It’s funny because it’s ironic, that’s the dark mode on big surYou might want to disable whatever accessibility option you enabled that put that ugly background color in the dock… or using a super bright image with the dark mode enabled…
It’s funny because it’s ironic, that’s the dark mode on big surYou might want to disable whatever accessibility option you enabled that put that ugly background color in the dock… or using a super bright image with the dark mode enabled…
Sometimes I think we have such an instinct (resistance to change) for a reason and I'd rather not try and deny it. You can improve products without drastic changes to the UI design or whatever. You can issue security patches, under the hood changes and so on. Why does the UI have to change and become confusing (I still can't use an iPhone X or above since none of the gestures make sense!) just to improve important things such as security or adding features?Well, it's the same with computers. They still have a screen, keyboard, mouse, storage, memory, processors, etc. The UI of vehicles has changed DRASTICALLY since the Model T. There's not a single analog gauge even in my Honda Civic these days and you can control all kinds of options through an on-board display. That sounds like progress to me!
Trust me, just like you and most people, normally my first response to change is exactly what you've said here - "It wasn't broken! Why did they have to change it!" However, I find that 99.9% of the time the changes grow on me and it's just my own stubborn human nature that was the problem.
Sometimes I think we have such an instinct (resistance to change) for a reason and I'd rather not try and deny it. You can improve products without drastic changes to the UI design or whatever. You can issue security patches, under the hood changes and so on. Why does the UI have to change and become confusing (I still can't use an iPhone X or above since none of the gestures make sense!) just to improve important things such as security or adding features?
Personally, I can live with Big Sur fine if I can get the glossy traffic lights back. Especially in dark mode, the Mountain Lion icons look supreme compared with the default Big Sur icons. Major improvement. If I can fix the traffic lights, I don't have any other issues at all. The apps all look fine to me.
yes, because a slighly-rounded finder icon is confusing as could be. what's that image mean? 🤣^^^^ What I like about pre-BigSur icons is their different shape. This helps me visually identify and tell apps quicker - not only do they differ by color, but also by shape. I personally find it harder on BigSur to identify the needed app icon on the deck because they are the same shape. I am not sure why all app icons need to be the same shape and what benefit does it bring to the user.
Man, you're attitude is off-putting. You should work on your manners when you're talking to someone. It's ok when you disagree but you seem like a really arrogant guy.yes, because a slighly-rounded finder icon is confusing as could be. what's that image mean? 🤣
meanwhile, the extraordinary differences between JonasO7's pictures is terrifying... (also: 🤣)
personally, the big sur picture has the better aesthetic. but they're not different enough to cause the heartbreak some here seem to be experiencing.
"how's your mac working?" "i don't know, i'm heartbroken over the menu bar icon spacing"![]()
i've been attacked on these forums a lot, for contradicting the viewpoint of a thread. and, i don't think pointing out the absurdities here is the same as having bad manners. but that's how this all works; we all have opinions. so i hear you, and, as a courtesy, will endeavor to be a little... gentler in the future. 👍Man, you're attitude is off-putting. You should work on your manners when you're talking to someone. It's ok when you disagree but you seem like a really arrogant guy.
I personally don't find it hard to identify apps on Big Sur, but I also know that they're not restricted to rounded square shapes, as I have a few third party apps that are the same shape they always used to be (not rounded squares). I believe in past versions of macOS you could customize app icons - even Apple ones. Is that still possible in Big Sur?^^^^ What I like about pre-BigSur icons is their different shape. This helps me visually identify and tell apps quicker - not only do they differ by color, but also by shape. I personally find it harder on BigSur to identify the needed app icon on the deck because they are the same shape. I am not sure why all app icons need to be the same shape and what benefit does it bring to the user.
It's not that I don't like OS change. It's "Change for the sake of change" that irks me. You can improve security, add features, and all that matters without changing the visuals for no real reason.
[post truncated to save space]
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. And everything about Big Sur is just slightly slower - whether it be your eyes quickly skimming for an app icon, the fact that lesser information density = more scrolling and/or eye movement, the way that the smaller global text size, especially of drop down menus, makes it harder to discern clickable elements quickly, etc.^^^^ What I like about pre-BigSur icons is their different shape. This helps me visually identify and tell apps quicker - not only do they differ by color, but also by shape. I personally find it harder on BigSur to identify the needed app icon on the deck because they are the same shape. I am not sure why all app icons need to be the same shape and what benefit does it bring to the user.
you realize, of course, that all of this is your opinion, your experience. big sur here is not 'slightly slower', and app icons are easily identifiable (no one, for example, will confuse the finder with photos).Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. And everything about Big Sur is just slightly slower - whether it be your eyes quickly skimming for an app icon, the fact that lesser information density = more scrolling and/or eye movement, the way that the smaller global text size, especially of drop down menus, makes it harder to discern clickable elements quickly, etc.
And it's especially annoying, since all these changes are actually rather subtle, and not quite severe anough to cause enough commotion to incentivise them to do anything about it. In an effort to make everything pretty, they've purposely treaded a fine line between a design that most people will tolerate in terms of functionality (especially 'slower' users), and what is clearly aesthetics prioritised over functionality. A practice I absolutely detest.
(Also, their 'space everything out approach for future touch devices' logic is dumb. Now we have an OS that is 'Jack of all inputs, master of none').
Icons are the least of my worries and is a mostly subjective issue. My main gripe is with the OS spacing that is designed for both touch and pointer, which dare I say is objectively a poor design decision since now the OS is neither 'optimised' for pointer, or for touch!you realize, of course, that all of this is your opinion, your experience. big sur here is not 'slightly slower', and app icons are easily identifiable (no one, for example, will confuse the finder with photos).
personally, i don't find the OS 'pretty'; i'd say that older OS versions, with bubbly traffic lights, etc... would fit that word better.
not arguing your right to your opinion, just pointing out that it's not everyones...
it doesn't feel any different, in that respect, working on my macs, then it did in catalina, or before catalina... etc etc. and there are plenty of ways of increasing font size (ie 'view size' in the view menu).Icons are the least of my worries and is a mostly subjective issue. My main gripe is with the OS spacing that is designed for both touch and pointer, which dare I say is objectively a poor design decision since now the OS is neither 'optimised' for pointer, or for touch!
All my other problems can be argued as the usual to and fro of OS design preference. I.e. if there was an option to revert to a more reasonable information density (and also increase global font sizes back to normal), then I would be indifferent to Big Sur's release.
You people don't take criticism of your Apple overlords well, do doesn't feel any different, in that respect, working on my macs, then it did in catalina, or before catalina... etc etc. and there are plenty of ways of increasing font size (ie 'view size' in the view menu).
if you stop stressing about perceived 'information density' and focus on your work, life, etc... you'll be fine... as are most macusers, here in the real world.
got it. we both have our opinions. and i have my own issues with some of what apple does (nothing relevant to the GUI tho). but sorry that you feel slowed down by the changes in the GUI, and (i believe, anyway) that you'll adapt; probably just in time for what comes with the next major OS. so, all good. 👍You people don't take criticism of your Apple overlords well, do you...
And you telling me 'Stop stressing, you'll be fine, as are most mac users, here in the real world'. Who said I'm stressing about it lmao. Very patronsising, and I never even hinted that this has any sort of catastrophic bearing on peoples' lives. This is a forum for discussing the 'menial' matter that is macOS, and whether you like it or not, it is normal discourse to complain and argue points about a tool people use for their daily work. Of course, "we'll be fine", but I (in my opinion) don't like Big Sur's information density because I (in my opinion) feel that it slows me down. You are entitled to your opinion, and yes, I do live in the real world believe it or not...LOL
I don't think view size in the view menu is a practicable solution for every application.
Lol its fine, ur response wasn't that bad reading it again lol. I'm just too used to seeing Apple cultists in these forums shouting down any criticism of Apple as 'negativity', and I'm allergic to it!!!got it. we both have our opinions. and i have my own issues with some of what apple does (nothing relevant to the GUI tho). but sorry that you feel slowed down by the changes in the GUI, and (i believe, anyway) that you'll adapt; probably just in time for what comes with the next major OS. so, all good. 👍