I continue to keep my fingers crossed that the new iPad Pros will deliver some Mac-level functionality. Cannibalization is not always a bad thing. If the updated devices result in purchases from existing Mac users who would have otherwise stood pat with their existing laptops, it results in increased Apple income. If they replace their Macs with new iPad Pros and the latter are priced with higher profit margins, it also results in increased Apple income - which would not be surprising, particularly when its modular product design is taken not account (you need to include the associated pencil and Magic Keyboard purchases, where the mark-up/margins are ridiculous). Throw in increased market share from additional customers new to the Apple eco-system, and at some point, it actually makes a great deal of business sense to take a niche product and turn it into something much more mainstream (and profitable). It’s where the market (and competitors) are heading, At some point - Apple starts leaving a lot of money on the table, and THAT is what makes no sense to me.