Sounds delicious! I still don’t think I’ll spring for one unless there is a THICC BOY version - 32in. If there is a separate iMac Pro, it seems more likely that will feature a new, larger size.
The 'Ming' rumour only had the LED rumour at 27 inches, I think.
I wish for the 32 inch with 6k. I think Apple could use their supply chain to bring it to the masses sans fancy pants bits.
I remember waiting for the 5k iMac on that premise and 'blew it' by buying the 2012 late iMac 27 incher.
And they launched a year later.
To me, the XDR as a 32 inch iMac seems a logical move. Having the 'same' 27 inch panel wouldn't be as dramatic and a 6k 32 incher would really cover a great amount of workstation ground for £2.5k (price rise?) to £5k+++. I wants it. I DEMANDS ITS. If we don't get it now.
I'm sure at some point, we will. I've never had a 5k iMac display. So for me, it will be a god send.
But, being creative, I want bigger and denser PPi screens. But there's been nothing out the rumour mill that suggests 32 inches for the iMac if I'm being honest. But if they're doing the 23 inch, why not bump the 27 inch, eh? I'd take 30 inches in the same footprint...
correct that they are usually released as twins... that's why i cannot understand why apple registerd only one computer......
It's the 27 inch that's in short supply.
Maybe that's what their supply chain is focused on. They may preview the 23 inch which may come a bit later.
We saw this with the macbook Pro range?
Apple can break with tradition. It may be simple focus on doing one thing really well. Which, despite their great size...they still seem to have a problem with doing more than one thing.
Each product seems to have it's own 'wheel' and that wheel turns slow but sure?