Secondly, a feature request 😀
The WOD app on the AW offers a way to graphically display running info such as pace, heart rate, power, etc. Considering the size of the AW display, it is sometimes quite difficult to extract useful info from such a graph, especially when you are running a race and you only have time to quickly glance on the display. During a race, I'm partically interested to see how my pace is evolving over time, and if I'm still close to my target pace: I'm basically doing this by monitoring my lap pace (1km autolap enabled) over time. Same for an intervals workout.
- In both cases, it could be highly interesting if there would be an option to display the lap (or interval) paces in graphical format: this would make it much easier to identify trends over time.
- Also, if the vertical axis would be limited to e.g. min pace -10% up to max pace +10% (limits tbd),
- One could even go 1 step further: show average pace as line on top, to quickly see when you have been running too fast or too slow, or even give laps a different color when they are outside the target pace range (e.g. green when faster than target, red when slower).
Obviously, same principles could apply also to heart rate, power, etc.
Maybe, all or some of this is already possible with the WOD app: the app offers so much flexibility that I'm sure that I have only explored a minor part of the functionality.