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I recently switched from a Dell to my new 24" 2.8 Ghz C2E and 4GB of RAM, and I am definitely satisfied. This thing is amazing.
I love my iMac...

I am extremely happy with my purchase and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I just Love to work,watching and touching this problem free 24" 2.4ghz Alluminium iMac this bad doctor ??

Not forget to mention the beatifull ,fantastic ,best keyboard ever !!!
Wife and I both abolutely love our 24" 2.8s!!! No problems whatsoever, cept for her at times not knowing how to do things on em, since this was our first move to Mac.

Never going back!!!
all of you just try this for me:

change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)

now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?

also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?

If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.

I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.

Yeah cos looking for a fault in that much detail is great! If your looking for a fault like that you will probably find one. If somebody has been happy with their imac for months then does that,its pretty stupid to say "Actually...oh crap my screen is broken despite not being aware of it at all under normal use"

But sure if you can see it under normal use then sure get it sorted, otherwise dont go look for it if you know you are happy!!
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I helped my mom buy and set up a new 20" Al iMac right before christmas, and she's been very happy with it - no issues at all
What a beautiful machine.

Its one hell of a monster as well. I have the 2.4 model it never slows down no matter what I throw at it. I am into gaming too so I was trying the demos for COD4 and F.E.A.R and both games work beautifuly! And thats with me not even upgraded the RAM, yet.

I am so happy with it, not a single negativity or issue or anything bad that I can say. So chuffed. :eek:
What a beautiful machine.

Its one hell of a monster as well. I have the 2.4 model it never slows down no matter what I throw at it. I am into gaming too so I was trying the demos for COD4 and F.E.A.R and both games work beautifuly! And thats with me not even upgraded the RAM, yet.

I am so happy with it, not a single negativity or issue or anything bad that I can say. So chuffed. :eek:
Exactly the same. I love my iMac. 24"
When I first seen the aluminum iMacs, I have to admit I wasn't impressed by the borderline Dell look. The silver and black front, all black back, aluminum keyboard, and white mouse just seemed like a mash of different design ideas.

However, as an avid Apple fan I continue to beat OS X's drum and have converted two workmates, a close friend, and most recently (last week), my closest Uncle.

He bought a 20" aluminum from John Lewis, complete with 3 year warranty for £60, along with a 16GB iPod touch. I took my 17" Intel Core Duo iMac (white) up to give him a little "tutoring", as he wasn't the most clued up on Windows never mind OS X. Upon clapping eyes on the aluminum iMac, I was very impressed ... so much so that my white iMac by it's side looked a little pale in comparison. It was the first time EVER that I'd looked at my iMac and thought, "Urgh", something I quickly corrected! Thankfully my iMac is back in it's own familiar surroundings and looks as gorgeous as ever.

The aluminum iMac is a very nice machine, the glossy screen seems to add a professional look to it, even though I know graphic designers prefer the matte screen of the white iMac's.

Unfortunately, the only down side is that "the Mac Man" as I was known has been seriously superseded by his own Uncle! This budding Web Developer is sitting here with his 17" iMac and 8GB 3rd Gen nano while my Uncle uses a 20" aluminum iMac for Argos Ring & Reserve, lol.

Ah well, aside from my SuperDrive only reading CD's, I'm still perfectly happy with the iMac I have, which I recently upgraded to 2GB of RAM and that only recently turned 2 this month.

As long as I keep telling myself that, I'll be fine ... ;)
I have no regrets and I could swear that the "washed out" screen issue is completely (and magically) gone. Maybe I am just used to it by now.... or maybe the Apple Fairy stopped by for a quick fix!
I couldn't be any happier with my imac mine just came yestorday and I actually look forward to using this thing. I was introduced into the apple world by the ipod touch hence my name and after getting sick of windows on my laptop I made the jump to my imac and haven't regretted it. And this is comming from someone who used to scoff at most apple products...always seemed to expensive and I didn't get the appeal. Well...I certainly stand corrected now. I even love the mighty mouse! :)
Had my 2.8GHz since August 21

No problems at all. Not one: No gradients, no freezing, nothing. It has been an absolute joy to work with and I can't believe how quiet it is even doing some pretty heavy duty stuff. Absolutely thrilled with it.
I was very happy with my 24" imac until i looked a little more closely. Now i'm sad.

So you brought it home, fired it up, used it, and were very happy?

gradient issue. I didn't notice it until i followed the guides on the other threads and now i can see it as plain as anything.

It's gonna have to go back. I've only had it a week. What do i do? Do i uninstall everything or return it with all my apps/emails/settings on it and they clean it up?

Or do i put in the OS disks and follow the instructions?

So you went searching for a problem, determined to find one you performed all kinds of test never having seen a problem or a reason to do so at the behest of others ????

all of you just try this for me:

change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)

now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?

also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?

If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.

I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.

So now that you have made yourself unhappy you want everyone else to jump through hoops to make themselves unhappy? Misery loves company, eh?

I've always believed, that if you want to see trouble and do things designed to show/create that problem, you will find a problem.

I've gone through Best Buy and Circuit City looking at various LCD panels on display, and noticed 'issues' with all of them. Those 'issues' seemed to move/change with viewing angle and distance from LCD.

Let me ask you this .......

Saying you were happy when you first got it, wouldn't you still be happy if you had not run tests others told you to run?

Oh and by the way, I've looked closely at mine and still I do not see a problem. I have put it through many different exercises and still no problem. Did I run some test that another created to 'find' a nonexistent issue? NO! I figure if I run all the programs I use, do a bunch of screen fills in the various graphics programs and do not see anything to distract me from my work there is no need to. We like it so much that we went out and bought a second one. Will probably buy a 3rd one in the near future.
what difference does it make whether i went looking for it or not? The fact is my monitor had it, i was curious to see whether other people going through the same steps as me could find they had it.

i'd sooner have discovered it within the first week, than after the first few months when i'd have much more trouble returning it to apple.

i wouldn't have said i was determined to find a problem, i was looking to see if i had this well documented problem - and i found i did.

anyway, i don't care - i've got a mac pro in a delivery van somewhere as we speak.

when i said i was very happy with it, i think i probably meant, i was very happy with the operating system. The 'machine' is nice, but it's the software that ultimately matters isn't it.

In answer to your question, i might still be happy, i have no way of knowing, but the fact remains my imac had the problem (2 mac geniuses and the store manager confirmed it) - so isn't it better that i found the problem early on rather than blindly ignoring it and finally getting frustrated with it months down the line.

believe me once you see it you can't ignore it, you keep focusing on it and moving solid colours round the screen exploiting the problem.

I'm not really sure why you're attacking me? - and as for describing the gradient problem as a 'non-existent' issue, i think thats very ignorant when so many people have all described the same problem and mac geniuses have confirmed it.
I have to say I'm THRILLED with my 20" iMac. What an amazing machine. I bought a PC 2 years ago, and it's been in the shop 4 times! It died again a week before christmas, so after christmas I went out and finally switched to Mac. I would be amazed if I ever go back at this point. I will get the PC repaired, unless it's too expensive to get fixed, but with all the problems I've had with it, I'm expecting it to be fixed for no charge.

Anyways, VIVA LA MAC! :D
Good thread - I bought an Aluminum 20" as an upgrade from the previous 20" - thought i'd notice a bit more of a speed bump between moving from 1.5gb to 2gb, 2ghz to 2.4ghz and 32bit to 64bit, but the speed is pretty much the same.

Furthermore, the new screen is MUCH worse than the old! Photos just don't look right w/ the weird contrast issues.
Gradient issue

I got mine (24") yesterday, and I am sorry to say I have the gradient issue. The screen gets less bright/colorful towards the right side of the screen.

And get a load of this, even my girlfriend commented on that :eek:

I don´t think I will bother to return it. Otherwise it´s great. I don´t want to go through the whole process again and maybe end up with a model with a more severe case of this gradient thing.
I'm a PC to 24 inch iMac switcher. Screen hurt my eyes like mad at first, but getting used to it. Don't think the screen colour is even, but any left to right gradient is minor.

Wish I had NOT bought an iMac. Should have got a MBP and a 30 inch screen.

But it is a good machine over all - I just made the wrong purchase.
What an interesting discussion... although there are many reported problems with the current iMacs, I bet the thread starter didn't expect to see so many positive posts on here.

For me, I received my iMac about 3 weeks ago and I can't say enough good things about it. My favorite parts?

1) It's so quiet. I can't believe it... I can't even hear this thing run! I had a G4 iMac before this, and I always thought that thing was quiet, but I can't even hear this one. Very much unlike my parent's G5, which sounds like there's a twin prop airplane in the next room taking off.
2) The screen. Beautiful rich colors, huge size, crystal clear. I even like the glossy... which I never thought I would. The screen reminds me of my iPhone. Everything on the screen just looks richer, more 3-d and just plain more beautiful. I never thought OSX could look so good.
4) The OS. With Leopard's amazing multi-tasking capabilities I can get SO MUCH more done on this machine than my windows PC at work. Why? Expose, Spotlight, Finder, iLife, etc. "It's the OS, Stupid!"
3) The speed. My last computer was a G4 iMac. The same video encoding that takes an hour and a half on my new iMac took upwards of 16 hours on my old one. Now that is fast! The only thing that seems to slow it down (believe it or not) is Safari. I am anxious for Safari 3.0.
My .02 cents..

Since that's all I have left in my account after my purchase.. ;)

I love this machine.. I only got to play with it last night for a few hours but already I'm a 110% convert. I hate having to type on my crappy Dell keyboard at work... hmm.. will an iMac keyboard work with a Dell laptop? Anywho.. beautiful machine.. wife and daughter freaked out, and all I had to do was show them the desktop! Hate being at work when I could be home playing with it.. but gots'ta pay the bills. World of Warcraft will be my next install. Then an XP bootcamp session.

If your on the fence about it.. get a genius at an apple store to give you a chair, pull up to the machine and spend some time on it. You'll never go back!
Since that's all I have left in my account after my purchase.. ;)

I love this machine.. I only got to play with it last night for a few hours but already I'm a 110% convert. I hate having to type on my crappy Dell keyboard at work... hmm.. will an iMac keyboard work with a Dell laptop? Anywho.. beautiful machine.. wife and daughter freaked out, and all I had to do was show them the desktop! Hate being at work when I could be home playing with it.. but gots'ta pay the bills. World of Warcraft will be my next install. Then an XP bootcamp session.

If your on the fence about it.. get a genius at an apple store to give you a chair, pull up to the machine and spend some time on it. You'll never go back!

I must agree about the keyboard. Absolutely top notch... using my microsoft one at work just isn't nearly as enjoyable as is used to be. :( The 'action' of Apple Keyboard is just so fast and crisp. I really can't say enough about it.

The Mighty Mouse was a different story though. I made a VERY quick purchase of a Logitech MX Revolution after the new imac arrived. I am very happy with that decision. The Mighty Mouse was just not cutting it.
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