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She was a hoot! I’ve told this story before but it still cracks me up.

We were trading messages while she was away on a business trip. She wrote she had lunch with a few colleagues, so naturally I asked what she ordered.

She replied, “I had the grilled semen and it was delicious.”

I wrote back, “you had the WHAT?!”

In case it wasn’t obvious, she was trying to say ‘salmon’.

Salmon is not the only word that auto-correct can convince itself you had no intention of writing.

Occasionally, the word "public" (as in public affairs, public policy, the public good, public service) acquires a different appearance that can give rise to embarrassment in official circles if autocorrect is let loose without adequate oversight or supervision.

Suffice to say, these days, I keep a close eye on any paper I have had to write that contains any reference whatsoever to matters pertaining to public policy.
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I've had that happen, SS -- the instance to which you refer with the word "public" missing a letter which then changes the entire meaning! I was writing a post on another forum, not this one, and didn't catch that the word wasn't the word I was intending....and didn't even spot it when proofreading prior to posting and then again after posting, which I usually do. It was only when another forum participant gently teased me and brought my attention to the issue that i realized how auto-correct (or a basic typo) had foiled me again. No harm done in that situation, but is awkward!
^^ Yes, I can't decide sometimes whether my own or Apple's "typos" are worse. I've settled for leaving spell checking off lately, because at least that way I don't get bemused emails back from friends wondering if I meant what I had typed: they now see my mistakes as typos, not as.... perhaps quite unsuitable descriptors...
I disabled auto-correction in MacOS. It offers more trouble than solutions I'm afraid. I tired of having to recorrect things and having to glaze over each sentence several times to make sure it hadn't corrected a word into something ridiculous.

Text expansion is a must for me when corresponding. It saves me time in the long run. The new GMail introduced predictive sentences based on what you've written in past correspondence and it's brilliant. Using my personal email, I've managed to cut anywhere from 20-30 minutes off my usual time spent writing emails.
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I didn't say I had an issue... The predictive text isn't put in unless you hit TAB. The prediction is based on your own writing style.

Edit: Hadn't occurred to me until just now that the prevalent "quiet" when someone should have used "quite" makes sense now.
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I didn't say I had an issue... The predictive text isn't put in unless you hit TAB. The prediction is based on your own writing style.

Edit: Hadn't occurred to me until just now that the prevalent "quiet" when someone should have used "quite" makes sense now.

Yes, this, too.

And as @Clix Pix above has pointed out, I know the difference between these two words, and am perfectly capable of writing it correctly and wince, with an inward groan, when it emerges on the page, with a markedly different appearance (and meaning).

Worse are the days when you catch it, correct it, and auto-correct decides that no, this wasn't what you meant, that what you meant was what it had decided you meant.

At times, I must admit, I have seriously contemplated disabling it.
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Brexit? That will spoil dinner.

Indeed. Insanity.

Brexit shall be banished (as a topic of thought or discussion) until well after dinner.

Which is one of the reasons I went shopping for fantasy books in a superb second hand book shop today.

Alas, I didn't find what I what I had hoped to lay hands on - actually, they had none of the books I was looking for, and I realised that I wanted - and want - pure, unadulterated escapism this cold, dark, wet December evening.
Why haven’t I bought an Air Diffuser earlier?
Sooo nice air now. Both good for skin and sleep, just sooo nice :)
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How simply reading the title of a new thread in the Community Discussion sub forum was enough to cause two solid minutes of laughter.

Oh the sarcasm...almost fell out of my chair:p

This fellow often uses curses in his commentary, but oh wow I needed this laugh right now.

Very interesting. There's a breed of domestic feline, the Calico, in the Northwestern parts of my bedroom, that has been known to demonstrate similar grace and agility:

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How simply reading the title of a new thread in the Community Discussion sub forum was enough to cause two solid minutes of laughter.

Very interesting. There's a breed of domestic feline, the Calico, in the Northwestern parts of my bedroom, that has been known to demonstrate similar grace and agility:


Would such a thread have anything to do with the presumed presence of water in an environment where it cannot possibly exist in a liquid form?
How simply reading the title of a new thread in the Community Discussion sub forum was enough to cause two solid minutes of laughter.

Very interesting. There's a breed of domestic feline, the Calico, in the Northwestern parts of my bedroom, that has been known to demonstrate similar grace and agility:

Holds up sign 8.5/10:D Beautiful kitty.

I love this forum sometimes. I miss the cranky, snarky quips in some threads, so those kinds of laughs are always welcome.:)

I am thinking about quitting time and how it is earlier today. Yay!
Dinner, books and Brexit.

And the elegant bottle of Pouilly-Fuisée I have opened.

Used to drink Pouilly-Fuisée often. Graduated to Scotch many years ago. Seems like the only Pouilly-Fuisée I can find these days in my part of the woods is from Louis Jadot. Not my first choice.
Gifts that I will be purchasing for my loved ones this Christmas, I hope that it is as easy as buying a new set of dog toys for my Chowchow.

My Christmas shopping for the most part is done. Oh how I love Amazon. Now I drive by the shopping centers and laugh as the masses jockey for parking spaces. No thanks.
I'm thinking why when I get a couple of days away for work when I could enjoy some beers and a meal out do I get a cold followed by ulcers in places you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

Sometimes my life is a trial I don't feel I've earned.
Used to drink Pouilly-Fuisée often. Graduated to Scotch many years ago. Seems like the only Pouilly-Fuisée I can find these days in my part of the woods is from Louis Jadot. Not my first choice.

My Christmas shopping for the most part is done. Oh how I love Amazon. Now I drive by the shopping centers and laugh as the masses jockey for parking spaces. No thanks.
bar humbug! My Christmas shopping is done for my lifetime!
Some of you may recall the post I made a few days ago about a situation with my elderly and health-compromised neighbor..... All is well now, she sent me an email today, I went upstairs and we talked; she is pretty much over being angry with me and that is good; I kind of had the feeling that this would happen -- suspected that she just needed to calm down a bit after her initial anger and it's a relief that this particular situation can be set aside...... I won't be surprised if other things crop up over time, though.

Something else more exciting and fun that is also on my mind is setting up my new 15" 2018 MBP! I went to the Apple store this morning and purchased her and am still in the process of setting things up, as I like to do that manually rather than through Migration Assistant or Time Machine. I find that this gives me an opportunity to review and tweak settings, evaluate apps, etc., and in the end just works out better for me. iCloud makes a lot of the nitty-gritty of setting up a new machine much smoother and quicker than it was in the past, and that is really great. So far I'm happy although I certainly have not come anywhere near putting my new machine through her paces! That will come.....
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Neighbor several houses down the street decided to fertilize their lawn. Using manure no less. The rest of the street gets a nice whiff of it when it wafts up due to the wind. Not a very pleasant smell and the daytime weather isn't cold enough to subdue it.

Anyway, going to prep some pasta dough for pasta tonight. Make a nice salad. Going to trim a bunch of mint to throw into the salad, maybe a mint flavored drink on the side. The stems and bad old leaves and some root material will be rough chopped and they'll magically make their way to the neighbor's lawn by their lonesome, I imagine, by the nighttime trash gremlins.
Neighbor several houses down the street decided to fertilize their lawn. Using manure no less. The rest of the street gets a nice whiff of it when it wafts up due to the wind. Not a very pleasant smell and the daytime weather isn't cold enough to subdue it.

Anyway, going to prep some pasta dough for pasta tonight. Make a nice salad. Going to trim a bunch of mint to throw into the salad, maybe a mint flavored drink on the side. The stems and bad old leaves and some root material will be rough chopped and they'll magically make their way to the neighbor's lawn by their lonesome, I imagine, by the nighttime trash gremlins.
Mint? Wild flower seeds is the way to go!
Some of you may recall the post I made a few days ago about a situation with my elderly and health-compromised neighbor..... All is well now, she sent me an email today, I went upstairs and we talked; she is pretty much over being angry with me and that is good; I kind of had the feeling that this would happen -- suspected that she just needed to calm down a bit after her initial anger and it's a relief that this particular situation can be set aside...... I won't be surprised if other things crop up over time, though.

Something else more exciting and fun that is also on my mind is setting up my new 15" 2018 MBP! I went to the Apple store this morning and purchased her and am still in the process of setting things up, as I like to do that manually rather than through Migration Assistant or Time Machine. I find that this gives me an opportunity to review and tweak settings, evaluate apps, etc., and in the end just works out better for me. iCloud makes a lot of the nitty-gritty of setting up a new machine much smoother and quicker than it was in the past, and that is really great. So far I'm happy although I certainly have not come anywhere near putting my new machine through her paces! That will come.....
Enjoy your new machine.
I don’t really see what the neighbor had to be angry about tbh. But there you go. Hope things settle down.
But living in close proximity to one another can lead to tensions. I get on well with one neighbor very well, but their extension last summer really tested our friendship.
But things have settled since. Especially as I’m her IT support.
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