followed by Blackmagic who decapitated both of them!!! DaVinci Resolve has come a long way and albeit a bit complex to understand, it truly is an outstanding piece of software. Everything within one application.
I have been tempted to try Affinity to see if I can replace photoshop. I don't understand why Adobe makes buggy updates to Photoshop. Or Pixelmator. I can see Affinity & Pixelmator embracing AS quickly than Adobe ever will. I'd rather pay $80AUD for Affinity if it is a seamless transition and allows me to do what I am currently doing in Photoshop. Only wish Affinity had a longer trial period.
I can't speak about DaVinci Resolve but I've heard of people liking it. I'll have to check it out.
I try to Fathom what people are actually doing that requires Photoshop. I loved version 4 and 7 which seemed 'perfect' to me. But after that. I couldn't see the point. And certainly not to rent it.
Doing drawing, painting, editing. Yes. It can do that. It 'standardised' the interface for that kind of work. But there are plenty of other apps that are compatible with it...cheaper, more technologically progressive or simply do the job better. (See Clip Studio if you're a comic artist. Or Painter if you're into natural media. Or Procreate on mobile. Explodingly fast tech', simple interface and an artist's studio of tools.)
If you've learned (speaking broadly) PS, you've pretty much learned every other painting app out there. Give or take the nuances of each program which will require muscle re-training for short cuts but many apps let you customise them to the PS ones these days. Or set your interface up similarly. (Painter's interface has become far more like PS. Clip Studio's is similar. Procreate's doesn't have to be. It's elegantly simple.)
Pixelmator Pro. Give them props for their latest attempt at image editing. It looks like they're trying to simplify power. They're very Mac like and adopt progressive Mac tech'.
The quicker people pay Affinity the modest sum for all three apps...the quicker they can learn something very powerful with the abundance of tutorials out there. And save a truckload of money. Whatever is 'essential and why I can't leave PS' and isn't in Affinity? Will probably be added to the apps real quick. I do like the Apps 'different' modes for certain editing tasks. It keeps the interface just that bit cleaner.
I'm very slow to learn new apps. But I found I was doing pretty much the same standard of work on Affinity Photo real quick. There's a tools palette to one side...and a layer's palette to the other. It's great to have real time filters and blistering speed and powerful tools to edit. For the price. (And they often have half price sales...) they were no brainers to pick up.
It can come down to preferences and work habits or even personal principles of the customer/corporate relationship or philosophy. I banished Adobe years ago. I just didn't like their attitude. And nothing hurts greedy corporations more than holding your wallet closed. Other people may give them rental mountains of money. But that's of little consequence to me.
I've got gouache, watercolours next to my drawing desk. A 'pencil'. Pieces of paper. I don't need Photoshop for that either.
PS was good. So is Painter 2020. (Though it doesn't feel optimised for Mac...) But they're not as good as they real thing.
Microsoft in 2013 = Matrick Mess......Microsoft now with Phil Spencer in charge of Xbox least there they are making consumer first decisions....we will see on July 23rd....but yea not sure about the rest of Microsoft.
I'd be able to get what I want on PC for $2,500 easily............I love Logic Pro 7 and I want to experience all the features and updates since 2007.......There are hundreds!
If it wasn't for Logic Pro X....I'd go with PC and another DAW.
I'm loathe to give M$ any credit. But. In fairness they are competing very strongly with Sony on the PS5 and other consoles past.
I had a guitarist friend who used...Cubase (was it?) on the PC. He seemed very happy with it. So, I would have thought the work flow could easily be replicated on the PC.
I'd be tempted to give Logic X a go for sound work. With Final Cut Pro? £600 for both? Seems like a no-brainer.
The new iMac better be good and affordable. Getting a comparable PC is much cheaper and powerful.
Give or take plastic vs iStale aluminium design.
There's only one reason I buy Macs; macOS.
The Apple hardware over the last 8-10 years has been a joke but I'm prepared to give Apple the chance to redeem itself with Apple SOC chips and hopefully the (finally) competitive hardware that could bring. If they mate macOS to exceptional hardware that offers cutting edge performance then I'll be very, very happy and I'll willingly pay the Apple tax for running the best OS.
Amen to that.