There is difference between buying old tech and tech that is out in 5 weeks. I think we can all agree that all of us want the best value for the money. Apple can deliver that.
Its basically around the corner so yeah, it better be up to date and current.
Lol! Calm down - its just a computer
Timing in life is everything.
Just so when buying a 'moment in time' computer to extra a perceived value.
Nobody likes being 'done' or out of fashion. Especially with tech'. It puts you at a competitive dis-advantage. Especially when people work just as hard for their money and the buy button is easily pressed and Apple add your sweat and tears to their cash pile.
Aye. It's just a corporation. And just a computer.
It's around the corner...and the next corner is significant. It's going to date anything from 2019.
So for us that skipped the last 10+ pages, what's the latest thinking? Is it going to drop tomorrow/next week, or is it coming in September?
Only Apple knows that. The rest of us have to read 'tea leaves.' Which has the accuracy of fortune tellers.
We can only go by their history of iMac releases as guide stones. Which would suggest March or October. One of those dates has passed. Those dates aren't immutable. The Mac isn't Apple's 1st priority judging by the last ten years.
The only predictable and immutable schedule revolves around the iPhone. So, I'll put my 'predication' dunce cap on...and suggest September for it...
Two significant events in September. Intel event. AMD event(?) for RDNA2. (Oh, and the iPhone Apple.)
Which may suggest the iMac is waiting on those. eg. a 10 core low power cpu. A lower power RDNA1+. (With 6600M RDNA2 also possible as BTO.)
Will the iMac release in September with iPhone hogging the limelight? Or build inventory and release in October?
Hey....Apple I got an iPhone...and have zero urge to update it. It makes calls. *whoop.*
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