I received my apple fine woven cases and those will likely go back for all the reasons discussed here. I'm just in disbelief on what they have replaced their leather cases with at the same premium price. Just my .02, but their focus on leather is just a bridge too far. There are plenty of materials I the phone itself way more environmentally unfriendly if going down that road. Not looking to argue that point....I just prefer leather and in most cases (no pun intended) leather good are designed to be kept for a longer period of time as they last. Like they singled out the guy for the leather jacket....and I have one myself. I have had it for 3 years and will wear it for many many more so in terms of waste, it's a pretty good proposition.
I just can't find the leader case that ticks all the boxes. I would LOVE to get the Bullstrap but I want a covered bottom personally. If they had a full coverage case, that would have been an easy choice.
I ordered the Andar Aspen, which arrives today. That has a cutout for the action button instead of a real button, so we'll see.
I also ordered a Mujjo, but I don't expect as much from it.
My thinking on the action button is it will depend on what you use it for. I plan on it being the mute switch on witch case the cutout is really no different than any other year. IF you want to assign the camera to it, then yeah but recess might be a pain.