Apple will do well to plumb the depths of the Catalina fiasco.
I expect there's a lot riding on Big Sur making a splash with the next generation of AS cpu/gpu.
Pride in the OS. Pride in the silicon. They know own both. It's a badge of honour to get this right.
They don't want the debut of 11 and AS to be a bug ridden and 'slow' mess.
Quite the reverse. It needs to be a real depature from the Intel cpu platform. (Casting aside the 'Spectre' of SkyLake's bugs...)
Rock solid, efficient, optimised. Secure. Super fast. Transformational in user experience and work loads.
Smooth as butter.
I suspect the upgrade to Big Sur and a latest Intel or ARM iMac will be warp drive compared to old impulse power 2012 iMac users or those with expanded battery Mac laptops...
Nothing we haven't covered to death on this threads. But it does reinforce the things that have been discussed.
Interesting that they challenged Apple for those users that liked their own 'huge' displays. But Apple maintain that Mini and Mac Pro are single digit desktop sales. (Chicken and Egg. No cheap tower because Apple don't want you upgrading your own components...and it will stay single digit at £6k for an embarassing spec. And the Mini is bad value for it's staying single digit too. They're both bad, bad value.) The iMac is the default offering and the closest thing to 'good value' that Apple does.
*shrugs. So it sells more.
Yes. The rumours and analysis point to a iMac ARMs using a better footprint to offer 24 and 30 inch displays. I'm ok with that.
Though, I hope they offer the new design with the Intel. Some leakers have said, 'yes' to a new design for the 'last' iMac Intel. And it will probably be 27 inches. With the Mac ARM iMac getting 30 inch as an incentive to move Intel buyers over to iMac ARM high end when it's ready.
But they have to sell something in the meantime. And that's an Intel iMac which is dragging its feet.
The worst case scenario is no redesign. But overall the Intel iMac gets a 'substantial' overall boost.
512 gig SSD. 5700 XT GPU. More (16 gigs) RAM. ...and access to a (95W) 10 core.
Just those four things will improve the user and work load quality of life.
If Apple are after the 5700XT RDNA1 respin (for heat reasons...and it arrives in Sep?) then that would explain part of the delay. Some muse it's displays that are on 'go slow.' And Intel may just be getting into the cpu stride with the latest ++++++ gen' and, in addition, it's a custom clock part for Apple?
There's nothing exceptional about putting an SSD in (after 8 years...) or bumping the ram by an extra 8 gigs.
So I'm pointing at the display, cpu and especially the gpu as likely hold ups. With 'social distancing' in work places reducing output?
Sep release? I hope there is an RDNA2 BTO option to compensate. But if it's £800 BTO...with expensive HDM2...