Not totally on topic but this is very interesting for all the people that feel that Whatsapp is a unusual (and maybe incompetent) company:
Whatsapp makes only $10 million a year in revenue with 500 million users and they generate a loss of $140 million!! That's truly incredibleIt's amazing what Facebook paid for them.
This just goes to show how our data is being used by fb, as stated in the User agreement, all Data (including messages and pictures) is shared with Facebook and can be used by them.
They listen in on YOUR private communication, it's the only way a Company that makes a net loss of 140M a year would be worth 13 Billion dollars.
Truly scary if you ask me.
Just imagine what they would have to do with all this data to make it worth the 13B they spent.
This, along with all your Facebook and Instagram activity and your browser history which Facebook tracks with their like buttons and cookies will probably create a pretty accurate picture about yourself and your life situation.
I mean, as long is that's only used to present you with customized ads it's not that bad but who knows...