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This. I'm baffled that they haven't allowed you to manually select a location for the geofence by dropping a pin on the map. Until they do I'll stick with Locationizer.

It's unreal. I'd rather not add my grocery store or target/best buy to my contacts just to use the location reminders. Very strange this isn't an option... I don't even have that many address's in my contacts anyway.
- Ability to lock folders with passwords. (and apps within those folders wouldn't show up in the multitasking bar)
- Ability to merge folders (if their sum of Apps is lower than 12)
- Tiny small icon in the status bar to let us know we have notifications (maybe a number or just a small flashing dot)
- Improve iMessage group chats. (this has a LOT to be worked on)
- Once we clear all missed calls from Notification Center (NC), the red badges on the phone should automatically disappear. (or any other app)
- Ability to clear all notifications with one tap. (maybe tap and hold just one of the "x" and it'll clear them all).
- Ability to close all apps in the multitasking bar. (same idea, just tap and hold one of the "-" and it'll clear them all).
- Bring back the arrows to browse through photos.
- Now you can tap and hold on a song/album, and you'll get a popup with basically the same info you're seeing. It should have different info (year, genre, rating, etc)
Ability to sort reminders by DUE date. They apparently are in the order they were entered or you can look at a specific date, but in the notifications they are in the order they were entered. So they need to add some sorting options, such as due date and maybe alphabetical.

Someone else mentioned it, but the ability to display my next 5 calendar items, regardless of WHEN they are. I only use my Google calendar for the "big" daily stuff like birthdays, dates the husband is off work, etc. So I can go 3 or 4 days with nothing. Unfortunately notification center won't show these. If I say I want to see 5 appointments, I want to see them even if they are over the course of 5 years.
1) The ability to disable newsstand in the settings menu or at least have it combined with iBooks.
2) An improvement with battery life. This phone seems to drain power even if you're only using it for several minutes.
3) The ability to delete 'photo library'. There's no need to have two folders containing the same photos.

Can't think of anything else for now.
The original poster is on the money. I personally would love to see:

1. Ability to delete notifications on lock screen.
2. Status bar icon for notifications.
3. Hide SpringBoard icons.
4. Ability to delete Photo Stream photos.
5. Ability to password protect icons.
6. Clearing a notification (in center) deletes badge icon.
ability to subscribe to a podcast on your phone, so you don't need a computer - like you're SUPPOSED to not have to have a computer.

They tout this new OS as a computer-free solution, but it's not. I want to be able to have my new podcast downloaded over Wifi when i'm connected to it, automatically.

Amen to that! This is the only remaining reason I need to sync to iTunes daily. I would love to REALLY cut the PC cord *completely*.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

Better Battery Life on my iPhone 4
1) Disable spotlight (am I the only one who never uses it?).
2) Select what notifications you want on the notifications screen. I don't use the calendar much so I'd like it removed.
3) Shortcut to the brightness, wi-fi toggle and bluetooth toggle. I SO already miss this from when I did the jailbreak.
4) Notifications on the lock screen. If I get a text or email, I want to be able to glance at the lockscreen to see if it's something I need to respond to quickly. Again, a jailbreak functionality I already miss dearly.

yeah I miss the last two from the jailbreak. so to hold me over I took settings out of the utility folder and put on my home screen so I could get to it for now. I LOVE SBSettings! I also liked that I could see all notifications on the lock screen and the ability to delete from notifications too.

people keep mentioning the newsstand folder..I just put it on a page that I don't even go to just to get out of sight out of mind..I guess that's what you'll have to do for now. I don't see it as that big of a deal. but that's just me. I love this update and it will hold me over til next year.
#1) Weather and Calendar Apts on the LOCK SCREEN!!! (They are on the notification centre - so why can't they be on the lock screen too?? I HATE having to go through so many steps to see the current weather or today's appointments, when with Lock Info I could just turn the screen on and there they were!!! Simple...

#2) Ability to hide / remove apps I don't want like Stocks and News Stand - So annoying having to have a 'Junk' folder ---- which I also can not hide!!

#3) Please suck it up Apple, and get Flash already!


p.s. - those first 2 annoyances will not remain for long as I plan to JB again as soon as untethered is released and Lock Info is updated.
#3 Steve explicitly said a big NO to Flash, and now he has passed away. I don't think the other executives dare to change this decision in the foreseeable future....
I would seriously like the ability to delete photos from Photo Stream, otherwise I will never use it. I hate looking at crappy test pictures.

It's not a problem, as soon as you take 1,000 more pictures it'll be gone.

(Seriously, I hate it too, this is my #1 beef with Photostream and iOS5...terrible decision. And I have yet to hear anyone defend it.)
- APIs or ability to add more widgets to the Notification Center
- Built-in dictionary become an app that's optional (just like Nike+iPod is)
Some really good ideas and suggestions here - I'm really hoping 5.1 is about the tweaks.

I'd also like the keyboard to flick up and down in
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

I thought it was just me. I know batteries need to be "worked in", but my battery life is currently horrid. I have never experienced this poor battery life with my previous new iPhones.

count me in,the betas have even better battery life
3) Shortcut to the brightness, wi-fi toggle and bluetooth toggle. I SO already miss this from when I did the jailbreak.
4) Notifications on the lock screen. If I get a text or email, I want to be able to glance at the lockscreen to see if it's something I need to respond to quickly. Again, a jailbreak functionality I already miss dearly.

Doesn't #4 already happen?

#3, yes, please, constantly switching BT on and off.

A. more than 12 apps per folder, make it scroll!
B. More granular Repeating capability for Calendar events. For a meeting that's the 3rd Thursday of each month, I have to go into iCloud to set it up. iPhone interface only gives you options for Every: Day/Week/2 Weeks/Month/Year.

C. new Reminders app is a start but lacking so much functionality. It needs:
1. granular repeating capability from (b) above
2. Snooze ability
3. If I set up a repeating reminder for every 3 months to change my furnace filters, if I don't get it done for a few days, then mark it complete, it should start counting 3 days from that point.

Everything in B and C were available on my @#$%&*! Palm Treo 650 about 7 years ago! :mad:
I'd really like an iPod app for iPad like the one I had previously instead of the half-baked Music app and totally amateurish Video app. Why is there more functionality to view music videos on small screened devices like iPhone and iPod touch but all functionality to view music videos is removed from the larger screen on the iPad following iOS 5? Steve Jobs must be turning in his grave that anyone could let this travesty escape from beta.:mad:
- move send button to top of screen in Text/iMessage to prevent accidental sending.
- customisable shortcuts for brightness, Bluetooth etc.
- customisable quick launch from lock screen for voice record, calendar etc (anything not requiring a data connection)
i want some wifi,brightness,bluetooth etc toggles for when i pull down notification center,Kinda like an sb settings thing but without the jailbreak...
Advanced Reminders (repeat every weekday, repeat first monday of every month, etc) and ability for Siri to understand these:

"Remind me to take out the trash every Monday and Thursday at 7am"

I'll be using the heck out of Reminders when this happens.

...Oh, and I just read someone's post about location-based reminders...being able to drop a pin for the location vs having to set it as a contact. Totally agree.
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