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I'm happy with mine.

I upgraded from a white 20" Intel G5 to the aluminium 24". The screen on the 24" is really beautiful in comparisson - much more vibrant colours. The only thing that bugs me slightly is that my old mac was so quiet I literally couldn't tell if it was switched on or off - no matter what I was running. The aluminium one does make some fan noise while it's on (not too distracting but still a bit annoying) and it can get quite hot to touch on the top.
I will be satisfied in March when I project that I'll have the funds and desk space cleared up for it :D

I've played with them at the local Apple Store and like them a lot.

i just got my 24" in the mail today after waiting what seemed forever and it is amazing
i have a slight gradient problem like every1 but other than that ahhh
no dead pixels no dust just great:D
I've had mine for 3 days now. 24" Aluminum 2.4GHz with maxed out RAM. In 3 days, i'm very impressed so far. No problems except for the frustration of going from PC to :apple:
Happy as can be

no issues just switched from a noisy pc and would never go back. 24" 2.4ghz and I am ready to upgrade to 4gb ram tonight the memory arrived today.
Am I satisfied..let's see, its fast, sleek, sexy, and quiet. I'm very happy with my iMac. :D
My 2.8Ghz 24" iMac 4GB RAM 750GB HDD is fantastic. I have one stuck pixel halfway up about 1/4 inch in from the right edge. B/c of its location I don't notice it. I had some freezing at some point but since Leopard it runs very well.
Wasn't happy with mine when I had one. Too many issues, and was not the right computer for me. Returned it and got a macbook, been happy since :cool:
I'm a switcher (PC to Mac) and received my first Mac (a 24" iMac) on Dec 28. More than a month later, I'm very satisfied with it. The screen has no gradient fault, I've not had a single freeze (touch wood - or aluminium!), the 'glossiness' is not a problem for me, and it seems very responsive. I'm trying hard to resist turning into a Mac fanboy but this computer is very stylish and OS X seems to be a very good operating system.

Most people who post in a forum such as this are looking for help with problems; bear that in mind or you'll get an unbalanced impression of the product. Remember, too, that the iMac is being made in very large numbers - some faulty machines are to be expected given the vagaries of production and transportation. A quality-assurance system that ensured all Macs were perfect would make the product infeasibly expensive.

I'm certainly enjoying my iMac more than I've enjoyed any PC!
I'm very satisfied.

Is it the most perfect, flawless, bestest possible machine that anyone could ever imagine? No. but does need to be for one to be satisfied? Some of the comments here would lead one to think so. And if one person has one problem with one machine, then are they all "worthless," and "useless," and has Apple has "botched" the whole thing? To hear some people, that would seem to be the case. The narcissism on display is just stunning. I don't mind hearing about people's real problems; I might relate, I might not, but they might find a solution to their problem, and I might learn something in the process. But I would be only too happy never to any of those words again, no matter how legitimate the complaint. </rant>
all of you just try this for me:

change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)

now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?

also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?

If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.

I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.
all of you just try this for me:

change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)

now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?

also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?

If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.

I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.

OMG! You broke my Mac!

Just kidding. :D

I just tried what you suggested and honestly I just don't see it. Maybe it's there and I'm not noticing or whatever. I'm not doubting that it is an issue with some, but perhaps not all.

Apple irked me with a variety of things lately, but the iMac screen isn't one of them (at least for me). :)
I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.

Have you personally inspected more then 10 or so iMacs? If you have (and I doubt it), and they all came out that way, AND you had proof all 10 of these iMacs had it, THEN I would beleive you. Until then, don't try to confuse the newcomers into thinking that a product that they are going to buy has a fault in every unit, atleast until you have complete proof.

Now to the actually topic-

My roomate has had her iMac for 3 months now, and me and her are both in complete love with it. Its a 24" model she bought at the apple store with her education discount. She (and I....because I use it alot :p) is completely satisfied with it.

btw- It has no gradient issue, and this we basically know for a fact. We have parties at our place alot, and just because she was worried we just had bad eyes or something, she had like 5 or 6 differen't guys look too. Of course they were expecting her to do OTHER things with them....they were obviously disapointed whenever they didn't :p
all of you just try this for me:

change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)

now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?

also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?

If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.

I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.

Good lord! If it's that hard to spot what the heck is the problem? And I did what you asked and found nothing. I guess it's hard to please everyone.
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