@Azrael9 "Adobe can keep their 2nd rate rent ware in my books. I'm on the superior tech' of Affinity and I aint looking back."
The problem for creative professionals is that the Adobe suite is the industry accepted standard. For all is flaws it is still what is used in that market almost without exception. Yes the absurdly high price of a sub is crazy (but for pro's making a living out of it probably not) and it is certainly irritatingly bloated, but there is no alternative. The Affinity apps are fine for home use scenarios and have potential but they are not used professionally. I have tried Affinity apps and they are equally frustrating/irritating but yes, cheaper.
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I wish the pro graphics world
would move away from Adobe but just can't see that dominance change anytime soon. Maybe Apple should buyout Affinity and do a Final Cut job on Adobe?
Anyway, back to the iMac vapourware discussion...
I am being 'somewhat' harsh on Adobe. But their history on Mac and their rentware is somewhat abrasive and, funnily enough, I feel somewhat abrasive in return.
There was a time when a PowerMac and a copy of PS4 would only be pried from my cold, dead hands. (A dream set up...once upon a time...with system 7.5...)
Our view of 'truth' depends greatly upon our 'point of view.' Points of awareness having perceptual experiences. I'm less inclined to the 'group think' of any given aware. I guess I live with a lot of questions.
If you work for a creative company and they say you're using Photoshop. I guess you're going to use Photoshop if your boss/company tells you so.
Likewise. If the college maintains the 'postage stamp' concensus that the 'creative course' is using 'Photoshop'...then I guess the students are using Photoshop. (And the other Adobe apps? And all the £££ that goes with this...)
For independent business? Smaller shops? Single artists?
But there are alternatives now. And this has been the case for sometime, now. So in that sense, Photoshop is not the only 'standard' of 'good' software.
Many creative professionals, certainly individuals who can think for themselves and seek to wrench themselves from the high prices 'monopoly' 'standards' charge...have many alternatives. Most of these alternatives can 'write' to the PS file format. And compatibility is high. It's just an image format and some layers, folks.
And if you want to 'break free...' (and you're getting older...)
Then new software is always a 'pain' to use as we like the comfort of established workflows. Human beings are inherently lazy in many ways. Especially when you have to go through the 'adjustment' period of learning software. But fundamentally, most 'Photoshop' apps work the same way. It's not rocket science to learn something new.
Affinity's Apps. Used by an increasing number of professionals.

How many? How about 2 million of them? Technologically innovative. Fast. Powerful. Take advantage of the gpu. No subs. No rent. Great videos which can teach you just about anything you want to do image wise.
Clip Studio. A terrific drawing and inking app with sound painting capabilities. A comic book 'standard' that outstrips PS in many, many ways.
Painter 2020+. Natural media painting.
Procreate. The mobile graphics painting 'standard' which is the 'hot sex' of painting on a tablet.
I've seen plenty of work done on all these apps by professionals who have relegated Photoshop or cast it aside completely. They're the professionals who are creating their own paradigms.
I could go on...(please, Azrael...stop...we get it...mercy...no more...)
We have to be part of the solution if we want to break monopoly 'standards' and abuses. Our choices effect our reality. We accept or make change. That's part of the appeal of the Mac platform. Think Different?
The days of Photoshop being the only kid in town are over. Especially in the era of iPads, mobile power and more potent SoC tech'. The old Adobe and M$ hedgemoney have been cast aside by a myriad of solutions that got on the App' store 1st. And if they want to compete on AS Macs? They'll have to compete. As there are numerous other image apps and 'office' choices.
I'll be using eg. Affinity on my own professional project as a professional. I won't be held hostage to fortune on rentware. 2D or 3D or anything else wise.
The new kid is in town. Cheaper. Quicker. More seductive. More powerful..?
Learn....to use the power...of the dark side.