To be fair, Stephen Fry is the ultimate fanboy. He'd eulogise about a turd if it had an Apple logo on it.
I for one look forward to that Keynote.
To be fair, Stephen Fry is the ultimate fanboy. He'd eulogise about a turd if it had an Apple logo on it.
To be fair, Stephen Fry is the ultimate fanboy. He'd eulogise about a turd if it had an Apple logo on it.
But blathering out positive opinions "without experience of the device or knowledge of the market" is somehow different? Seems exactly the same thing to meIn this case, you are just that annoying, ignorant friend who blathers out negative opinions without experience of the device or knowledge of the market. One of THOSE.
But blathering out positive opinions "without experience of the device or knowledge of the market" is somehow different? Seems exactly the same thing to me![]()
What are you guys afraid of? It's coming out of your posts in spades that you feel threatened by the ipad
Really bizarreIt's just a fun digital media machine for the masses with simple UI that anyone can grasp.
It's the polar opposite of the excitement the iphone created.
But as someone else said I feel that 'our' apple has lost it's way big time
apple has already lost with the ipad.
The negative buzz can not be ignored and will hurt their bottom line just as easily as positive 'buzz' swells it by millions.
I talked to non computer nerdy people about the ipad at work and no one wanted one. What's the point summed most peoples reactions up.
Sorry apple but that is just sloppy not to double check what sites you plan to demo in front of millions.
Excellent answer to RawBert´s and BreezyXC60´s idiotic posts. Couldn´t have said it better. And who are they to tell us what we can and can´t do?
Apple is definitely on the wrong track here and we need to make sure they know it!
Apple could have spend all this precious time making something truly worthy, but instead they took the easy way out and just made a bigger iPod Touch. NO INNOVATION WHATSOEVER!!!
As someone else said, the whole thing feels rushed.
Tell "us"? You and some people on Youtube? People go onto youtube to hate, it is a breeding ground for that......none of those people have even touched on yet, yet they hate it. Great.
"we" need to let them know it??...Once again you and who here? If you really wanted to tell someone GO AND EMAIL THEM DIRECTLY!
You know I have a desktop computer (yes i bought it last year and it is an iMac) I don't like Notebooks or Netbooks. I have no use for them. I am not a salesman going door to door. Nor am I a person who wants to sit in bed and do work. In a few years (maybe 1-2) i can see buying one (an iPad).
Hey and since I am on the subject of the iPad, yeah no Flash support stinks but I really don't watch network TV so Hulu is useless for the most part to me. So is a portable gaming device, i have a DSi to download games and play cartridges. But nothings perfect.
You seem to not be do the same thing that most do that trash a product without actually using first. (and even most that actually did use it) It goes like this.....the flamer says
"This product sucks! It doesn't do X Y or Z or the features are not up to MY standards! But I own this companies other products! So I am unbiased." (ok they usually dont say that last part)
It is the same....i am on another message board and on one of the forums there and it is the same in their Geek forums. Only it is not Apple/Mac it is Nintendo/Wii. Same garbage
and so on......
People think that they are anonymous on the web, thats why so much garbage here/Youtube, etc...
I love how some of you state that the iPad has failed even before it has been has already lost with the ipad.
Well you sir are just a hater or should I said denier of the truth. The truth that this was a bad product to make. No innovation whatsoever! It could have been good, but the failed big time. Seems like they got lazy and took the easy way out. Maybe because the iPhone was such a success, they got lazy? Who knows, but that usually happens to people and companies who are at the top, they get too comfortable and then they come crashing down.
I only hope that Apple will listen us and learn from this bad mistake! And maybe this will become a good product in year or two, who knows, but now it´s just useless toy.
The absolute truth is that this is your opinion. You are absolutely entitled to it. But it is still just your opinion. I know that I am going to buy it. I know others who are planning to. I know that if even 1% of people think the way I think the iPad will be a huge success. You hating it will not matter at all if enough people love it.
People love also many other things that are absolutely worthless, that´s what´s wrong in the world and we don´t need more things and products like that!
It´s called VANITY!
Because this is useful for me, it means I'm vain.
I completely accept that the iPad wouldn't work for you. That's cool. The inability to accept that others may not feel the same, with legitimate reasons, is rather arrogant.
Please do tell, how exactly this would be useful to you?
Which is amazing when you consider that Steve reportedly worked on this for four years! And all the Apple design department could come up with was an iPhone rehash! So, let's review for a moment the thinking behind iFlop:
- Customer experience -- Apple has already suffered mightily at the hand of consumers when they introduced their first iPhone which deleted incredibly basic features like copy and paste, Bluetooth ADP, MMS etc.
Live the vision, do the right thing, Apple!
Michael Tchong
Founder of MacWEEK
#2. Not all phones are equal. "One of the most striking findings for Apple is the iPhones outstanding customer satisfaction rating. An impressive 82% of iPhone owners reported being Very Satisfied with their purchase, up 5-points since our previous survey in July by far the highest rating of any manufacturer," according to the report.
I have spent the last around six months deciding on whether to buy a MBA. I need something that is light weight, portable, able to browse the web, and preferably able to edit a document.
While for short periods of time the iPhone fits the bill. There is only so long that it is comfortable to use a screen that is so small. In a meeting it soon becomes annoying.
An iPad does everything that I want it to do. It's significantly lighter, which was the only reason why I was considering the MBA over the MBP. It also cost significantly less than an MBA, which considering it does all I need, in a form factor that is better for me, this is an extra bonus.
Hahahah, I want to see you typing on that thing in a serious meeting. Holding it in the other hand and typing with one finger with the other hand. Ridiculous! Everyone would laugh you out from that meeting.Stop deluding yourself man! Get real!
MBA is kinda useless device also. MBA would be killer, if that would be the tablet!
If you need something light weight, why don´t you get a serious computer like the 13" MacBook Pro? It´s light! Really! If you deny this, you need to go to the gym!You can set it on the table at your meeting and type away with so much more ease. + You´ll get so much more with it! And dare I say, even better internet browsing experience!
And you have iPhone 3G for that other stuff and occasional internet browsing, which it does perfectly fine! And it´s much more portable than the iFlop!
I rarely type in board meetings, I'd mostly be using it to read documents, like I do on my iPhone. I also seriously doubt that it is harder or more awkward to type on than the iPhone. It would just make it easier. I don't need a portable serious computer, my serious computing is done admirably by my iMac. Believe me when I say using a wheelchair plus the weight of the MBP would be a huge inconvenience. Which is why I had already completely discounted the MBP. For my circumstances it is the best solution I have seen.
By the way I'd be quite happy to be in a group of my fellow directors typing on the iPad.
Also as you said the iPhone is great for browsing for short periods, for longer than 30 minutes?