When I was in high school the clocks in the school were all synchronised by electromechanical relays that would set the minute hands vertical at the top of the hour under computer control. We were the first class to be taught computer science, and by December the teacher had taught us everything he knew, so from then on until June we were unleashed on the school district's mainframe for 'independent projects'. One day, miraculously, it seemed somebody had changed one constant in a program that was found on the system: the number of minutes in an hour. Turns out if one sets the computer system for 55-minute hours, everybody assumes the clocks are being adjusted at the 'top' of the hour and - presto - the school day gets shortened by 30 minutes... 😇...I too was annoyed with the school clocks being off. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
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