The Cigar City was terrific, yes, it's an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

A little sweet, perfect malt balance but not heavy (it's a brown ale, not a porter), nice carbonation (that can be a little low on sweeter, richer beers), definitely got a little hint of raisin, the milk sugars are great (reminds me of a Left Hand), a nice cinnamon aroma and middle flavor, kind of a burnt oatmeal finish, really fun, very drinkable, would be great with a curry, maybe some BBQ with a spicy Datil sauce
Sierra Nevada makes one of my fave IPAs, Torpedo, this is like Torpedo X 10, it uses 7 different hops, and the complexity is crazy, pine, lots of citrus, a little "exotic" fruit in the background (it almost tastes like a fruit infused IPA, but it's all the hop mix). Not boozy at all, but a 9.6% ABV - I find beers with a really hoppy complexity hide the alcohol.