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Which new iPhone will you be getting?

  • iPhone 9 6.1" LCD

    Votes: 24 10.4%
  • iPhone X 5.8" OLED

    Votes: 38 16.5%
  • iPhone X Plus 6.5" OLED

    Votes: 118 51.3%
  • Will not be purchasing new model.

    Votes: 50 21.7%

  • Total voters


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
If Apple would add new software features such as multitasking, picture in picture and Pencil support I would buy the 6.5” iPhone X Plus or whatever they decided to call it.

I currently have the iPhone X and if there are no other improvements to the device other than a bigger version (ie the 6.5”) then I will stick with my X until next year.


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2012
While I am interested in moving to the one of the OLED models, this iPhone 8+ works just as good as the day that I bought it, and runs all available apps and the current iOS perfectly. There is no real reason to upgrade outside of form factor. With new iPads and MacBooks planned, maybe I keep this phone...
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macrumors 68020
Oct 25, 2008
I think most consumers don’t even know the differences between LCD and OLED. They might be able to physically show you the differences side-by-side comparisons, but in general, the consumer cares about the form factor, camera and whatever Apple chooses to market specific in that relation, not the OLED panel in most cases.

Meanwhile some people are like OLED is the second coming of Jesus. I compared my current AMOLED phone with the same company's previous LCD model and to be honest both are perfectly fine. Sure, the OLED is better but compared to a good LCD it's not that big a difference.
If Apple would add new software features such as multitasking, picture in picture and Pencil support I would buy the 6.5” iPhone X Plus or whatever they decided to call it.

I don't think any of those are that useful for a phone size device. I've got split screen multitasking on my Android phone and the number of times I've used it are very small, it's just faster to swap between apps. Likewise Pencil support would give you a chance to doodle a little bit on a phone which IMO is again not all that useful.


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
I don't think any of those are that useful for a phone size device. I've got split screen multitasking on my Android phone and the number of times I've used it are very small, it's just faster to swap between apps. Likewise Pencil support would give you a chance to doodle a little bit on a phone which IMO is again not all that useful.

Those with the Note devices might disagree, I’d at least like to try those functions, don’t forget the iPhone X Plus is going to have a 6.5” display that’s kind of big.


macrumors 68000
May 15, 2011
It's funny how countless of X owners have, over the past 12 months, said that the X is large enough. Yet there will be countless of people flocking to the X Plus. It was the same when the iPhone 5 existed.

People wined about Samsung phones being too big, once the 6 Plus was launched lots of iPhone users bought plus models.

I will be all over the Plus. Will unlikely buy it in the first year since it will be expensive but can see myself buying it next year or finding a refurbished one at 30% discount.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I’m doing what pretty much everybody I know is doing and buy an iPhone 8 from last year on a much cheaper deal lol. The 6.1” mockups look massive and not as well spec’d as they should be for the rumoured price tag. Old form factor doesn’t bother me in the slightest as long as it does what is demanded.
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macrumors demi-goddess
Sep 22, 2015
Washington, DC
If I were to upgrade this year, I would’ve went with the X Plus. I currently have an X and just recently purchased new cases and several colored stickers to give my phone a new look for next month. The stickers have made me excited to keep my phone and have also made a couple people ask me how I got a “Product (red)” look alike X.
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macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2017
Probably going with the 5.8. I originally got the 8 plus over the X last year, because I wanted the overall bigger usable screen. However, the heft of the phone has really gotten to me. If the 6.5 is lighter than the 8+ I'd consider it but I'm assuming that's unlikely.
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macrumors 6502a
May 5, 2008
Hey guys,

So I ordered the iPhone X initially but then cancelled it because we saw that it has less usable screen space than the plus models, even though it is a larger screen in terms of area. Especially when things are squeezed, it can look a bit odd. The other problem I had was with the current apps not adjusting to the notch, but this normally takes about 1-2 years to correct and get updates.

I have my eyes firmly set on the iPhone X Plus, from most reports it will be £1000-1100 ish which people in the office are telling me is stupid to be paying that much for an iPhone.

Some of my friends are saying get the cheaper iPhone 9, which will have the same screen layout with the notch - but I have a few problems with that model. The bezel will be thicker around the edge and it will almost definitely be marketed like the 5c, so many colours, plasticy finish and just a bit more bulky look over all. But most importantly the screen, my friends have had oled screens on their Samsungs for years and although in my opinion the latest galaxy and note screens are better, the oled iphone x plus screen will be striking.

So which phone will you guys be getting? Is the massive price of the X Plus justified? iPhone 9 lcd model sensible choice?


Sensible? If we were sensible would we be buying Apple in the first place?


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2009
At this point, I am extremely happy with my 8 Plus so I see no need to upgrade until next year at the earliest. At best, maybe I will take advantage of the $30 battery replacement before the end of the year.


macrumors member
Dec 29, 2016
Peoria, AZ
No way I’ll go any larger than the current X. I’ll wait and see the September offerings, and if nothing appeals, I’ll buy the current X, which should be discounted by that time.


macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2014
It's funny how countless of X owners have, over the past 12 months, said that the X is large enough. Yet there will be countless of people flocking to the X Plus. It was the same when the iPhone 5 existed.

Well, for people with smaller hands, like myself, the X is as big as they can go. Even if I wanted to upgrade to the Plus model, I can, but wouldn’t be able to use it with one hand, especially for texting. I had a hard time with my 7+ and I’m assuming it would be the same way for the Plus model of the X.

The X is a win-win for me. Biggest reason why I upgraded to the Plus model was the battery life. I get the same battery life on the X as I did on the 7+. I also liked the bigger screen. I get an even bigger screen on the X and same battery life. Can’t go wrong there.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2013
United Kingdom
If the new 5.8 and the Plus have minimal differences apart from screen size and battery then I will get the 5.8.. if not then the Plus.


macrumors 68000
May 15, 2011
I get an even bigger screen on the X and same battery life. Can’t go wrong there.

The screen is just longer, not bigger. If you watch videos or even look at instagram images, they are bigger on the Plus than they are on the X. Aspect ratio is more important than diagonal size. Go a store and compare the same photo or video on an X or Plus.

Because the X Plus will have a bigger screen than the 8 Plus, the screen of the X will be even smaller for media consumption.

Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2014
The screen is just longer, not bigger. If you watch videos or even look at instagram images, they are bigger on the Plus than they are on the X. Aspect ratio is more important than diagonal size. Go a store and compare the same photo or video on an X or Plus.

Because the X Plus will have a bigger screen than the 8 Plus, the screen of the X will be even smaller for media consumption.


I keep forgetting about that but has actually never bothered me but I know it does for others.


Jul 12, 2016
If the new 5.8 and the Plus have minimal differences apart from screen size and battery then I will get the 5.8.. if not then the Plus.

I think the camera will likely offer a significant advantage for the X Plus, naturally it should have landscape mode, but I’m sure there’s other advantages we are not aware of yet, but the biggest sellers will be the larger display and bigger battery for the majority.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2013
United Kingdom
I think the camera will likely offer a significant advantage for the X Plus, naturally it should have landscape mode, but I’m sure there’s other advantages we are not aware of yet, but the biggest sellers will be the larger display and bigger battery for the majority.
I have some hope the camera hardware on the 5.8 and Plus will be the same as the leaks show similar camera modules on the back. Software is another matter however.

Battery/screen sizes will be different but if there are more defined upgrades on the Plus model and the launch price is around the £1000 mark here in the UK I would get the Plus over the 5.8.

I'm not the patient type so the wait on announcement and availability is going to be uncomfortable to say the least.


Oct 28, 2016
iPhone Plus 6.5" what will get over 5.8" one?
1) bigger display in every way
2) a slightly better camera
3) bigger battery
4) ipad UI
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