Currently working on PPCMC 7.... I apologize for how long these releases are becoming. FFMPEG seems to not recognize OpenSSL alpha 15, I may have to revert to the 'stable' openssl versions to compile everything in this update. If you didn't know, PPCMC has always been updated with bleeding edge software, OpenSSL Alpha 12 was in the last release, which is newer then any linux distro. This is why PPCMC releases take so long, besides Python (Python actually still supports v3.6,.x, the last version to officially support Mac OS X panther, and has security updates till the end of this year) everything in PPCMC 7 is always bleeding edge at time of release. For example, in the last version:
I apologize about how the last version broke PPC G3 compatibility, I'm currently very tight on cash and can't buy another iBook G3 Clamshell charger at the moment to test for G3 compatibility (the whole reason I bought the clamshell). However, @Dronecatcher has said he will test the next update for G3 compatibility when it''s ready, which is amazing!
PPCMC7 has alot of life left. I have no doubt that YouTube on PowrerPC will continue on till the next decade of 2030 at least. The OpenSSL people are amazing, as well as everyone still making open source software compatible with PowerPC.
- OpenSSL 3.0 Alpha 12 -
- Curl 7.75.0 -
- Panther_SDL2 2.0.3 (current main SDL2 release is version 2.0.14) -,
- FFMPEG 4.3.2 (includes FFplay and FFprobe)
- Python 3.6.13 (latest Python 3.6, current Python release is version 3.9.2)
- LAMEVMX 3.100,
- Zlib 1.2.11 -
- Mozilla's CA PEM extracted by the cURL project on 1/19/2021 -
- Bzip2 1.0.8 -
- YouTube-dl version 2021.2.22 -
- AtomicParsley version 0.9.0 -
I apologize about how the last version broke PPC G3 compatibility, I'm currently very tight on cash and can't buy another iBook G3 Clamshell charger at the moment to test for G3 compatibility (the whole reason I bought the clamshell). However, @Dronecatcher has said he will test the next update for G3 compatibility when it''s ready, which is amazing!
PPCMC7 has alot of life left. I have no doubt that YouTube on PowrerPC will continue on till the next decade of 2030 at least. The OpenSSL people are amazing, as well as everyone still making open source software compatible with PowerPC.