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I was lucky this time. The main problem was fixed by replacing some hose clamps that had failed causing a fairly significant oil leak from the power steering system.
Nice, glad it was a reasonable fix!

On another note completely... I was prescribed Hydromorphone for a recent dental surgery and I have to say, this stuff is fantastic!
Just practiced a B blues—always good to learn songs in the weird/difficult/unconventional keys like that. Plus, I really love doing it! I've gotten to the point that I can run fast lines over the progression. Not at the point where it feels natural though.

Very few people can comfortably play in hard keys like that (if at all), and there have been SO MANY cases where it's useful. Being able to play a solid bebop line in B, for example, while also playing left-hand walking bass is a plus (if you're a pianist).

Honestly tempted to post some videos on YouTube playing in weird keys like that solely for that purpose. I did a search to see if I could find any videos of other people for inspiration, and there weren't many out there—some keys like D flat, I couldn't find anything.
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Nice, glad it was a reasonable fix!

On another note completely... I was prescribed Hydromorphone for a recent dental surgery and I have to say, this stuff is fantastic!
Awww… dental surgery is the absolute worst!! Had a gum graft when I was 10 and wisdom teeth out last year. No fun.
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Feeling ignored is on my mind. Feel like I have done everything from trying to talk to this person informally, to expressing genuine concerns, and they do not respond or address them.

I understand that they’re very busy and all. But you know, I am ALSO very busy and have plenty of things going on in life, and I always respond. Doesn’t seem very fair, if I’m honest.

This isn’t just a person not responding to their texts, this is like an entirely different thing.

So yeah, I feel very ignored by this person, and it’s starting to really frustrate me.
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Feeling ignored is on my mind. Feel like I have done everything from trying to talk to this person informally, to expressing genuine concerns, and they do not respond or address them.

I understand that they’re very busy and all. But you know, I am ALSO very busy and have plenty of things going on in life, and I always respond. Doesn’t seem very fair, if I’m honest.

This isn’t just a person not responding to their texts, this is like an entirely different thing.

So yeah, I feel very ignored by this person, and it’s starting to really frustrate me.
Romantic interest or a casual friend?

I get that it can be frustrating, but always remember that people have different philosophies when it comes to virtual communication and prioritizing replies. If you are speaking about in person, then thats completely different.
Romantic interest or a casual friend?

I get that it can be frustrating, but always remember that people have different philosophies when it comes to virtual communication and prioritizing replies. If you are speaking about in person, then thats completely different.
Nope, just a friend. No interest in forming a romantic relationship at all.

I'm not really sure what's caused it. I've asked if he's okay, and he's said there's nothing wrong... so I really don't know. Can't say we're terribly good friends, but I'm a bit frustrated nonetheless.

While this I'm speaking of isn't an in-person relationship, I do feel ignored (much more bluntly) in-person at times (by other people obviously). Often feels like no one wants to talk to me.
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Not so much what's on my mind, but what will be in my stomach.

Chuck steak just into the slow cooker, with tomato paste, onions, potatoes, garlic paste, onion powder, beef stock cubes, water. Mushrooms will be added later.

My current state of mind is anticipation...
Nope, just a friend. No interest in forming a romantic relationship at all.

I'm not really sure what's caused it. I've asked if he's okay, and he's said there's nothing wrong... so I really don't know. Can't say we're terribly good friends, but I'm a bit frustrated nonetheless.

While this I'm speaking of isn't an in-person relationship, I do feel ignored (much more bluntly) in-person at times (by other people obviously). Often feels like no one wants to talk to me.
Cut them lose. Life’s too short to invest in one sided relationships.
Tipping culture has gone too far. Went to a restaurant last weekend, nothing fancy, and the visibile options were 20%, 25%, 30%.

I ain’t leaving a 20% tip. (I chose “custom” and left a 15% tip.)
Hello! Yes, we need a conversation about the minimum wage in the US in particular (though not here). We have tipping in Europe though it is largely optional. In Switzerland most restaurants offer tips choices say 2, 5 10 or optional Swiss Francs and not a percentage.
Went to dentist at 11am EDT USA, came out at noon and no service.
Verizon DOA now.

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Soooo... I ordered a textbook (thank god it's not a required book) A MONTH AGO. It made it to the USPS facility A MONTH AGO. I don't have it. Mail Services at the university said that they don't have it—it's literally at the facility, and been there for an entire month. Tried calling USPS but of course it's just a bot, and I can't speak to a real person to explain this situation. Tracking number shows as "Accepted," and obviously pending delivery. Not quite sure what my next step is, since Googling the post office just turns up the general phone number for USPS. Probably will have to actually go there when I have time to figure this out. UGHHHH!!!
Soooo... I ordered a textbook (thank god it's not a required book) A MONTH AGO. It made it to the USPS facility A MONTH AGO. I don't have it. Mail Services at the university said that they don't have it—it's literally at the facility, and been there for an entire month. Tried calling USPS but of course it's just a bot, and I can't speak to a real person to explain this situation. Tracking number shows as "Accepted," and obviously pending delivery. UGHHHH!!! Not quite sure what my next step is, since Googling the post office just turns up the general phone number for USPS. Probably will have to actually go there when I have time to figure this out.
Not sure what your university is like but at my daughter’s university the mail services are a total disaster, in particular with mail delivery to students. Deliveries could take weeks to months. The final solution was to get mail sent to a friend who lived off campus. I had similar experience 40 years when I was in college at a different university.

To your issue. Did you pay with a credit card? If so get the credit card company involved. Make a claim your order was lost (which it is), get it credited back, reorder your text book and have it delivered to an off campus address.
Not sure what your university is like but at my daughter’s university the mail services are a total disaster, in particular with mail delivery to students. Deliveries could take weeks to months. The final solution was to get mail sent to a friend who lived off campus. I had similar experience 40 years when I was in college at a different university.

To your issue. Did you pay with a credit card? If so get the credit card company involved. Make a claim your order was lost (which it is), get it credited back, reorder your text book and have it delivered to an off campus address.
Mail Services is excellent here—normally, they alert me immediately and I pick it up. Everyone lives on campus, so sending packages elsewhere unfortunately isn't an option. The university is NOT the issue in this case—USPS is the issue. They have not sent the package to the university, it is stuck at the post office.

Yes, I paid with a credit card. Will go to the post office this weekend to check. If they can't help me, I will certainly file a dispute with the bank.
Tipping culture has gone too far. Went to a restaurant last weekend, nothing fancy, and the visibile options were 20%, 25%, 30%.

I ain’t leaving a 20% tip. (I chose “custom” and left a 15% tip.)
Amen to this.

Hello! Yes, we need a conversation about the minimum wage in the US in particular (though not here). We have tipping in Europe though it is largely optional. In Switzerland most restaurants offer tips choices say 2, 5 10 or optional Swiss Francs and not a percentage.
Yes, unfortunately, this is no longer a the sort of in-depth conversation (or discussion) that we can hope to have here.

Suffice to say, to my mind, the European model (where half decent wages are paid rather than tips expected - and needed - in the service industry) is far preferable.
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Soooo... I ordered a textbook (thank god it's not a required book) A MONTH AGO. It made it to the USPS facility A MONTH AGO. I don't have it. Mail Services at the university said that they don't have it—it's literally at the facility, and been there for an entire month. Tried calling USPS but of course it's just a bot, and I can't speak to a real person to explain this situation. Tracking number shows as "Accepted," and obviously pending delivery. Not quite sure what my next step is, since Googling the post office just turns up the general phone number for USPS. Probably will have to actually go there when I have time to figure this out. UGHHHH!!!
Very unfortunate and very unpleasant and deeply frustrating.
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Pulled out my Sony MDR-1A wired headphones and it turns out they don't work no more.

Served me well until I went the AirPods 3/Max route.
The last few days have been twelve to thirteen hour (work) days.

Days full of meetings, followed by attending rallies of the respective political parties in the evening, which, in turn, must then be reported on, whereupon a report must then written and despatched that same evening

Well, some of my time here to date has been quite relaxed and easy, - a few vineyards have been visited, and products sampled - thus, I daresay I cannot really complain.
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