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lol I think I’m using the oldest iPad as a daily in here. Launch day original iPad Air.

Yeah I’m hoping for an update this June .
Dayumn. Forget the pro and go for the 329 version. It’ll be like revving a ferrari after 8 years of driving a yugo.
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I would wager that most likely they will announce if not it will be september...they will probably once again focus on the iphone we need another one !! Make some computers for a change apple !!
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Last year we had that patent leak on 29 May. We should get a glimpse of at least something considering this is a whole new design.
It isn’t gaurenteed a new design. People just started making assumptions that the iPads would become redesigned. I don’t personally see it happening as the current designs are relatively bullet proof. If anything they should give the 12.9” model the slimmer bezels the 10.5” received last year.
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It isn’t gaurenteed a new design. People just started making assumptions that the iPads would become redesigned. I don’t personally see it happening as the current designs are relatively bullet proof. If anything they should give the 12.9” model the slimmer bezels the 10.5” received last year.
It'll happen eventually though. It's not entirely based on assumptions. There were credible rumors of an 'X' style iPad with FaceId. Horizontal FaceId authentication as well. The only question is timing but you raise an interesting point. Perhaps same body for now, slim down the bezels on the 12.9 (would that need a new keyboard?), internal processor upgrade and then the ipad 'X' whenever they're ready, maybe even next year.

My absolutely non insider info is an iPhone 2017 type of release. The old models stay and look the same, with beefed up cameras and processors. There will be a limited edition, expensive edge to edge iPad X with a chassis and screen size somewhere between 10.5 and 12.9 for this year, with all the models slowly transitioning over in time.
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There’s no information on A11X at the moment.

If in the next two days there isn’t any new rumors then I would say it’s October.

Yearly upgrades don’t really work for the iPads, more likely to get one with an A12X October/March 19 now.

The 12.9” definitely needs a redesign so we’d have heard about that by now imo. It’s weight is the only reason I opted for the 10.5” this time around.
Is Apple focusing too much on the iPhone now? Will they delay the upgrade of IPP and MBP until the union in 2020?
Is Apple focusing too much on the iPhone now? Will they delay the upgrade of IPP and MBP until the union in 2020?

Given that they are now releasing 3 models this year, you could think so. Heck, if they release an SE, that would be 4 models this year.

I guess until it stops selling so well, they might as well.

For me personally, this will probably be the first year I don’t upgrade my one year old phone since I bought the iPhone 6. Simply because I’m expecting the upgrades this year will focus on the ‘plus’ sized phone and/or the cheap X. But that’s a whole other topic.

I think 2020 is a bit extreme though, there’ll be a new iPad out with an A12x sometime in the next 10 months, I just don’t think ones coming in the next couple of weeks.

I actually think it makes sense that Apple might take this WWDC to focus on the Mac - with all the negative press the MacBooks have been getting lately...
On the one hand, leaks could be rare because of the new enforcement of Apple's policy concerning leaks. On the other hand, I think it's too early for them to throw a new iPhone-X-lookalike iPad on the market, as they dominate the tablet market anyway.
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Leaks have only increased in recently years. Especially when there is a major form factor change.
Really? I must have missed that. Wow.
The email about leaks was ... leaked. yep. Jail time. Subtle threat to blacklist leakers from the entire tech industry. Definite motivation not to leak anymore.

Sometimes I wonder if they had a hand in Ming Kuo Cho leaving his job. It was pretty obvious he was bribing people in China for supply chain info. Definite clampdown here. That’s why I’m not too fussed about the lack of leaks. Still kinda think there’s a surprise in store. There’s sales on IPP and MBP all over the place. Zav just announced a 50% sale on every case for both IPP sizes. Sounds like they know a new chassis design is in the Pipeline.
I believe Kuo said the opposite... I believe he said something like we should expect iPPs this WWDC.
Do you have a link to when he said what you are saying he did? :)

Yep. Either WWDC or a month after is what I remember before he changed jobs.
On the one hand, leaks could be rare because of the new enforcement of Apple's policy concerning leaks. On the other hand, I think it's too early for them to throw a new iPhone-X-lookalike iPad on the market, as they dominate the tablet market anyway.
That's not saying much though considering the email which told employees of the consequences leaked. There is no way Apple can stop the blurry images coming in from Foxconn in China
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I believe Kuo said the opposite... I believe he said something like we should expect iPPs this WWDC.
Do you have a link to when he said what you are saying he did? :)

Yep. Either WWDC or a month after is what I remember before he changed jobs.
Kuo said "around" 2018 Q3:
  • Ming-Chi Kuo (March 23, 2018): “Apple will begin shipping new iPad Pro models with TrueDepth camera systems during the ‘around’ the third quarter of 2018
And AFAIK that was Kuo's only release date prediction more specific than 1 year.
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I believe Kuo said the opposite... I believe he said something like we should expect iPPs this WWDC.
Do you have a link to when he said what you are saying he did? :)

Quote here:

Kuo believes 9.7-inch iPad shipments will account for more than 70 percent of all iPad shipments in 2018, which will have a positive impact on Apple Pencil shipments. He expects Apple will begin shipping new iPad Pro models with TrueDepth camera systems during the "around" the third quarter of 2018, which suggests a September debut.

Link to article here:
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Apple are milking some specific industries (like airliners) with iPad mini 4. I think it would be time to let it go, and introduce iPad Pro 8 (as 8.2") with even higher price. FaceID wouldn't be very useful for pilots, so that feature is not in need to rush in.

iPad Pro 8 @ WWDC 2018:
- 8.2" OLED ProMotion
- A11 with 3GB ram
- Pencil support
- TouchID 2
- Same camera from iPhone 8
- IP 67

No other updates for iPad Pro lineup this time. The rest will get their updates in fall.
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