I realize there's a thread for Twin Peaks, but as I'm extremely wary of spoilers I choose to stay out of it. But yes, Twin Peaks is what's on the agenda for the next couple of days while I'm on sick leave. I couldn't have caught a cold at a better time if I tried, as I just got a renewed HBO subscription and have held off from watching the third season until I can watch the whole thing in as short amount of time as possible!
Currently I'm four episodes in, and I love it. The general tone, in my opinion, is pretty different from the first two seasons, but Mulholland Drive being one of my favorite films ever I really appreciate the similarities.
Granted, a pretty high fever might affect the way I experience the show, but thus far I'm just so very happy to finally revisit the TP-universe that if I have to watch it all again soon that'll only be a plus.
In conclusion, fantastic stuff so far. An audiovisual mindf**k only Lynch can deliver, and there's been a distinct shortage of that in my life since basically INLAND EMPIRE.