I'm going to add this to my queue right now.
Good idea, me too!
I'm going to add this to my queue right now.
I'm going to add this to my queue right now.
It's on the DVR right now. Another new show my wife wants us to watch.Watched the second episode of Designated Survivor last night. It is very good, I highly recommend it.
Watching the Ryder Cup.
I'm not a golfer, but I never really understand all the fuss about the Ryder cup.Watching the Ryder Cup.
I'm not a golfer, but I never really understand all the fuss about the Ryder cup.
It used to be US v UK so we always used to lose.
So we opened it up to US v Europe now we always win.
So Why don't you guys invite South America to join you?
Anyway enjoy the golf.
My sport for the weekend will be the Formula one. It's on nice and early so I can enjoy it before going jumper shopping as we skipped it today.Well, I'm not a golfer either, - and in truth, have little enough interest in it, but - as Other Brother reminded me this evening on the phone, Mother used to love it, so that is enough for me.
The Ryder Cup will be put on tomorrow, and we'll see how that works out, and if Mother enjoys it.
My sport for the weekend will be the Formula one. It's on nice and early so I can enjoy it before going jumper shopping as we skipped it today.
Then depending on results I might watch MOTD Saturday night.
So far seems more along the lines of 7 Days (with more history thrown in as there's no 7 day limitation).Watched the series premier of Timeless last night. It was ok, but I was expecting better. Not sure I'll stick with it, but I'll watch the next few episodes.
That takes me back.Watching Star Trek Voyager, season 3, episode 2 where George Takei cameo's in the memories of Tuvok - via a mind meld with Captain Janeway - as the captain of the Excelsior. The setting is at the time of the movie Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, 80 years prior to the current time on Voyager, where Sulu is fighting the Klingons trying to rescue Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy from the Klingons on Qo'noS.
Pretty good episode so far and I love seeing cameo's from TOS and TNG on Voyager.
It was cool taking the grandkids over to NASA Houston for the tour, got to visit the Mission Control room, as featured in the documentary, although most of the touring and welcome center as been taken over by a 3rd party entertainment company presented as a kid's theme park. It's not cheap either.The tour of the grounds is what made it worth it, including a Saturn 5 on it's side, Mission Control, and test facilities.
After you've watched the show, I'd be curious to get your impression about the man. He seems like someone who let his notoriety take presedence in his life over family. He and a friend give lip service to it, but at 80, that boat may have sailed. It seems like needs of the service extended.
Watching Star Trek Voyager, season 3, episode 2 where George Takei cameo's in the memories of Tuvok - via a mind meld with Captain Janeway - as the captain of the Excelsior. The setting is at the time of the movie Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, 80 years prior to the current time on Voyager, where Sulu is fighting the Klingons trying to rescue Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy from the Klingons on Qo'noS.
Pretty good episode so far and I love seeing cameo's from TOS and TNG on Voyager.
That takes me back.
I liked the Borg episodes the best.
Yes but on Voyager as well. Where do you think Seven of Nine came from.Somehow, I missed this post; anyway, that sounds as though it was a most interesting visit, the kind of place I'd love to see.
Yes, I can well imagine.
I always loved to see how the various ST shows managed to integrate their respective universes - when done well, it was superlative.
Yes, they were brilliant, agreed.
Yes but on Voyager as well. Where do you think Seven of Nine came from.