Well, there is a difference between Macs vs. Windows PCs and MacOSX vs. Windows. Personally, I like my computer hardware to be nice, advanced, and stable. I find it hilarious how Windows PCs are constantly stuck in the past and are seemingly built to break. A desktop tower by any other company has been built the same way for over 20 years. All it is is a metal chassis with a plastic bezel on the front. The components are simply shoved inside with very little management (unless one somehow gets creative with a custom build), and the desktop will be a barebones piece of trash, lacking certain features that Macs have. Some features are extremely subtle; for instance, this 2010 Dell tower I have (which was gifted to me) has an audio jack on the front that only supports headphones... no mic. Yet, Macs have real audio jacks that support both. Of course, this Dell is constructed in the cheapest manner, so several corners are cut. The entire machine seems to vibrate from the fans and HDD (and that sound is carried by the shoddy, metal enclosure), and the machine lacks basic fan control (like any Windows PC), meaning that all the fans run at full blast... perpetually. My 1999 PowerMac G3 is built better than this piece of sh*t.
Another important thing, when concerning build quality, is the way laptops are built. I still recognize many aspects of my 2003 iBook G4 that prove it better-built and (in ways) still more structurally/architecturally advanced than a brand-new 'Windows' laptop. For starters, it's actually symmetrical in design... ever noticed how 'Windows' laptops have all sorts of odds and ends (unless you purchase the overpriced ones that end up costing more than a MacBook)? They never seem to be built within a streamlined casing. Most (if not, all) of them are constructed with cheap materials, which includes a crappy keyboard, a track-pad that doesn't allow for comfort or precise tracking, and various other features that you'd see on an Apple laptop that's 16+ years old. Also, why did most 'Windows' laptops not come with WiFi cards until, like, 2008? It humors me to see that my 10 year-old Apple laptop still beats the crud out of a new 'Windows' laptop, and also in terms of reliability. Heck, people are always having issues with their non-Apple laptops overheating or acting blisteringly slow for whatever reason. You can't beat the advanced build quality of an Apple laptop. The differences are as obvious as comparing a Toyota Tercel to a BMW M3.
Now, what about software? Okay, I seriously haven't found an OS dumber than Windows. First of all, fanboys will tell you that MacOSX is for idiots who don't know how to use a computer... Really? Because that's what they said in 1984 when Mac OS was released, and then Windows suddenly happened and was accepted. If the general idea of a GUI was thought of as being for idiots, then those who say Mac OS is for idiots (and use Windows) are being a bit hypocritical. Let's start with utilities. Does anyone notice how bad Windows' system utilities are? Or... the few that it has. Mac OSX comes with the smartest and more advanced system utilities. I can't tell you how many times I've easily been able to perform an operation under Disk Utility, but have been left stupefied by how incompetent Windows' 'Disk Manager' is. It's really just a convoluted mess - a horrible interface that can go whack if you do something incorrect. Next up, we have a real control panel... not a folder full of more folders. Everything is smarter and more advanced, from Mac OSX's networking services, to its printing service, etc. On a side note, I have realized how bad Windows is at networking! Now, the other thing about MacOSX is its file management - it's far superior to the convoluted mess that is Windows' management system. Windows is the kind of OS that has zero notion of user security, and will let anyone's files become mixed in with each other...
That's another thing: security. Why is Windows so insecure? Well, that was a rhetorical question. You can become infected ridiculously easily in Windows; the OS has no idea what security is. It's the kind of OS that will tell you that something you are about to click on needs to be run with administrator permissions... and then simply doesn't make you type in the admin password--it just lets you through. WTH?
Lastly, I always find that I am on a wild goose chase with Windows, as everything it does is just a complete mess. The whole OS is just a convoluted mess of cryptic NT code, spitting serial-number-long errors at you for every little thing. If you hit a wall in Windows, you've HIT A WALL. It's difficult to narrow down specific errors, but when people say that things in Mac OSX simply WORK, they simply do! I haven't had any issues with Mac OSX, especially given its advanced operations and system utilities. Windows fanboys think it's for dumb people, but it's actually a more advanced OS than they think; it's lightyears ahead of Winblows. (Oh, BTW, the Windows updater is the worst thing ever. It also impedes upon your computer's boot-up and shutdown process for whatever reason.)
Oh, and I am typing this from my 2006 Mac Pro. Can someone find me a non-Apple machine from 2006 that's better than this? In fact, this thing kicks the @sses of Windows PCs years newer. I've had a Windows fanboy doubt that this Mac even existed, after I described the characteristics of a Mac pro to him xD. There is no other tower like this. It's made with sound hardware, it's built well on the inside (with temp sensors absolutely everywhere, and cool, silent operation throughout), and has the best darn cable management system... where there are absolutely no cables in sight. I've got 4 HDDs bays (just slide 'em in), and space for 32GB (64 has been achieved) of RAM. Even my 2003 PowerMac G5 can take up to 8GB, with the 2005 models taking up to 16GB.
It's late to be writing this, so it may not sound too hot, but I have made a clear point here. It seems as though most Windows fans don't actually know anything about Macs, judging by all the morons I have argued with in the past. They simply repeat what they hear from other fanboys or just simply assume things about the computers. None of them know that my 10 year-old Mac is worth more than a 5 year-old Windows PC, and is also more advanced in many ways than new ones. None of them realize what good hardware entails, and most are blind to how badly-programmed Windows is. They simply like Windows because they can turn it on and play their games. It works for their needs, so they can't complain. Most people who tell me that Windows is fine are those who have simply navigated around the OS in a general manner; they haven't dug deep into its shoddy code to reveal an OS where simple tasks are suddenly turned into a total nightmare.