How do I view Watch App Analytics of my last run AFTER I have clicked done?
Been using this app regularly, and absolutely love it, but often I finish a run, and then second or minutes later is when Im interested in reminding myself what time I just recorded, or looking at splits, whilst walking back to car but...there’s seemingly no way of getting at the info again until I get back in range of my phone?
^^just fiddling with that, shouldn’t the “discard” button either have the same “1.5second” accidental touch protection that in-workout screen buttons do, OR have a “are you sure?” screen?
It seems too easy to discard, which is possibly why I’m tuned to hit done as soon as possible!
By the way, is there any info anywhere on what the POI feature is or how to use it?
I’ve created routes with waypoints in the ViewRanger app, but they don’t seem to get picked up as POIs.
I can’t work out how to create a I do it on the watch? Would be useful to open the “just a map” screen and drop a POI at current location to use to find way back to car after a run etc.
The app should display any waypoints in a GPX file as icons on the map. Please could you send the file to me at and I will investigate. Thanks.
I will be adding the ability to create POIs and navigate to them in a future version which will concentrate on the mapping and navigation aspects of the app.
Wow, if this app doesn't make you "Rich & Famous", you should check into employment at Garmin, they could use someone with programming experience to do just what you're doing with WorkOutDoors for their fenix series! LOL Thanks again for a great app.
App Store review done ...
In french ;-)
Great app but I’m having trouble on my paddles with the watch app stopping mid paddle. Any suggestions? I’m on the latest version with Apple Watch 4
Glad you like the app but sorry it is doing strange things. When you say that it stops do you mean that it crashes, pauses or seizes up? It looks fine in the screenshot - is that after it has stopped working or before?
Can you use it at all, for instance can you pan the map, or force press the screen to get a menu? Although I guess it is difficult to do much when the screen is wet.
Sorry about this. I haven't heard of it just stopping, but hopefully we can work out what is causing it.
Thanks for responding!
no the app appeared to be working fine while I was paddling but it did not transfer the information up to the iPhone. It’s as if the data was only partially transmitted. Otherwise it worked fine when I looked at it during my paddle
I’ll give a a try! Thanks for your time. It’s a great app!When you say it was partially transmitted, did the workout appear in the Health app but not in the WorkOutDoors app? It could be that there was a problem with the watch app installation that prevents workouts being sent back to the app. This seems to happen sometimes since watchOS 5 was released.
Sorry about that. It is usually fixed by reinstalling the watch app. To do this please uninstall the watch app (not the iPhone app); reboot both watch and phone; and reinstall the watch app. This will not recover that workout, but hopefully it will not happen again.
@cfc I am very interested in this app, especially the ability to import a GPX file for my trail runs. I have been using iSmoothRun and getting lost.
I also do interval sessions, which leads onto my question. Are you able to programme an interval session, say 30 sec Zone 3, active recover for 2 minutes, and repeat 10 times?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Edit* just read this whole thread and seems like it is high on your ‘to-do’ list. Any idea on approx timescales?
I am adding Intervals at the moment, along with a few other features. I hope to release a beta version to testers before Xmas, but it depends on how development goes. And then the timing of the release to the App Store will depend on how the testing goes. If I had to guess then probably in about 2 months from now, but I wouldn't like to commit to that.
In the meantime some users run Intervals Pro at the same time. It has a setting that doesn't involve running a workout so it can provide the alerts whilst WorkOutDoors does the rest. Using two apps at once is obviously not as convenient as an integrated system, but may be ok as a temporary workaround.
I waited a few more runs to be sure but it seems one field is no longer doing the job.
One of my custom screen for my runs features the "previous pace" for my last km.
Not sure if timing is right, but this feature was working until the last update (a few days ago).
Now I just have the dashes (see picture).
Just a quick note too. At the end of a run, the summary page doesn't show the total distance.
Sorry about that. Both those fields are working when I test them now, so we need to work out what is different about how you are using the app that is highlighting the issues.
Have you got auto-laps switched on (which it is by default) or manual laps? The "Previous Pace" field is the pace on the previous lap and will be blank if there are no previous laps. If you do not use laps then you may want to try one of the "Rolling Pace" fields, which show the pace over a previous configurable period (such as the last km).
Is the summary page without the distance the one on the watch or the iPhone? If it was on the watch then is it also blank on the iPhone? And what was it showing instead of the distance? Was it blank, zero, or dashes?
Sorry to ask so many questions but hopefully they will help us to diagnose the problems.
@cfc I am very interested in this app, especially the ability to import a GPX file for my trail runs. I have been using iSmoothRun and getting lost.
I also do interval sessions, which leads onto my question. Are you able to programme an interval session, say 30 sec Zone 3, active recover for 2 minutes, and repeat 10 times?
Look forward to hearing from you.
Edit* just read this whole thread and seems like it is high on your ‘to-do’ list. Any idea on approx timescales?