Well, as far as I can tell this is about a virus that will install malware to your iPhone via USB using a enterprise provisioning profile.
As far as I know, for this to work, a provisioning profile will first have to be installed to your iPhone and would be visible in the profiles section of the menu.
I'm not sure about that, thought.
The guy who uploaded the beta to pgyer seemed legit to me so it would have to be the website itself doing the manipulation.
Maybr somebody could check the filesize of their self-signed app in the settings and report back?
Also, as far as I know the app runs in a sandboxed environment so I'm not sure how many and which permissions it actually has.
What I do remember is: when I installed the first beta, there was a box asking me if "wanted to allow ... (Some company) to run code on my device"
When I instlled the second and third beta I wasn't asked this again. This probably means that the iPhone remembered that I had previously allowed it.
Question: is there a way to retract this allowance and prohibit code by this company to run on my iPhone?