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When do you expect an iMac redesign?

  • 4rd quarter 2019

    Votes: 34 4.1%
  • 1st quarter 2020

    Votes: 23 2.8%
  • 2nd quarter 2020

    Votes: 119 14.5%
  • 3rd quarter 2020

    Votes: 131 15.9%
  • 4rd quarter 2020

    Votes: 172 20.9%
  • 2021 or later

    Votes: 343 41.7%

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Have you used PCs recently? If you think Apple computers are a joke, try a typical corporate PC. Abysmal screens, plastic, lacking ports (learned that from Apple), cheap, poor trackpads and keyboards that rangers from tolerable to nearly useless. Apple has always had less choices and usually high end. High end PC also cost money. Price/performance has always been in PC favour but not everything is about performance.

Let's see, AirPods Studio, watch bands, new coloured cases? one ever said PCs were perfect. :p

It will be new watch bands...or AirPods Studio...


Please Apple, just put this rumoured SoC in a Mac mini for me! The graphics power alone are worth the upgrade.


If they do...I might well be joining you as a Mac Mini customer.

12 cores. (the A12z 'Mac Mini' prototype Mac ARM only had 4 cores activated...underclocked...and still tonked the Intel Mac Mini in the demos.) Can you imagine an AS14 chip with 12 cores beaten on the Mac Pro entry model(?) and and graphics core that had the power of a Nv' 2060 gpu spanking the Intel iGPU *(stifles a laugh)?

'Wet dreams' start here!

In my dream this guy better not be lying like all the other false prophets.

False prophets...the bodies are piling up.

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If they do...I might well be joining you as a Mac Mini customer.

12 cores. (the A12z 'Mac Mini' prototype Mac ARM only had 4 cores activated...underclocked...and still tonked the Intel Mac Mini in the demos.) Can you imagine an AS14 chip with 12 cores beaten on the Mac Pro entry model(?) and and graphics core that had the power of a Nv' 2060 gpu spanking the Intel iGPU *(stifles a laugh)?

'Wet dreams' start here!
Woah, woah, woah. Hang on a second. The Mac mini dev kit only has 4 CPU cores activated? Blood hell. Bring on a 12 core SoC then! (8 high power, 4 energy efficient)

I really don't need anything more powerful than the current Mac mini tbh, although increased GPU would be nice ;) I really hope they don't reduce the Mac mini in size with a passively cooled SoC, and go full on with AS.
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I haven’t heard anything from Autodesk yet but I inquired at Nemetschek and they were hoping to have Vectorworks 2021 ready to run native on Apple silicon Macs by winter. Even so I’m planning on Getting one last intel Mac. Too many niche programs and plugins in my workflow.


I did buy a copy of Studio Max. I never really got into after a few tutorials. It seemed capable enough. Though their software was always pricey. And they never supported with Mac with Max.

Vectorworks. I've heard about them a few times. If they plan on being ready to go native on Apple Silicon by '21. That tells you something about them. I'd rather give them my money than Autodesk (who seem to want to hoover up the 3D market. Didn't they kill over Xsi after acquiring it?)

For an established workflow with all those outlier programs and plug just makes sense to get that Intel iMac and see out the transition.

Though the new Rosetta 2 seems to be far more advanced than the original. Some of the demos (and they are just that. Demos...) seemed far more capable than the original 'slow loading' Photoshop under the last transition. I had to feel a bit for Steve 'humming away' whilst waiting for it to load.

Woah, woah, woah. Hang on a second. The Mac mini dev kit only has 4 CPU cores activated? Blood hell. Bring on a 12 core SoC then! (8 high power, 4 energy efficient)

I really don't need anything more powerful than the current Mac mini tbh, although increased GPU would be nice ;) I really hope they don't reduce the Mac mini in size with a passively cooled SoC, and go full on with AS.

Yup. 4 cores. Underclocked. And you saw the demo's, gusping.

1080p smoother as butter, graphically lush gameplay.
3x4k video streams.
Maya's 10 million shaded polygons being thrown around the 'bed room.'
Multi-gig PS layered files being 'instanted' or super smoothed zooming.

That's the power of software. Tuned. To custom hardware. For the user experience.

8 HP cores. 4. LP cores. (And no doubt, they'll all be able to 'heave ho' if called for task.)

An AS Mac Mini with a 'passive on.' :D

followed by Blackmagic who decapitated both of them!!! DaVinci Resolve has come a long way and albeit a bit complex to understand, it truly is an outstanding piece of software. Everything within one application.

I have been tempted to try Affinity to see if I can replace photoshop. I don't understand why Adobe makes buggy updates to Photoshop. Or Pixelmator. I can see Affinity & Pixelmator embracing AS quickly than Adobe ever will. I'd rather pay $80AUD for Affinity if it is a seamless transition and allows me to do what I am currently doing in Photoshop. Only wish Affinity had a longer trial period.

I can't speak about DaVinci Resolve but I've heard of people liking it. I'll have to check it out.

I try to Fathom what people are actually doing that requires Photoshop. I loved version 4 and 7 which seemed 'perfect' to me. But after that. I couldn't see the point. And certainly not to rent it.

Doing drawing, painting, editing. Yes. It can do that. It 'standardised' the interface for that kind of work. But there are plenty of other apps that are compatible with it...cheaper, more technologically progressive or simply do the job better. (See Clip Studio if you're a comic artist. Or Painter if you're into natural media. Or Procreate on mobile. Explodingly fast tech', simple interface and an artist's studio of tools.)

If you've learned (speaking broadly) PS, you've pretty much learned every other painting app out there. Give or take the nuances of each program which will require muscle re-training for short cuts but many apps let you customise them to the PS ones these days. Or set your interface up similarly. (Painter's interface has become far more like PS. Clip Studio's is similar. Procreate's doesn't have to be. It's elegantly simple.)

Pixelmator Pro. Give them props for their latest attempt at image editing. It looks like they're trying to simplify power. They're very Mac like and adopt progressive Mac tech'.

The quicker people pay Affinity the modest sum for all three apps...the quicker they can learn something very powerful with the abundance of tutorials out there. And save a truckload of money. Whatever is 'essential and why I can't leave PS' and isn't in Affinity? Will probably be added to the apps real quick. I do like the Apps 'different' modes for certain editing tasks. It keeps the interface just that bit cleaner.

I'm very slow to learn new apps. But I found I was doing pretty much the same standard of work on Affinity Photo real quick. There's a tools palette to one side...and a layer's palette to the other. It's great to have real time filters and blistering speed and powerful tools to edit. For the price. (And they often have half price sales...) they were no brainers to pick up.

It can come down to preferences and work habits or even personal principles of the customer/corporate relationship or philosophy. I banished Adobe years ago. I just didn't like their attitude. And nothing hurts greedy corporations more than holding your wallet closed. Other people may give them rental mountains of money. But that's of little consequence to me.

I've got gouache, watercolours next to my drawing desk. A 'pencil'. Pieces of paper. I don't need Photoshop for that either. :)

PS was good. So is Painter 2020. (Though it doesn't feel optimised for Mac...) But they're not as good as they real thing.

Microsoft in 2013 = Matrick Mess......Microsoft now with Phil Spencer in charge of Xbox least there they are making consumer first decisions....we will see on July 23rd....but yea not sure about the rest of Microsoft.
I'd be able to get what I want on PC for $2,500 easily............I love Logic Pro 7 and I want to experience all the features and updates since 2007.......There are hundreds! :)

If it wasn't for Logic Pro X....I'd go with PC and another DAW.

I'm loathe to give M$ any credit. But. In fairness they are competing very strongly with Sony on the PS5 and other consoles past.

I had a guitarist friend who used...Cubase (was it?) on the PC. He seemed very happy with it. So, I would have thought the work flow could easily be replicated on the PC.

I'd be tempted to give Logic X a go for sound work. With Final Cut Pro? £600 for both? Seems like a no-brainer.

The new iMac better be good and affordable. Getting a comparable PC is much cheaper and powerful.

Give or take plastic vs iStale aluminium design.

There's only one reason I buy Macs; macOS.

The Apple hardware over the last 8-10 years has been a joke but I'm prepared to give Apple the chance to redeem itself with Apple SOC chips and hopefully the (finally) competitive hardware that could bring. If they mate macOS to exceptional hardware that offers cutting edge performance then I'll be very, very happy and I'll willingly pay the Apple tax for running the best OS.

Amen to that.

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I’m an Apple fan and have been for a long time but some of you guys think Apple is beyond any criticism .. sheesh


I used to subscribe to the notion of Apple as a 'family' under our great leader, Steve Jobs. (Still miss him.)

The whithering of the Mac on the vine was all I needed to know. Along with its glacial stasis. For high coin.

Making a pile of money doesn't absolve you from criticism. And just because Cook climbed on the back of Job's legacy to make 5 times the pile of cash from his iterative upsell and raising of prices to keep shareholders happy (leaving customers 2nd on the totem pole of product or value...) Charging customers more for stale iterations in Mac? Some might extend that criticism to phone and pad until recently. Hard not to capitalise on that road map left to him.

40-45 times more value than Dell...but couldn't beat them to 'infinity' bezels.

More innovative than M$. But the Surface Studio absolutely humiliated the Macbook Pro with it's crap keyboard and 'meh' touch strip.

To which the 'Sith Lord of Supply Chain' had no answer.

...and Apple are inching towards M$'s Surface homogeneity. (And yes. They'll do it better. See WWDC2020 for details.)

I guess Tim Apple is a quick study. Hopefully. We'll have that 'new' iMac design. Pending. It's due one.

So, Big Sur and AS. Redemption, then? Apple do have talented people working there and maybe the Mac as prodigal son will finally come home.

Mac has been waiting since? 1984.

Maybe if Tim had been running Intel they would have actually released a new CPU for the Mac Mini that didn't take four years to come to market. Or a new CPU for the iMac Pro that didn't take three years to come to market. :p

Those machines sat and rotted under Tim Cook's leadership. For the length of time they did. They can't pin that all on Intel.

The treatment of the flagship Mac Pro was an embarrassing joke and the treatment of that creative community insulting.

And the resultant answer. Leaves Mac users without a decent 'last year' mid-range GPU anywhere between £1250-£3000. (Or, if we like...£6k to get a low end gpu. And access to the 'bottom' rung...of an actual tower product.)

For those happy to pay more for such mediocrity, they can seek their own wallet and counsel.

Or a blank check.

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I made a twitter account a few weeks ago just to follow Apple leakers (and Elon Musk)... I know, I am addicted.

Join the club lol!!! I hope this guy is right!!! This coming Wednesday either I will be salvaiting over a new iMac or the bombshell that is about to explode on Bachelor Paradise Island. Either way I am in a for a treat!!!! 😂

@Azrael9 thanks but you write way too much for me to reply :)
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Join the club lol!!! I hope this guy is right!!! This coming Wednesday either I will be salvaiting over a new iMac or the bombshell that is about to explode on Bachelor Paradise Island. Either way I am in a for a treat!!!! 😂

@Azrael9 thanks but you write way too much for me to reply :)

I should behave myself... :p But all I want is a new iMac, Mr. Cook, Sir...cap in hand...(*Oliver Twist style.)

Bombshell: new iMac or Blake gets slapped by A.N Other guy or girl. Or will Hanna B get another chance to choose...after sifting through 30 guys that didn't make the cut. Decisions, goes your funny bone.

Unlike the people on Bachelor Paradise Island. (It's hotting up. I wonder what will happen tonight...the females inciting the male buffalo to riot..? Who is Blake going to kiss next? Which girl is going to complain about being left empty handed after chasing him? Which guy is going to get in a scrap with him on the sands of 'paradise.' Funny how no one is actually happy in 'Paradise...' A bit like the Mac creative community waiting for their affordable tower...)

It's not so far away from the jilted creative Mac community or waiting for the availability of the new iMac.

This account is the dirt worst. I have never seen it drop anything first, he is only repeating what other people say. Just now he dropped "there might be a surprise on Tuesday" wich is just a followup to L0vetodream tweet... but later on "he was right" i guess? - To me it seems like a pure mock account.

Like Chinese Whispers..?

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I did buy a copy of Studio Max. I never really got into after a few tutorials. It seemed capable enough. Though their software was always pricey. And they never supported with Mac with Max.

Vectorworks. I've heard about them a few times. If they plan on being ready to go native on Apple Silicon by '21. That tells you something about them. I'd rather give them my money than Autodesk (who seem to want to hoover up the 3D market. Didn't they kill over Xsi after acquiring it?)

For an established workflow with all those outlier programs and plug just makes sense to get that Intel iMac and see out the transition.

Though the new Rosetta 2 seems to be far more advanced than the original. Some of the demos (and they are just that. Demos...) seemed far more capable than the original 'slow loading' Photoshop under the last transition. I had to feel a bit for Steve 'humming away' whilst waiting for it to load.


Auto desk does seem to assimilate. Resistance was futile until Mini-Cad became Vectorworks and finally gave them a run for their money with CAD work. I use both (auto cad and vectorworks), as the entertainment industry relies on both. But increasingly firms, theaters and designers are switching to vectorworks because of cost (both are very expensive but auto cad is very VERY expensive) and teachability (vectorworks is far easier to learn say someeee).

BUT yes. Intel is my immediate future for a desktop. But an Apple silicon MacBook Pro wont be long (next yearishh) after and I’m excited for the increase in battery life that may come with that. Here’s hoping Tuesday morning I’ll be able to throw my wallet at my screen with reckless abandon.
Vectorworks seems to use OpenGL ...

Hope for you they are going to move the rendering to Metal.

I expected the 3D apps to get to Metal 'last' or much later.

There's plenty of Intel installed and another round of Intel Macs (well, iMac...) to come.

But sooner or later AS is going to force the issue on all devs who want to be on the Mac (with credibility and be taken seriously...) will have to grasp the Metal. (see what I did there?) And it will be a day long remembered. As we start to really see the performance gains we wanted as Mac owners. Ones worthy of the platform.

And not a moment too soon.

Auto desk does seem to assimilate. Resistance was futile until Mini-Cad became Vectorworks and finally gave them a run for their money with CAD work. I use both (auto cad and vectorworks), as the entertainment industry relies on both. But increasingly firms, theaters and designers are switching to vectorworks because of cost (both are very expensive but auto cad is very VERY expensive) and teachability (vectorworks is far easier to learn say someeee).

BUT yes. Intel is my immediate future for a desktop. But an Apple silicon MacBook Pro wont be long (next yearishh) after and I’m excited for the increase in battery life that may come with that. Here’s hoping Tuesday morning I’ll be able to throw my wallet at my screen with reckless abandon.
I use Fusion 360 for Mac and it work fine. Fusion 360 fits my humble needs quite well and it is free to use for university teachers. It even has built in support for CNC. I wonder if it will run under rosetta 2?

There was also a rumour about Fusion 360 over the web but it never materialise for iPads. Perhaps for AS Macs as it seem to work with Chrome browser on Mac.
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12 cores for the first Apple Silicon SoC has been rumored for some time now. What we don't know is what the distribution of performance (big) and power-saving (LITTLE) cores and how many GPU cores it will have.

For reference, the A12Z is 4 big, 4 LITTLE and 8 GPU.

Probably 8 big + 4 little.

I really hope its only for the MacBook Air or entry level Mini. I expect much more for iMacs and Pro MacBooks.
I really don't want the iMac next week. I really hope September or October is the real deal. Next week will bring compromises that I would rather not have whilst Fall will give us overall better deal. And seeing that is only 2-3 months away I think we can wait for a refresh that is worthy of the price tag.
So I'm with you on September :)

I've got the 20th of September... :p

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Probably 8 big + 4 little.

I really hope its only for the MacBook Air or entry level Mini. I expect much more for iMacs and Pro MacBooks.

Going by past history, as CWallace and others have mentioned in the past on this thread...and that the Macbook Air is a very good candidate to test the AS on. Why? Because the Air and the 12 inch Macbook 'thin' thing...were very so-so performers and why Apple is trying to get the hell off Intel. Hot bacon temperature when you try to do...well...anything. AS 12 core in an Air? The performance will be very dramatic. Imagine that potent iPad style hardware but even faster in a 'Mac' laptop. More performance. More battery time. It's going to be dramatic. And that's just the mediocre performer Apple will use to highlight the stark contrast. And with it being the consumer favourite? It will sell like hot cakes. As long as Apple don't up the price by 50%. :p

The last transition...Apple went for the consumer sales 1st. More sales. More £££.

The iMac and Macbooks cover probably...about 3/4s of all Mac sales.

So 'something like' Macbook Air and Macbook 'Pro' 13 inch (similar levels of 'consumer' laptop performance currently in intel terms...) could easily be done by this fall. This would cover the consumer laptop and lower 'pro' laptop form factors. And both 'consumer/lower pro' laptops done at the same time.

I'd expect iMac (desktop market...which is smaller...) to arrive a bit (not long) after in early '21. (The iMac 24 will be consumer desktop...with similar levels of performance to the laptops...except maybe the clocks tuned higher due to the available cooling/enclosure/desktop form factor.)

At that? The transition would be about 3/4s done. ie. All the consumer models complete.

The Mini? No reason that couldn't be lumped in with the iMac 24 update early next year. ie. Both consumer desktops done at the same time.

Apple can now tune their AS to form factors. So we'd expect their consumer AS to clock higher in a desktop.

But, it will be the 'same' AS14 '12' core cpu. 8 HP. 4 LP cores. Enough GPU cores to hurt a 2060 (I'm guessing...if the current A12z gpu is about the same as a 1060...) And that would be a revelation in consumer Mac silicon.

I really don't want the iMac next week. I really hope September or October is the real deal. Next week will bring compromises that I would rather not have whilst Fall will give us overall better deal. And seeing that is only 2-3 months away I think we can wait for a refresh that is worthy of the price tag.
So I'm with you on September :)

We've waited 'this long.'

So...I want the REAL deal. :p


I must be getting desperate...I keep speccing up PC systems on

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I really don't want the iMac next week. I really hope September or October is the real deal. Next week will bring compromises that I would rather not have whilst Fall will give us overall better deal. And seeing that is only 2-3 months away I think we can wait for a refresh that is worthy of the price tag.
So I'm with you on September :)

If it’s a spec bump intel now instead of September what’s the difference releasing it now? If it means a redesign for September, then sure sign me up.

but what if it’s a spec bump in the same old chassis released in September. I will be really unhappy I waited for that.
We don't know for sure yeah but I would rather have spec bump with RDNA2 than with RDNA1 (or +)
If this is the last Intel we get then it better be good otherwise I see no reason to buy at all. Especially at these prices.

If it’s a spec bump intel now instead of September what’s the difference releasing it now? If it means a redesign for September, then sure sign me up.

but what if it’s a spec bump in the same old chassis released in September. I will be really unhappy I waited for that.
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I really don't want the iMac next week. I really hope September or October is the real deal. Next week will bring compromises that I would rather not have whilst Fall will give us overall better deal. And seeing that is only 2-3 months away I think we can wait for a refresh that is worthy of the price tag.
So I'm with you on September :)
I would agree, but I’m one of those that really can’t wait any longer, and the idea of buying now when a refresh is imminent bugs me. That said, isn’t it possible we get an update this week and then they add RDNA2 or 1+ in the Fall as a BTO option? Best of both worlds?
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I would agree, but I’m one of those that really can’t wait any longer, and the idea of buying now when a refresh is imminent bugs me. That said, isn’t it possible we get an update this week and then they add RDNA2 or 1+ in the Fall as a BTO option? Best of both worlds?

This is the crucial difference between people buying because they actually need a machine and people buying for sport every now and than hyperventilating about next years tech and bezel size.
I would agree, but I’m one of those that really can’t wait any longer, and the idea of buying now when a refresh is imminent bugs me. That said, isn’t it possible we get an update this week and then they add RDNA2 or 1+ in the Fall as a BTO option? Best of both worlds?

Two key pieces of the puzzle are launching in September.

CPU: The 'leaked' (lower power 10 core model? Care of Geekbench and the videocardz link.)

GPU: RDNA1+ respin launching at the same time as the RDNA2 ('MAC' 6600M...) (Again, both are lower power options.)

Those are absolutely the kind of 'substantial' options rumoured months ago.

In terms of longevity of the iMac? Worth waiting for... For those who really want that Intel iMac to last and last. Cooler running components. These fit the bill.

So yes, best of both worlds. The 6600M 'could' be BTO. (Maybe an eye watering £800 BTO if it has that HBM. In which case they can keep it and I'd prefer a cheaper 5700XT.)

The launch could be imminent with the RDNA2 showing up later as a BTO.

We're what? 5 weeks off Sept'.

It's all 'soon.'

*looks at the sky.

If it’s a spec bump intel now instead of September what’s the difference releasing it now? If it means a redesign for September, then sure sign me up.

but what if it’s a spec bump in the same old chassis released in September. I will be really unhappy I waited for that.

I suspect it's down to power efficiency and heat of the components.

Two crucial ones. CPU and GPU.

The current options run very hot.

The incoming options are probably better. Enough for Apple to wait for.

We're what? 5 weeks off Sept'.

It's all 'soon.'

That's all well and good if it actually ships in September. I can wait a few months. But man...if there are delays, shortages on parts with how the world is now or delays because the demand is higher than expected it could technically push into October-November. If I was just using my computer for browsing the internet I wouldn't care to wait but with all the zoom meetings, design work and audio production I'm working on Apple is really putting me in a bad spot.

Just a few months from a new iMac release but I'm really feeling age on my 2010 i3 27". Literally the WORST time to need an iMac in history.

Also, I just have a really hard time believing they are going to announce an Intel iMac with new phones and tablets releasing. Anything is possible but it seems like a bad move. That's why I thought June/July was a sure shot. It's before the big push for AS, it will have some time to shine and sell on it's own with no competing products, then September for Mobile releases then AS focus in 2021. I just made, who the heck knows?

This is the last time I hold on to a computer this long. Should start looking while things are still going good rather than when it's critical.
The good news is I just bought a Samsung T7 2TB SSD External drive to move everything to. When I finally get a new Mac I'll have some good space to keep it clean of nonsense and It'll make for an easy transition. If I can't buy a new iMac now, I mine as well start getting everything else ready.
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