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Ever tried an olallieberry? They are the best of all!
Until I read your post, I must admit that I had never even heard of them, let alone laid eyes on them, or tasted them

You know how they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

However, in this instance, it is not merely a nod to imitation, but a marked inclination to research, as well, (as I am sure that @Clix Pix will readily understand), fuelled by curiosity, that has governed my desire to know what form this fruit takes.

Thus, I have also looked this up.

I love learning new things.
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Pensions are on my mind. Having just done a mini review. The good news is I can continue to work into my 70's so I can afford to eat......
The whole pension thing was originally designed to ensure that employees, as they grew older and retired, could indeed be assured of continuing to have a roof over their heads and food on the table..... Alas, that particular scenario seems to have been altered over the past several years as corporations and other employers have made significant changes in how they handle the whole situation. All I can say when looking at the current process for both employers and employees is "ouch!"
The whole pension thing was originally designed to ensure that employees, as they grew older and retired, could indeed be assured of continuing to have a roof over their heads and food on the table.....

Pensions weren't/aren't the be-all end-all solution either. The majority of pensions didn't or don't have cost-of-living adjustments, so income that seemed adequate at retirement lost value, due to inflation, as years of retirement progress.
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Very true, Doctor Q! Unfortunately, back in the day, a lot of people naively assumed that their pension plus their Social Security Benefits (in the US) would be just fine and dandy, and that once they had retired, these two sources of income would allow them to continue living in the lifestyle, the way they always had......and, yes, too late, quite a few received a very rude awakening.
Played a Nord keyboard today for the first time in forever. Sounds are great but the action (not to mention the plastic keys, which feel awful to play on) is actually garbage. No offense to Nord owners here, I just don't care for them. And this was a Stage 3 "Hammer Action 88" (hah, "hammer action" when the keys are barely weighted...)
Pensions are on my mind. Having just done a mini review. The good news is I can continue to work into my 70's so I can afford to eat......
My first payment is due this week. So far, it's nothing, but the other governmental organization that's helping me temporarily sent me a packet last week requesting how much I'm getting. At least, it made me feel more secure knowing that the money was coming.

I saved as much as I could at various employers, but time has passed and inflation hasn't been kind since it's been almost 50 years since I started working.

To make those last, I don't really want to take more than US$100 or US$125 per month, unless life is short. With the Social Security payments, I will be safely indoors without trouble, but I won't be enjoying much.
On my mind: Stonehenge and idiots.
The senseless attempt at mutilation of a beloved and historic site really makes me so, so angry...... I hope these idiots get full punishment for what they have done. Doing this sort of destructive action is simply not on, not appropriate at all.

We see the same sort of mindless abuse of wildlife at many of the National Parks in the US, where stupid people walk right up to and try to embrace wild bison or other creatures in order to grab "selfies" that they can then share on FB or Instagram or whatever...... "Look at me, posing with a Bison!"

Worse, though, is when idiots tuck a baby or young wild animal into their car to transport it to what they think is "safety" because the young creature's mother didn't happen to be within sight at the time......

It simply never occurs to these fools to just leave the wildlife alone!
Was just watching a video about the dangerous, unhealthy, and hypocritical "lifestyle" videos of "influencers." I'm just at a loss for words... like... what happened?!

And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting. So now we've got two issues happening at once...

All I can say is... YIKES!!

Man, the internet has literally RUINED some people!
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Was just watching a video about the dangerous, unhealthy, and hypocritical "lifestyle" videos of "influencers." I'm just at a loss for words... like... what happened?!

And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting. So now we've got two issues happening at once...

All I can say is... YIKES!!

Man, the internet has literally RUINED some people!

I suspect that they were ruined before, but now you just get to find out about them.
On my mind at the moment:

I tried mechanical keyboards but they were not for me due to their noise (which disturbed my wife when she's sleeping and I am working late; my office space is a portion of our bedroom unfortunately).

So now I can't decide whether to switch back to the Apple Magic Keyboard and Mouse both first generation I used before, or switch to another combo with Logitech K780 keyboard and Logitech M330 mouse which I also own and haven't used in a while but I am liking now after trying them again. Somehow the keys on the K780 felt "hard" some time ago so I kept using the Magic Keyboard, but now after the experience of one month with mechanical keyboards they are just fine. I am faster on the Apple Keyboard but the Logitech allows me to use it with multiple devices.
Was just watching a video about the dangerous, unhealthy, and hypocritical "lifestyle" videos of "influencers." I'm just at a loss for words... like... what happened?!

And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting. So now we've got two issues happening at once...

All I can say is... YIKES!!

Man, the internet has literally RUINED some people!
If you don’t watch they lose their influence you know!

I watch a couple of photography YouTube people regularly and that’s about it. Not really interested in all the other crap on there.
Was just watching a video about the dangerous, unhealthy, and hypocritical "lifestyle" videos of "influencers." I'm just at a loss for words... like... what happened?!

And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting. So now we've got two issues happening at once...

All I can say is... YIKES!!

Man, the internet has literally RUINED some people!
Yup, just change channels, not more difficult.

Some can't handle the responsibility of having YT-channels, no different that some ppl can't handle attention in general, and go bazooka with their ego's. It all depends on where they come from with their purpose in the first place.

Personally I like YouTube, a lot of good stuff there, but I make my choices.
Yup, just change channels, not more difficult.
Gotta disagree here for three reasons:
  1. Infinite, un-editorialized quantity. What’s on TV is what’s on TV, and often what is on TV has went through an entire process of gatekeepers and reviews. YouTube/TikTok/IG Videos bypass everything and they are infinite
  2. YouTube/TikTok/IG videos are often (not always) low-friction: you can watch them from everywhere (contrary to good old TV), and they are short, giving the impression that one is not using much time of resources.
  3. Most importantly, the personalized algorithms. TV doesn’t have that, YT/TikTok/IG have very detailed algorithm specifically aimed at a person to increase engagement and addiction.
Personally I like YouTube, a lot of good stuff there, but I make my choices.
Agreed. If you use it as a library, it’s a great tool.
And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting.
I have been complaining for ages about kids in front of iPads at restaurants. Lately I noticed that they blast audio at full volume.

A ridiculous society is brewing…
Gotta disagree here for three reasons:
  1. Infinite, un-editorialized quantity. What’s on TV is what’s on TV, and often what is on TV has went through an entire process of gatekeepers and reviews. YouTube/TikTok/IG Videos bypass everything and they are infinite
  2. YouTube/TikTok/IG videos are often (not always) low-friction: you can watch them from everywhere (contrary to good old TV), and they are short, giving the impression that one is not using much time of resources.
  3. Most importantly, the personalized algorithms. TV doesn’t have that, YT/TikTok/IG have very detailed algorithm specifically aimed at a person to increase engagement and addiction.

Agreed. If you use it as a library, it’s a great tool.

But life is in general not sorted out for you, personal choices everyone has to learn, in one way or the other, everywhere!

It got me thinking of this quote:
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
-Maya Angelou

Save some time ☺️
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But life is in general not sorted out for you, personal choices everyone has to learn, in one way or the other, everywhere!

It got me thinking of this quote:
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
-Maya Angelou

Save some time ☺️
Maybe "he just was not into her"?

It is important to remember that most people are making important choices and decisions in a situations where they are constrained(by a lack of skills/power, self esteem, money and what not). I guess this is why they say "it's complicated".
On my mind at the moment:

I tried mechanical keyboards but they were not for me due to their noise (which disturbed my wife when she's sleeping and I am working late; my office space is a portion of our bedroom unfortunately).

So now I can't decide whether to switch back to the Apple Magic Keyboard and Mouse both first generation I used before, or switch to another combo with Logitech K780 keyboard and Logitech M330 mouse which I also own and haven't used in a while but I am liking now after trying them again. Somehow the keys on the K780 felt "hard" some time ago so I kept using the Magic Keyboard, but now after the experience of one month with mechanical keyboards they are just fine. I am faster on the Apple Keyboard but the Logitech allows me to use it with multiple devices.
I LOVE mechanical keyboards, though I totally get the noise issue...

There's just something about them that I feel like I don't get on a membrane keyboard. I personally like the clickiness of mine, and I also enjoy the really tactile experience--I can feel the keys pressing down, which I like. But I totally understand that they're not for everyone.
I have been complaining for ages about kids in front of iPads at restaurants. Lately I noticed that they blast audio at full volume.

A ridiculous society is brewing…

We used to allow our kids to use iPads at the table on holiday when they were younger and certainly not on loud speaker. Sometimes parents need a break and some adult conversation and it’s a lazy but necessary way of keeping them occupied.

Funnily enough back in 2019 we were on holiday in Cala D’or in Mallorca and a German guy took issue with my kids watching their iPads (with earphones) at our table, not interfering with him at all. He kept gesturing and I had to invite him outside for a chat to which he declined and seemed to go quiet lol.
I suspect that they were ruined before, but now you just get to find out about them.
Oh absolutely.
Yup, just change channels, not more difficult.

Some can't handle the responsibility of having YT-channels, no different that some ppl can't handle attention in general, and go bazooka with their ego's. It all depends on where they come from with their purpose in the first place.

Personally I like YouTube, a lot of good stuff there, but I make my choices.
I wasn't really talking about me being affected by these influencers--more just me noticing how they're affecting others.

But I agree--you gotta choose what you wanna watch, and hopefully that choice is a good one.
I have been complaining for ages about kids in front of iPads at restaurants. Lately I noticed that they blast audio at full volume.

A ridiculous society is brewing…
Oh don't even get me started on that!

I think I posted about this awhile ago--I was at quite the upscale restaurant a few months ago, and there were two ADULTS... ADULTS... sitting with me at the table who could not get off their phone during the meal. I felt very disrespected, because I was trying to talk to them! I'd understand if there was an emergency or something, but that clearly wasn't true, as they were just on their TikTok.
We used to allow our kids to use iPads at the table on holiday when they were younger and certainly not on loud speaker. Sometimes parents need a break and some adult conversation and it’s a lazy but necessary way of keeping them occupied.
I completely understand this, but with all due respect, I think there are other ways to calm kids down than an iPad at the dinner table. I'm just trying to remember what my parents did in that situation, cause I did NOT have an iPad at 6 years old... I also was not a rowdy kid by any stretch, so idk. Honestly, I probably just sat there, I don't remember.

But hey, I'm glad you found something that worked.
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Was just watching a video about the dangerous, unhealthy, and hypocritical "lifestyle" videos of "influencers." I'm just at a loss for words... like... what happened?!

And it's even affecting their parenting skills! Like, "Let's put a TV in our FOUR-YEAR-OLD'S BEDROOM" (WHAAAAT?!!!!) The same people making these videos urging people to create skin moisturizers out of animal carcasses are also the ones promoting awful parenting. So now we've got two issues happening at once...

All I can say is... YIKES!!

Man, the internet has literally RUINED some people!
They were ruined by their parents directly, and by the internet, they were ruined indirectly.
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