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macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
Nah, even with all of its faults, Windows is still the best solution.

Linux, you still need to monkey with settings, if something doesn't work, heaven help you.
MacOS, walled garden, less apps, very little game availability.

Yeah, nah...

  1. I have had Windows installations crash to the point of needing re-installation more than my installs of Linux and Mac combined.
  2. Windows is slower in everything I have installed and run, unless it is a Microsoft application like Word.
  3. MacOS does have fewer apps than Windows, but it does have all the major ones - MS Office, Adobe Suite, all the common browsers, all the common email clients, all the common programming environments like VS Studio, academic apps like SPSS, R, Anaconda, Mendeley, Mathematica, etc, etc, etc.
  4. Linux (Ubuntu Mate, specifically) is faster than the other two systems, up to 5 times than Windows in some situations. I have yet to have an installation of Ubuntu Mate or Linux Mint crash and burn on me.
  5. I'm not too sure what you mean by 'walled garden'. I can install any app designed to run on a mac, regardless of its origin, such as LibreOffice or LyX, which are both multi-platform apps. I am not limited to the App Store.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2010
San Diego
Running windows for years now with no real issues. Just put a new Mac Mini M2 Pro against my PC and the PC was much better with Windows 11. Window management is much better as well as accessibility such as font sizes for those of us that need bigger fonts! MacOS is nice but for day to day Windows works better for me and is much faster. I think you are still thinking about the Windows XP days as Windows 11 has been rock solid.
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macrumors member
May 20, 2021
"Claim your reward points now!"

*Disables annoying built in game bar notifications for Microsoft points*

Windows notification centre - "Claim your reward points now!"

Honestly as games are becoming more broken on release, combined with the general lack of innovation, I'm tempted to just lump Ubuntu on my PC and stick to coding and Indies.

The notification spam in addition to Microsoft wonderfully adding a desktop shortcut to Edge every time I update the OS is pushing me away very quickly. You can tell they're a company full of insecure business types. I'm literally using your OS, you should be grateful for that, leave me alone.


macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2010
San Diego
You must have some setting on because I've have zero spam for
many years. Also don't ever notice a new shortcut after an update.
If there was it would be literally a 3 second delete. Maybe opt out
of Microsoft points if you don't want to get spammed by them?


macrumors member
May 20, 2021
You must have some setting on because I've have zero spam for
many years. Also don't ever notice a new shortcut after an update.
If there was it would be literally a 3 second delete. Maybe opt out
of Microsoft points if you don't want to get spammed by them?
It's been a thing ever since updating to Windows 11 now that game bar is mandatory, on 10 I used to just disable it completely. I agree that it's very quick to delete a shortcut, however it's constant appearances on top of everything else is very much a case of death by a thousand cuts.

I used to have an Xbox years ago though, so that might definitely be the cause of Microsoft rewards spam. I'll look into it and hopefully turn it off for good, thank you for the suggestion :)


Aug 6, 2017
Cheney, WA, USA
Just updated a 4th gen Toshiba laptop to Windows 11 (made an image first) to learn it. Open up Settings | Accounts and right there is a 2.5” tall full width ad for Microsoft 365. Those ads are everywhere.


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2021
Using Windows 11 and expecting a clean ad free experience is like going to McDonalds expecting healthy food. It can't happen. When one goes to McDonalds, the mayo, the grease and the rest are part of the experience if you decide to eat there in the first place.
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Aug 6, 2017
Cheney, WA, USA
Using Windows 11 and expecting a clean ad free experience is like going to McDonalds expecting healthy food. It can't happen. When one goes to McDonalds, the mayo, the grease and the rest are part of the experience if you decide to eat there in the first place.
Took Windows 11 off last night; reversal took about 10 minutes.


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2021
Mind you, for proper emulation to ARM of older Windows apps on MAC, Windows 11 ARM is the only way to go, Windows 10 is not good at it.
There are guides online how to disable the Windows 11 telemetry and personally I haven't seen many ads on Windows 11 ARM and I do use it under Parallels. Still, it is Windows and whenever something happens that I don't like, I just acknowledge the fact that "It is Windows after all..." and move on.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2011
Where are people seeing all these adverts?

Maybe I've gone blind to them, but I use Windows for several hours each day and I can't remember seeing an advert.

I use Win 11 Pro. Are they only on Home editions perhaps?


Jun 17, 2022
i used to defend MS as it's often getting flacked wrongfully.
My private Windows 7 machine is actually fine, but our PCs at work, which are running on Windows 10 Pro are a ****ing annoyance to use recently, as pop up windows are coming up constantly to install/configure OneDrive, Teams and other needless stuff.
and not just once, but three times in a row when you're closing those nagging windows. every single time you open an app.
also crap like saving dialogs after you quit office apps even if you chose to discard unsaved changes right before that.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
I have a half-dozen systems running Windows 10 Home... none of them display ads or pop-ups.

But I don't run them out-of-the-box (defaults set when Win 10 is initially installed). I run a few tools to clean out the bloatware, rollback phone-home telemetry to a minimum, and have total control over when/if updates take place.

The default Win 10 install is so annoying that I kept my systems on Windows 7 and then "Windows 9" (Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro + Win 7-like theme, start menu, etc.) But once I tackled Win 10's annoyances, I actually enjoy using it now... the first time I've enjoyed using Windows since Win 7.

I'm looking to update a few of these systems to Win 11 but I'll first test these tools on a Win 11 VM first.

If anyone is interested in taming their Win 10/11 system in a similar manner, let me know and i can start a new thread and post step-by-step instructions to address those issues.

Expos of 1969

Aug 25, 2013
I have a half-dozen systems running Windows 10 Home... none of them display ads or pop-ups.

But I don't run them out-of-the-box (defaults set when Win 10 is initially installed). I run a few tools to clean out the bloatware, rollback phone-home telemetry to a minimum, and have total control over when/if updates take place.

The default Win 10 install is so annoying that I kept my systems on Windows 7 and then "Windows 9" (Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro + Win 7-like theme, start menu, etc.) But once I tackled Win 10's annoyances, I actually enjoy using it now... the first time I've enjoyed using Windows since Win 7.

I'm looking to update a few of these systems to Win 11 but I'll first test these tools on a Win 11 VM first.

If anyone is interested in taming their Win 10/11 system in a similar manner, let me know and i can start a new thread and post step-by-step instructions to address those issues.
If I paid a bit more for the Windows 11 Pro version for personal home use, would that basically get me where you end up after doing your magic on Windows Home?


macrumors 6502
Jan 17, 2021
If anyone is interested in taming their Win 10/11 system in a similar manner, let me know and i can start a new thread and post step-by-step instructions to address those issues.
Yes please.

My first moves on a new windows installation are to install firefox plus ublock origin, and then use that to download WPD. I can't remember the last time I saw an ad that wasn't actually part of a youtube video. I don't get excited about telemetry. Always interested in other approaches.


macrumors 68040
Mar 1, 2018
Somewhere between 0 and 1
"Pro" has became somewhat of a misnomer as of late. You do not have the same level of control on Windows 11 Pro as you did on Windows 7 Pro. What has remained of Pro is the name only. Now if you want the high level of control, your only option is Enterprise (which I believe you cannot buy unless you are a company or you go *cough cough* the other route).


Jun 17, 2022
Now if you want the high level of control, your only option is Enterprise (which I believe you cannot buy unless you are a company or you go *cough cough* the other route).

Oops, you’re right.
We have Win 10 Enterprise at work, not Pro.
But i don’t have any administrator rights so couldn’t change too much anyway


macrumors member
May 20, 2021
Another update, and another splash screen on reboot with Microsoft forcing attempting to make me use Edge, Bing, and subscribe to office/OneDrive.

It's both embarrassing and highly frustrating having to do this for every single Windows update. But hey, at least it didn't force that god awful Bing (BING!) bar onto my desktop again right?

As with my Pixel phone, every Windows/Android update pushes me closer to Apple's walled garden. If anything, those walls are set to crumble due to the various anticompetitive rulings, so I have no reason to not enjoy the garden.

I'd miss gaming for sure, but I could probably make do with a Series X/PS5, just be a bit of a waste on my new 1440/280hz monitor :/
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