July 1st is going to be an extra special great day for us all on this thread. Jony Ive is getting his "so called promotion". Good luck to him. Hopefully, it will be good riddance for his input in OS X and iOS. Well, I surely hope so.
Ah ok. I thought those were post numbers, not thread numbersHeheh. Not 2005, both are current. The two larger numbers are, of course, topics. I'm playing along with Apple's pretence that a URL is an acceptable substitute for a title.
Less obscurely, in an Apple world, the MacRumors Forums title for this topic is Yosemite-looks-terrible.1751546 -- I don't like long URLs, but it might help with orientation in some types of browser.
The Apple Developer Forums title for discussion of a feature of an operating system is 5275. In an Apple world where URLs are titles. Welcome to the future.
… other ways of seeing the full page title (such as hovering over a tab).
However, if the absence of a title bar bothers you that much, simply use Firefox with it enabled.
"… generally narrower but taller …"
A roundup
There are many annoying things in Yosemite, most if not all of those things are already in (or linked from) this topic.
Personally, with https://appleseed.apple.com/sp/welcome as my starting point, in particular:
"We want to collect feedback from our customers to improve the overall quality of our products"
– the appearance of prerelease Yosemite fell far below the quality, below the standards that I had learnt to expect from Apple.
So deeply substandard, with little or no hope of a pleasing appearance, that I withdrew from testing and lost faith in the abilities of the overseers who were ultimately responsible for a displeasing milestone release. The rest is history. For the record, I can not fault the seed team.
Web browsers
Amongst my key phrases: at-a-glance.
That's a move of the pointer, then a wait, then a glance at the title.
If Yosemite were the only operating system, I would prefer OmniWeb. https://forums.macrumors.com/posts/19487265 for a partial explanation. Plus I have thousands of .webarchive files that Firefox can not open, and so on.
Other topics with consideration of alternatives to Safari 8 include:
(Apologies to people who have seen those before.)
- https://forums.macrumors.com/posts/19540193 and other posts under The value of addresses/locations/paths/URLs in Safari, and of title bars in general (2014-07-26)
- https://forums.macrumors.com/posts/21502068 and other posts under Non OS X Alternatives to OS X Yosemite (2014-12-20).
Zooming in on San Francisco on a non-Retina display. The typeface is just a tiny bit lighter, but there's a little more neutral space between characters. This helps somewhat with readability [by Andrew Cunningham].
In all the non-retina screenshots I've seen SF looks much more readable than Helvetica in Yosemite. Thinner doesn't necessarily mean harder to read – SF appears to be hinted better than Helvetica.I have concerns with the San Francisco font appearing lighter than Helvetica Neue. That's what I've noticed with the El Cap screenshots I've seen to date on MacRumors and other sites. Apple might as well offer a bold option like they did in iOS 7, but that may not be possible to do in OS X. I do understand this is the first betas, and hopefully the San Francisco font gets darker in weight.
Etan, your posts are always spot on and interesting.
Yosemite is simply a reflection of Apples preferences as a mobile focused gadget / smartphone maker that just happens to build a line of computers. Convergence between iOS and OS X seems to be the direction their headed like it or not. It's no worse then any other change they make primarily for profit.
Very true, sadly.Yosemite is simply a reflection of Apples preferences as a mobile focused gadget / smartphone maker that just happens to build a line of computers. Convergence between iOS and OS X seems to be the direction their headed like it or not. It's no worse then any other change they make primarily for profit.
… Ars Technica's massive and glowing review at the introduction of Yosemite …
I think it's time to close this thread. It serves no purpose. Apple is not going to change the UI back to the dated pre-Yosemite theme.
I think it's time to close this thread. It serves no purpose. Apple is not going to change the UI back to the dated pre-Yosemite theme.
I spent the last 2 days being stuck having to use a Yosemite system. I always brushed off the complaints about sticking the web address right in the title bar, or I suppose conversely getting rid of the title bar, probably because I never used Yosemite long enough to be irritated by it, but good lord, is that ever annoying! By habit I just tend to grab the top of the window and move it but now I do this and I'm right in the middle of a web entry field, frequently modifying entries I had no intention of navigating, and finding I have to go out of my way just to move a window around. It's almost as if someone sat down and said, "How best can we annoy people."
On top of that, the user who installed this did this against my recommendations. I told her she might have network problems because she connects wirelessly and Yosemite is known for them, and guess what? She has wireless connectivity problems. I asked her why she did this and she told me that another "expert" who just happens to be an elementary school teacher told her it was awesome. Why should anyone listen to the advice of an Apple certified consultant when they can get sound advice from someone specializing in grades 1-4? On top of all that, somehow or other Yosemite managed to wipe out her contacts and a bunch of other information when syncing between iOS 8 and Yosemite. She contacted the local Apple store and wanted this fixed ASAP, but they couldn't give her an appointment for 4 days!! She said normally appointments could be made on the same day or the next day. Gee….I wonder what's causing that!
I look at it this way: The cartoonish appearance of the OS does its quality justice!
That's a harsh judgement on Yosemite, no doubt fully justified. I began to download Yosemite but when I saw it would take 8 hours with my otherwise perfectly adequate ADSL line I aborted the download.
I guess I am happy with Mountain Lion. If and when I get a new computer I will have to consider more carefully between Mac and Microsoft. So in that sense I've learned a lot from this thread.You are very lucky!
I guess I am happy with Mountain Lion. If and when I get a new computer I will have to consider more carefully between Mac and Microsoft. So in that sense I've learned a lot from this thread.