Hi there !
Sorry if some of those topics have been covered already !!
May be I just need to be educated on this

I have a consistent data discrepancy between the summary of WOD at the end of a run, and what Strava and Garmin Connect are making out of the data. I do understand that they run their own algorithm and whatever it does, it shrunk the distance and the time.
Summary: for each of my runs, I always "loose" 100m to 200m.
Here is one example :
- WOD 10.12km, 48:11 (
is it moving time or elapsed time ?).
- direct upload from WOD to Strava : Strava distance 9.99km, 47:51 (moving) 48:26 (elapsed).
- Exporting GPX from WOD and upload to Garmin. Garmin Connect 9.99km, 47:59 (moving) 48:21 (elapsed).
When I look at the route traced on the map, it is exactly all the same on all three, including starting and finish point.
Intelligent Distance is set by default at "on".
The next topic is not exclusive to WOD and this is not a complain, more like a funny observation.
About the all "countdown" thing before the start of a workout, this is new to me. I never saw this until I got an Apple Watch. It is used by WOD, Apple native app and even Nike run App. Way back we had the simple stopwatches with, as main feature, a start/stop button.
"You are ready ? Yes. Well ok I press start and off you go".
Why should I wait for a countdown after I press start. Pressing start, means I'm ready

Over time even the most advanced sport devices kept a simple start/button. You just make sure your device has the time for GPS lock and off you press start.
Is the simple start/stop button dead

I wanted to have a "start" button, instead of waiting for the "countdown". Found the way around by "removing" the countdown. Although a big"er" start button would be a nice feature (or actually, just something that says "start" on it).
Racers don't usually watch their screen before a start, just having the finger ready to press on the "so called and now dead" "start button" lol. On WOD it is the thin yellow band to start the "running" activity, could easily be missed.
Ok I'm done, thanks for listening ...
PS: interesting conversation on the race feature, with distance autocorrect, I have been reading ...