, character, etc... and gave one nicer "things" that not only would they garner a lot more attention, they would have JUST as much of a chance of meeting someone not worthy of running from.
To insinuate that material things and vanity aren't OFTEN a starting point for a relationship is downright hilarious...
Material things can't be the BASIS of a relationship (and I never said it did). But it can most DEFINITELY be the start. If a girl approachs someone because they have the latest Apple gadget it could mean any million of things... Doesn't brand her an "airhead".
BRANDING plays a part in everything we do every day. If you think only "airheads" pay attention to it, you're wrong. I'm sure your wife/girlfriend met you from behing a curtain, where only your personality mattered, and nothing else. If not, she's just an "airhead" right?
People like other people who like the same things as them. It's just common knowledge...
I am willing to take up your challenge. Are you willing to eat your iPhone? Or are you going to chicken out?
I was actually surprised when the 4s didn't have NFC payment. That seems like its something that's right up Apples alley.
The Nexus S has had this since its release over a year ago.
...and yet it continues to be absolutely useless and nothing more than spec sheet filler.
Google wallet only legally works if you're on Sprint AND have a NS4G or GN (from sprint).
...and yet it continues to be absolutely useless and nothing more than spec sheet filler.
Google wallet only legally works if you're on Sprint AND have a NS4G or GN (from sprint).
There's nothing illegal about it working outside of Sprint. NFC isn't just a "spec sheet filler". It can be used in the paypal app (though I don't find that particular useful), Android beam in ICS, various NFC apps (tag readers, tag writers, nfc task launchers, etc), Google Wallet, and they are working on nfc emulation right now (last I heard they had it working on the Nexus S).
Legally? Lol ignoring that silliness and yes it's useless if you don't live near a :
Shop Rite
Home depot
American eagle outfitters
Einstein bagels
BP gas station
Rite aid
Kleins grocery
Some of those may just be local to me which goes to show you its not just a main stream thing. And I can probably find a hundred more places.
Google Wallet for me is the killer app and it annoys me that i can't really use it as a non-sprint customer without jumping through some hoops. Android beam is nice but not really useful until you can share, ringtones. PayPal? who uses PayPal anymore. The rest i don't really care about either and/or has already been done ages ago via QR Codes (which are actually more pervasive).
Not sure what your point is here. I didn't say you couldn't use it to pay for stuff. I said Google Wallet is only available to Sprint customers unless you do some workarounds. Therefore the NFC on my Nexus S is mostly me anyway.
Oh I have a good one.
My android phone can download at 30Mb to 40Mb on Verizons LTE network.
Can your iphone do that?
Not really any major hoops to jump through. Just install the apk and call it a day. Plenty of people use paypal, though the nfc portion of it I don't think is particularly useful due to it only being able to be used to pay the other person you're tapping (doesn't make much sense to me). As for QR codes, you cannot even remotely compare qr codes to nfc tags. I'll give you a real world example. I can place a nfc tag on my car dock and set the phone so that when I place the phone in the car dock, the phone disconnects from my bluetooth headset and connects to the car's stereo and also places the phone into car mode. All of that would be done just by sitting the phone in the car dock because I put a nfc tag in the dock. Can't do that with a QR code.Google Wallet for me is the killer app and it annoys me that i can't really use it as a non-sprint customer without jumping through some hoops. Android beam is nice but not really useful until you can share, ringtones. PayPal? who uses PayPal anymore. The rest i don't really care about either and/or has already been done ages ago via QR Codes (which are actually more pervasive).
I'd beg to differ. As someone who owns both I'll tell you that I am not overly impressed with the iphone's UI at all. The iphone's home screen is basically the equivalent to the Android platform's app drawer. It lacks functionality and quite frankly I think it's unattractive. I much prefer the set up of my home screen to that of the iphone. I'll attach a screen shot of both and you'll see what I mean. The iphone's screen is much less attractive.The iphone UI just can't be beaten, the quality of an iphone, the many apps on an iphone.
Not really any major hoops to jump through. Just install the apk and call it a day. Plenty of people use paypal, though the nfc portion of it I don't think is particularly useful due to it only being able to be used to pay the other person you're tapping (doesn't make much sense to me). As for QR codes, you cannot even remotely compare qr codes to nfc tags. I'll give you a real world example. I can place a nfc tag on my car dock and set the phone so that when I place the phone in the car dock, the phone disconnects from my bluetooth headset and connects to the car's stereo and also places the phone into car mode. All of that would be done just by sitting the phone in the car dock because I put a nfc tag in the dock. Can't do that with a QR code.
I'd beg to differ. As someone who owns both I'll tell you that I am not overly impressed with the iphone's UI at all. The iphone's home screen is basically the equivalent to the Android platform's app drawer. It lacks functionality and quite frankly I think it's unattractive. I much prefer the set up of my home screen to that of the iphone. I'll attach a screen shot of both and you'll see what I mean. The iphone's screen is much less attractive.
you just lost, now eat your iphone
I would say to each their own. Because to me that home screen on nexus looks ugly. Also i don't have any obsession with weather or news updating every hour right in my face. I'll read it when i want to, flipboard is two taps away and so is weather slide down.
That's the benefit of Android. You can customize it anyway you want. If you don't want weather in your face, you can replace it with a different widget or leave it blank. If you don't like the Moto Blur or HTC Sense UI, you can download Launcher Pro or Go Launcher or one of the many others in the market. I have yet to see two people with identical looking Android screens. This is what my home screen looked like on my Droid.