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I'm extremely happy with my 2 weeks old iMac with wireless Apple keyboard and BT mighty mouse. Now I *feel* bad for my PowerMac G5 and 17" Studio Display since they are just sitting there. :p

It's the best iMac yet.
coming from a white iMac (2006) to a new alu iMac (2008), i was expecting to be very happy. i wasn't.

uneven backlighting, color casts (gradient issue) and mura effects... and it's my second exchange. apple should be ashamed to push these out for sale.
I absolutely love mine!!! I switched and will never go back. Just wish that it had a few more usb ports. I had five on the old windows box. Also wish that apple would have given the 20" HD capabilities, I just didn't have the extra $300 for the 24".
I just bought a new 24" top of the line IMac. It works wonderfully! I dont see any pixel issues whatsoever.

I just converted from WINDOZE and I couldnt be happier. I was going to install windows on the machine, but then I asked myself.... why? Don't need windows as the MAC OS does all I need it to do!

The money was well spent! One very happy satisfied customer!
Who is really satisfied of purchasing Aluminum iMac in spite of any issues?

I'm satisfied with my 3.06, Nvidia, 750Gb. It's very fast for me switching from maxed out last gen Powerbook G4 (which btw I will always love) The iMac is not 100% perfect, as I have 1 dead pixel very deep in the left bottom corner. Doesn't bother me there and I have no screen bleed, so I will not return it.

There may be problems with new GPU overheating but I need more time to check this.

Adv.: It does all I need and this very fast. Basic rule as always with new computer. If you need one now, get it now. ;-)
I'm happy with mine: a reduced price 2.4Ghz 20" (one of the old models).

I tried a Mac Mini for a week, but I didn't like it enough. But the iMac is wonderful.
Granted, I've only had mine less than 24 hours, but I absolutely LOVE it! I purchased one of the 2.4 24" that were on clearance at apple online, and it looks and works beautifully. No backlight bleeding that I can detect at all.
coming from a white iMac (2006) to a new alu iMac (2008), i was expecting to be very happy. i wasn't.

uneven backlighting, color casts (gradient issue) and mura effects... and it's my second exchange. apple should be ashamed to push these out for sale.

OK, either I missed something, it's a personality-disorder issue or this guy is making fake posts under your name. :p

I've been following your saga and I could have sworn you said your first replacement was a keeper.
Very Satisfied

I've had my 24" Al iMac since they were announced. It's been a great machine despite a bit of backlight bleed in the corners.

The new display on the iMac 24" makes the one on my previous White S-IPS 20" look like the screen is covered with a light muslin. This new one is just so clear, bright and sharp. Default Calibration is a bit washed out but do your own and add some contrast and the results are stunning.

New Graphics cars is a flyer - full screen Google Earth satellite images can be shaken round the screen as fast as the mouse will move with zero lag. FCP2 Motion allows me to add dozens of layers.

...and of course it's a beautiful design.

(small wireless MB style keyboard is great too!)
I've had my 24" iMac for two weeks now and it's just perfect.

Reading about other people's experience I was afraid of getting one with dead pixels, gradients, etc., but luckily this one has no flaws and I just love it.
The screen is amazing and the computer is super-fast. It rans smoothly the heaviest work apps, Windows under Fusion, games and everything else.

I'd like it to be even quieter than it is... fans are always on, even if at the minimum speed, barely unnoticeable... but then, I'd rather hear a little noise than fry the computer.

This big baby has been my best purchase ever (after the iPhone maybe!). :cool:
I love mine! I bought the 2.4GHz Penryn iMac on the day it was released, and I love it! It is my first Mac, and it is so much better than my previous windows laptop. I've had no problems with it, and it does everything I need it to. All a lot quicker than I could do on my old one.
I've had my 24" iMac for two weeks now and it's just perfect.

Reading about other people's experience I was afraid of getting one with dead pixels, gradients, etc., but luckily this one has no flaws and I just love it.
The screen is amazing and the computer is super-fast. It rans smoothly the heaviest work apps, Windows under Fusion, games and everything else.

I'd like it to be even quieter than it is... fans are always on, even if at the minimum speed, barely unnoticeable... but then, I'd rather hear a little noise than fry the computer.

This big baby has been my best purchase ever (after the iPhone maybe!). :cool:

Exactly the same over here!

The screen looks great, no noticeable gradient, no dead pixels. The screen corners have some bleed, but I think this comes from huge size of the screen, which results in a angular viewing position. If I move my position the bleed vanishes for the corner I move to.

I also would have liked it to be a little quiter. I happen to work also late at night and there my Macbook is much more silent. The iMac constantly humms along.

Temperature readings are fine with me (no gaming):
CPU: 35°C
GPU Diode: 47°C
Airport: 51°C
Powersupply: 61°C
HDD: 47°C

Edit: One thing that bothers me is the USB Port on the keyboard. It is far to much recessed to be of use to easily connect USB Sticks, etc.
How do you work around this? A 10cm USB extension cord could be helpful. Other ideas?
Have had my 2.4 GHz 20" for a couple of months now and still think it's the best thing I did making the switch and buying it. Even when the minor bumps came out recently, I REALLY needed to when I bought and chose well
..went from revb g5 to 3.06 intel with 750gb hd.....after reading the forums i worried but its perfect!!!

no gradient i can see

its true there is some backlight bleed but actually if i hadnt read the forums i would not see it or even know it its very small

no dead pixels

and faaaaaaaaaast!!!very happy
OK, either I missed something, it's a personality-disorder issue or this guy is making fake posts under your name. :p

I've been following your saga and I could have sworn you said your first replacement was a keeper.

sure it's a keeper, but only because i don't expect to be one of the lucky ones and receive one that has a good screen... not a "perfect" screen, i mean a "good" screen...

this one i have now is better than the first one, but i still wouldn't call it a good screen... and i think it's extremely unfair to have paid more than $2000 on a computer with these types of flaws.
sure it's a keeper, but only because i don't expect to be one of the lucky ones and receive one that has a good screen... not a "perfect" screen, i mean a "good" screen...

this one i have now is better than the first one, but i still wouldn't call it a good screen... and i think it's extremely unfair to have paid more than $2000 on a computer with these types of flaws.

Why settle for a $2000 computer that is obviously not up to your standards of acceptance?

If you do so you have no one to complain to but yourself. "Fair" has nothing to do with it.

It's called Caveat Emptor. ;)
The more I use it, the more I appreciate this iMac. *pretty much all my Mac purchase*.

Oddly to say, but it seems like the iMac is smiling to me.
gradient issue. I didn't notice it until i followed the guides on the other threads and now i can see it as plain as anything.

It's gonna have to go back. I've only had it a week. What do i do? Do i uninstall everything or return it with all my apps/emails/settings on it and they clean it up?

Or do i put in the OS disks and follow the instructions?

Let me guess, you didn't notice it as a problem until you were reading Macrumors. :p I went months and months with last July's model without noticing it as a problem. I had the opportunity for the 24" model because my mom would pay the difference for the larger screen, but I've been more than happy with my 20" iMac. Good thing I don't compute 2.5 feet off center.
I am happy with my new 24" 3.06GHz which I bought last Friday night. I switched from Windows. I am still learning everyday but the more I use the machine the better I like it. My wife uses a PC but tonight she worked on Quicken (Mac Version) on the new computer and she did just fine.

My son enjoys Grageband and we have installed Final Cut which he uses at school.

I am going to buy a Wireless mouse just not sure I want the Apple one or perhaps a Logictech.

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